[仮想の器・3次元表示 のための、断面画像を生成する], Python(パイソン) 使って作ってみた ,ソースプログラムリスト あり
Python(パイソン) プログラム作ってみた インデックス へ
2024.9.21 presented in [note] ( //note.com/runningWater/ )
2024.9.21 プログラム改変に伴う、書き直しを行った
1 はじめに
このプログラムは、Python(パイソン) 言語を使って、記述されている。
2 どのようなものを作ったのか
[断面画像を重ね合わせて、物体を3次元表示], Python(パイソン) 使って作ってみた ,ソースプログラムリスト あり
[[断面画像を重ね合わせて、物体を3次元表示], Python(パイソン) 使って作ってみた ,ソースプログラムリスト あり] モジュール
3 発想
3 このモジュール群の構成
[ StartProcess ]
[ MakeImageDatas ]
[ Prepare ]
[ DetectCurveInImageData ]
[ OneObject ]
[画像中の、特定の色で塗りつぶされている部分の、境界部分の位置座標を、検出し、それを、テキストファイルに出力する] , Python(パイソン) 使って作ってみた ,ソースプログラムリスト あり
[[画像処理, OpenCV2 使用] を 行う, 機能追加版, 多角形(内部ぬりつぶし)描画機能を追加] , Python(パイソン) 使って作ってみた ,ソースプログラムリスト あり
[テキストデータ を処理する] ためのクラス, Python(パイソン) 使って作ってみた ,ソースプログラムリスト あり
Python(パイソン) ,ソースプログラムリスト あり ,プログラム作ってみた ,[エラー処理] を 行う
4 [ StartProcess モジュール]
ファイル名 [ StartProcess.py ]
import MakeImageDatas
MODULE_NAME = "StartProcess"
FUNCTION_NAME = "start_process"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + FUNCTION_NAME )
print ( "process started" )
print ( "==================================" )
MakeImageDatas.make_ImageDatas ( )
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + FUNCTION_NAME )
print ( "process terminated" )
print ( "==================================" )
5 [ MakeImageDatas モジュール]
ファイル名 [ MakeImageDatas.py ]
#import sys
import time
import Prepare
import OneObject
import ImageDataTwoDimensionHandlingV3
MODULE_NAME = "MakeImageDatas"
global_from_Z = 1
global_to_Z = 90
global_detecting_angle_degree_incliment_for_CrossSectionalView = 0.25
global_detecting_line_length_incliment_for_CrossSectionalView = 1.0
global_center_of_Object_location_x = 0
global_center_of_Object_location_y = 0
global_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_BasicImage = ""
global_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic = " "
global_Part_2_of_abs_path_of_ImageData_output = " "
global_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_1 = " "
def make_ImageDatas ( ) :
function_name = "make_ImageDatas"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "==================================" )
id_of_Object = 1
list_of_path = Prepare \
.make_path_list ( id_of_Object )
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "passed : phase 1" )
print ( "==================================" )
global global_from_Z
global global_to_Z
Prepare \
.make_SectionImageData_of_initial_status ( \
list_of_path [ 0 ] # arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic
, list_of_path [ 6 ] # arg_Part_1_of_abs_path_of_ImageData_output
, list_of_path [ 7 ] #arg_Part_2_of_abs_path_of_ImageData_outpu
, global_from_Z
, global_to_Z
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "passed : phase 2" )
print ( "==================================" )
ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_BasicImage = \
ImageDataTwoDimensionHandlingV3 \
.ImageDataTwoDimensionHandlingV3 ( MODULE_NAME , function_name )
ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_BasicImage \
.load_image_data ( \
, function_name
, list_of_path [ 0 ] # abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic
width_of_ImageData_Basic = \
ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_BasicImage \
.get_width_of_ImageData ( )
height_of_ImageData_Basic = \
ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_BasicImage \
.get_height_of_ImageData ( )
global global_center_of_Object_location_x
global global_center_of_Object_location_y
global_center_of_Object_location_x \
= int ( width_of_ImageData_Basic / 2.0 )
global_center_of_Object_location_y \
= int ( height_of_ImageData_Basic / 2.0 )
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "passed : phase 3" )
print ( "global_center_of_Object_location_x = " , \
global_center_of_Object_location_x )
print ( "global_center_of_Object_location_y = " , \
global_center_of_Object_location_y )
print ( "==================================" )
ins_OneObject = make_OneObject ( )
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "start : phase 4" )
print ( "==================================" )
ins_OneObject \
.vary_ImageData_for_all_z (
MODULE_NAME # arg_requester_module
, function_name # arg_requester_function
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "==================================" )
def make_OneObject ( ) :
function_name = "make_OneObject"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "==================================" )
global global_from_Z
global global_to_Z
global global_number_of_Object
list_center_of_Object_location = [ 0.0 , 0.0 ]
