2022年のAIトレンドトップ5 Top 5 AI Trends in 2022
AI-Powered Future: 5 Trends to Watch
Posted by Mahipal Nehra at 29 Nov, 2021 Web
わたしのnoteにおいては、最新の科学・経済・社会等の問題に関して、英語の記事を引用し、その英文が読み易いように加工し、英語の勉強ツールと最新情報収集ツールとしてご利用頂くことをmain missionとさせて頂きます。勿論、私論を書かせて頂くこともしばしです。
AIは、短期的視点と長期的視点からの考察が必要であるが、AIの意義や問題点を考察する前に、現実には、どんどんと幅広い領域で利用され、猛烈な速度で進化しているのが実態である。singularity (AIが人間の知能を凌駕する特異点)の議論も最近は下火になっているように感じます。実利最優先で動いているのが実態だと思います。
Top 5 AI Trends in 2022. Artificial intelligence is fast becoming a technology that’s growing in popularity across many industries. From medical diagnostic systems to consumer electronics and smart personal assistants. It’s a technology to be observant (watchしておく/əbzə́ːrvənt) of and for some businesses, to implement where necessary. Is AI the future of technology? In this article, we’ll explain what artificial technology is and five of the trends to look out for.
<What is artificial intelligence?>
According to Semrush’s findings, only 7% of companies don’t use AI but are looking into it for the future. Artificial intelligence simulates human intelligence processes via machines. These computer systems essentially deliver the same services [that a human being what do] but they are typically a lot faster and more effective. Specific applications of AI can include expert systems, speech recognition and machine vision. There are four types of artificial intelligence. These are reactive machines, theory of mind, self-awareness and limited memory.
①Reactive machines - These are purely reactive. They have no ability to form memories or use past experience to help inform current decisions.
②Limited memory - This type of AI can look somewhat into the past. A lot of self-driving cars already have this in place. However, these pieces of information that they hold aren’t saved as experience for the cars.
③Theory of mind - This is the more advanced of artificial technologies. It’s the most advanced in understanding the behaviors of human beings, which is a step towards AI systems walking amongst us.
④Self-awareness - At this stage of AI development, it’s forming representations about the system itself. It’s likely the one that changes the landscape of AI technology and the world as we see it. If machines have the ability to think and feel like human beings do, could they live amongst us?
<A brief overview of AI influence on the market>
AI technology is said to enhance business productivity up to 40%, according to Accenture and 41% of consumers surveyed by Strategy Analytics believe that [AI will improve their lives in some way]. The AI market is certainly growing and more of this technology is being used across a variety of industries to innovate and transform processes for the better. For some businesses, it’s about creating products that are elevated from previous models. For other businesses, it’s about speeding up work processes or making the work environment safer for its employees. The research and investment going into AI technology are continuing to grow, with $29.5 billion (2.95兆ドル) being poured into AI startups as of 2021. It’s clearly a hot topic on everyone’s lips.
<Five trends to watch for in AI>
Top 5 Artificial Intelligence Trends in 2022. So what trends should you be looking out for when it comes to artificial intelligence? As we approach the end of the year, we’ve put together five trends to look out for (~に目配りをする、~に気を配る、~に注意する) when it comes to AI technology. This is not just specific types of applications but how some are being developed and used.
1. Growing investment in this field of technology
For a lot of businesses, pumping money into the field of AI technology is one that could be highly rewarding. Whether it’s to speed up work processes in day-to-day activities to change the products of tomorrow, artificial intelligence is seeping into (入り込む) many aspects of our lives. There are a lot of AI tools that have benefited from learning-machine technology. Whether you want to validate an email address in jquery ( jQuery(ジェイクエリー)は、ウェブブラウザ用のJavaScriptコードをより容易に記述できるようにするために設計されたJavaScriptライブラリである。) to use a tool like Pytorch ( PyTorchは、コンピュータビジョンや自然言語処理で利用されているTorch(英語版)を元に作られた、Pythonのオープンソースの機械学習ライブラリである。) that helps accelerate the process of research to prototyping, in production deployment (配置、展開). According to ResearchandMarkets.com, the global AI market is expected to grow from $51 billion (5.1兆ドル) in 2021 to around $171 billion (17.1兆ドル) in 2025. Many businesses see this technology as being an opportunity to surpass their competition, perform better and produce more data. This addition of data helps to continually improve the system’s performance.