id_of_Object = 1
list_of_path = Prepare \
.make_path_list ( id_of_Object )
# time.sleep ( 5 )
Prepare \
.make_TextData_contain_VariationOfRadius ( \
# abs_path_of_VariationOfRadius
list_of_path [ 3 ]
, # abs_path_of_TextData_contain_VariationOfRadius
list_of_path [ 4 ]
Prepare \
.make_TextData_contain_CrossSectionalView ( \
# abs_path_of_CrossSectionalView
list_of_path [ 1 ]
, # abs_path_of_TextData_contain_CrossSectionalView
list_of_path [ 2 ]
, global_detecting_angle_degree_incliment_for_CrossSectionalView
, global_detecting_line_length_incliment_for_CrossSectionalView
ins_OneObject \
= OneObject \
.OneObject ( \
MODULE_NAME # arg_requester_module
, function_name # arg_requester_function
, id_of_Object
, ( "Object_" + str ( id_of_Object ) ) #name of Object
, global_center_of_Object_location_x
, global_center_of_Object_location_y
, global_from_Z
, global_to_Z
, list_of_path [ 0 ] # arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic
, list_of_path [ 5 ] # arg_abs_path_ForDrawingSurfaceImage
, list_of_path [ 6 ] # arg_Part_1_of_abs_path_of_ImageData_output
, list_of_path [ 7 ] # arg_Part_2_of_abs_path_of_ImageData_output
, list_of_path [ 2 ] # arg_abs_path_of_TextData_contain_CrossSectionalImage
, list_of_path [ 4 ] # arg_abs_path_of_TextData_contain_VariationOfRadius
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "one Object has been constructed" )
print ( "id_of_Object = " , id_of_Object )
print ( "==================================" )
return ins_OneObject
def prepare_ImageData_BasicImage ( \
arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic ) :
function_name = "prepare_ImageData_BasicImage"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic = " \
+ arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic )
print ( "==================================" )
return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling = \
ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling ( \
, function_name
return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.load_image_data ( \
, function_name
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic
width_of_BasicImage = \
return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.get_width_of_ImageData ( )
height_of_BasicImage = \
return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.get_height_of_ImageData ( )
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "width_of_BasicImage = " , width_of_BasicImage )
print ( "height_of_BasicImage = " , height_of_BasicImage )
print ( "==================================" )
return return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling
6 [ Prepare モジュール]
ファイル名 [ Prepare.py ]
import ImageDataTwoDimensionHandlingV3
import OneObject
import DetectCurveInImageData
import TextFileHandling
import MakeLocationDataFileOfCurve
MODULE_NAME = "Prepare"
global_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_BasicImage = ""
global_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic = " "
global_Part_2_of_abs_path_of_ImageData_output = " "
global_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_1 = " "
def make_path_list ( arg_id_of_Object ) :
function_name = "make_path_list"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "arg_id_of_Object = " , arg_id_of_Object )
print ( "==================================" )
return_list = [ " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " ]
path_of_Top \
= "E:ForPython/ForTest/Test_11/"
path_of_directory_InputImageData = "InputImageData/"
path_of_directory_OutputImageData = "OutputImageData/"
path_of_directory_BasicImageData = "BasicImageData/"
path_of_file_part_1_BasicImageData = "BasicImageData"
path_of_directory_CrossSectionalView = "CrossSectionalView/"
path_of_file_part_1_CrossSectionalView = "CrossSectionalView"
path_of_directory_VariationOfRadius = "VariationOfRadius/"
path_of_file_part_1_VariationOfRadius = "VariationOfRadius"
path_of_directory_ForDrawingSurfaceImage = "ForDrawingSurfaceImage/"
path_of_file_ForDrawingSurfaceImage = "ForDrawingSurfaceImage.png"
path_of_directory_DrawingImageData = "DrawingImageData/"
path_of_file_part_1_DrawingImageData = "DrawingImageData"
path_of_directory_TextData = "TextData/"
path_of_file_part_2_for_ImageData = ".png"
path_of_file_part_2_for_TextData = ".txt"
path_of_directory_for_each_Figure = "For_Figure_"
#------ abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic ----------------
return_list [ 0 ] = \
path_of_Top \
+ path_of_directory_InputImageData \
+ path_of_directory_BasicImageData \
+ path_of_file_part_1_BasicImageData \
+ path_of_file_part_2_for_ImageData
print ( "return_list [ 0 ] = " + return_list [ 0 ] )
#------ abs_path_of_CrossSectionalView ----------------
return_list [ 1 ] = \
path_of_Top \
+ path_of_directory_InputImageData \
+ path_of_directory_CrossSectionalView \
+ path_of_file_part_1_CrossSectionalView \
+ path_of_file_part_2_for_ImageData
print ( "return_list [ 1 ] = " + return_list [ 1 ] )
# ----- abs_path_of_TextData_contain_CrossSectionalView ---------------
return_list [ 2 ] = \
path_of_Top \
+ path_of_directory_TextData \
+ path_of_directory_CrossSectionalView \
+ path_of_file_part_1_CrossSectionalView \
+ path_of_file_part_2_for_TextData
print ( "return_list [ 2 ] = " + return_list [ 2 ] )
#------ abs_path_of_VariationOfRadius ----------------
return_list [ 3 ] = \
path_of_Top \
+ path_of_directory_InputImageData \
+ path_of_directory_VariationOfRadius \
+ path_of_file_part_1_VariationOfRadius \
+ path_of_file_part_2_for_ImageData
print ( "return_list [ 3 ] = " + return_list [ 3 ] )
# ----- abs_path_of_TextData_contain_VariationOfRadius ---------------
return_list [ 4 ] = \
path_of_Top \
+ path_of_directory_TextData \
+ path_of_directory_VariationOfRadius \
+ path_of_file_part_1_VariationOfRadius \
+ path_of_file_part_2_for_TextData
print ( "return_list [ 4 ] = " + return_list [ 4 ] )
# ----- abs_path_of_ForDrawingSurfaceImage ---------------
return_list [ 5 ] = \
path_of_Top \
+ path_of_directory_InputImageData \
+ path_of_directory_ForDrawingSurfaceImage \
+ path_of_file_ForDrawingSurfaceImage
print ( "return_list [ 5 ] = " + return_list [ 5 ] )
#---- abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_1 --------------
return_list [ 6 ] = \
path_of_Top \
+ path_of_directory_OutputImageData \
+ path_of_directory_DrawingImageData \
+ path_of_file_part_1_DrawingImageData \
+ "_"
print ( "return_list [ 6 ] = " + return_list [ 6 ] )
#---- abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_2 --------------
return_list [ 7 ] = \
print ( "return_list [ 7 ] = " + return_list [ 7 ] )
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "arg_id_of_Object = " , arg_id_of_Object )
print ( "==================================" )
return return_list
def make_TextData_contain_VariationOfRadius ( \
, arg_abs_path_of_TextData
) :
function_name = "make_TextData_contain_VariationOfRadius"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "arg_abs_path_of_ImageData = " , arg_abs_path_of_ImageData )
print ( "arg_abs_path_of_TextData = " , arg_abs_path_of_TextData )
print ( "==================================" )
DetectCurveInImageData \
.detect_Curve_in_ImageData ( \
, arg_abs_path_of_TextData
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "arg_abs_path_of_ImageData = " , arg_abs_path_of_ImageData )
print ( "arg_abs_path_of_TextData = " , arg_abs_path_of_TextData )
print ( "==================================" )
def make_TextData_contain_CrossSectionalView ( \
, arg_abs_path_of_TextData
, arg_detecting_angle_degree_incliment
, arg_detecting_line_length_incliment
) :
function_name = "make_TextData_contain_CrossSectionalView"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "arg_abs_path_of_ImageData = " , arg_abs_path_of_ImageData )
print ( "arg_abs_path_of_TextData = " , arg_abs_path_of_TextData )
print ( "==================================" )
ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling = \
ImageDataTwoDimensionHandlingV3 \
.ImageDataTwoDimensionHandlingV3 ( \
MODULE_NAME # arg_requester_module
, function_name # arg_requester_function
ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.load_image_data ( \
MODULE_NAME # arg_requester_module
, function_name # arg_requester_function
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData
width_of_ImageData = \
ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.get_width_of_ImageData ( )
height_of_ImageData = \
ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.get_height_of_ImageData ( )
ins_TextFileHandling \
= TextFileHandling \
.TextFileHandling ( \
MODULE_NAME # arg_requester_module
, function_name # arg_requester_function
, arg_abs_path_of_TextData
, "|" # arg_character_used_for_delimiter
list_color_value_from = [ 0 , 0 , 200 ]
list_color_value_to = [ 50 , 50 , 255 ]
MakeLocationDataFileOfCurve \
.detect_Curve ( \
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData
, ins_TextFileHandling
# arg_list_location_of_detecting_Center
, [ \
int ( width_of_ImageData / 2.0 ) \
, int ( height_of_ImageData / 2.0 ) \
, arg_detecting_angle_degree_incliment
, arg_detecting_line_length_incliment