2. Increased use of AI in cybersecurity
Cybersecurity has become a concern that’s grown increasingly since the pandemic. With more people working from home, that means a lot of businesses and their networks are more vulnerable to being compromised. Not every business was prepared to operate remotely either. Malware and web-based attacks are two of the most costly attack types with companies spending on average around $2.4 million in defense in the US alone. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are being incorporated into cybersecurity systems in both corporate businesses and for home security too. AI technology can contribute to tackling the growing and evolving threats of malware, ransomware and other attacks. They can also be employed in order to help identify threats, as well as earlier threats too. There are many AI-powered cybersecurity tools that businesses are choosing to invest in, whilst many homeowners are opting for AI home security systems. For home security systems, they learn the habits and preferences (好み、優先傾向/préfərəns) of the homeowners in order to improve their ability to identify any intruders that walk into the premises (敷地).
3. Robots for face-to-face and online customer services
A development that many consumers are seeing themselves are robots helping them with face-to-face or online customer services. For the travel and hospitality agency, there’s more of these robots, especially for checking in and out of a hotel for example. An agency for corporate travel like TravelPerk is one of many to see a significant change in how robots are becoming the norm for many customer interactions. In London Heathrow, there are robots that guide passengers to the terminals. There are also hotels that are fully staffed by multi-lingual robots that are used for greeting guests when they arrive and checking them out when they leave. The very first to do this in the world was the Henn-Na Hotel in Nagaski. One feature that you may be seeing frequently when browsing online are robots for live web chat. Of course, they may not be as knowledgeable as humans but they can certainly help provide answers to some questions that customers may have. A lot of companies will use these AI robots in order to provide a service out of hours. There are many businesses that need this additional service so that they’re able to convert (転向させる/kənvə́ːrt ) more customers who may be needing solutions to their problems, regardless of the time or day.
4. Maintains and assists artificial intelligence engineering
When AI systems and machine learning models have been deployed, there’s a challenge that comes from system maintainability. A lot of businesses have found that having a proper AI engineering strategy in place can help improve the performance of AI models and systems, as well as the scalability potential. After all, many of the organizations that invest in AI, want to see a return on their investment. Developing an AI engineering process that is disciplined is essential to helping provide success and the returns that companies need when spending their money in this area of technology.
5. Development in creative AI and autonomous vehicles
There are many developments happening in both the creative industries and for the motor industry. For the motor industry, the world is moving closer to autonomous vehicles that might hopefully make it easier for those driving to get from A to B with very little effort on their part. AI technology is contributing to a car’s ability to self-drive. The sensors used with this technology can gather data about their surroundings in order to navigate the road in front of it without the assistance of a human behind the wheel. This machine learning in the automotive industry uses a mixture of algorithms that overlap with one another to avoid danger and minimizes failure. They can interpret road signs, identify lanes and crossroads. AI is also making a lot of progress in the creative industries too. For the music industry in particular, the use of artificial intelligence has helped create pop ballads and mimicked the artistic style of painters. Researchers of AI have only scratched (傷をつける、引っかく、書き殴る、走り書きする) the surface when it comes to what’s possible with AI technology. An example of a tool that’s helping the creative industries is Murf. Their AI voice generator can help create voiceovers (ナレーターの声、吹替、声優の声) in minutes and can be used for podcasts, videos and even within your company presentations.
Tools to help incorporate AI technology into your business
With AI being so popular, a lot of tools and software have been developed as a result. There are some great options out there, whether you’re looking for something to use in the workplace or in your general day-to-day life.
Amazon Alexa for smart home assistance
Smart homes are becoming the norm in society and technology is having a helping hand with that. Amazon Alexa for example uses AI technology to provide assistance around the home. It earns the habits and behaviors of the users to deliver a more personalized experience. These home devices are affordable and simply require a WIFI connection to work. They also link up to the mobile app version of Alexa for further customization. You may also see more of Amazon Alexa going beyond just the devices they were originally intended for. There are kitchen appliances like coffee machines for example, that now have the smart assistant fitted into them. As AI technology expands and develops, so too does the wealth of tools, software and products. Artificial intelligence is doing a lot to enhance the world around us in many ways. These are just a handful of tools that are benefiting from AI technology.
Be sure to jump on the AI bandwagon
There’s a lot that artificial intelligence can offer when it comes to both the home and for business use. It’s worthwhile to incorporate it into your routine or processes as it becomes a technology that will be used increasingly in the future.