, list_color_value_from
, list_color_value_to
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "==================================" )
def make_SectionImageData_of_initial_status ( \
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_1
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_2
, arg_from_Z
, arg_to_Z
) :
function_name = "make_SectionImageData_of_initial_status"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic = " \
+ arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic )
print ( "arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_1 = " \
+ arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_1 )
print ( "arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_2 = " \
+ arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_2 )
print ( "==================================" )
ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_BasicImage = \
ImageDataTwoDimensionHandlingV3 \
.ImageDataTwoDimensionHandlingV3 ( MODULE_NAME , function_name )
ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_BasicImage \
.load_image_data ( \
, function_name
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic
from_Z = arg_from_Z
to_Z = arg_to_Z
current_Z = from_Z
while ( current_Z <= to_Z ) :
make_and_write_ImageData_for_directed_Z ( \
, ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_BasicImage
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_1
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_2
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "current_Z = " , current_Z )
print ( "to_Z = " , to_Z )
print ( "==================================" )
current_Z += 1
def make_and_write_ImageData_for_directed_Z ( \
, arg_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_BasicImage
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_1
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_2
) :
function_name = "make_and_write_ImageData_for_directed_Z"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "arg_z = " , arg_z )
print ( "==================================" )
abs_path_of_write = \
make_abs_path ( \
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_1
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_2
arg_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_BasicImage \
.write_loaded_image_data_to_directed_path (
, function_name
, abs_path_of_write )
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "Has been written , " + abs_path_of_write )
print ( "==================================" )
def make_abs_path ( \
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_1
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_2
) :
function_name = "make_abs_path"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "arg_z = " , arg_z )
print ( "arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_1 = " \
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_1 )
print ( "arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_2 = " \
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_2 )
print ( "==================================" )
if ( arg_z < 10 ) :
string_of_file_order_number = "0" + str ( arg_z )
else :
string_of_file_order_number = str ( arg_z )
return_abs_path_of_ImageDataFile = \
arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_1 \
+ string_of_file_order_number \
+ arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_2
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "return_abs_path_of_ImageDataFile = " \
+ return_abs_path_of_ImageDataFile )
print ( "==================================" )
return return_abs_path_of_ImageDataFile
def prepare_ImageData_BasicImage ( \
arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic ) :
function_name = "prepare_ImageData_BasicImage"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic = " \
+ arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic )
print ( "==================================" )
return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling = \
ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling ( \
, function_name
return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.load_image_data ( \
, function_name
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic
width_of_BasicImage = \
return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.get_width_of_ImageData ( )
height_of_BasicImage = \
return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.get_height_of_ImageData ( )
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "width_of_BasicImage = " , width_of_BasicImage )
print ( "height_of_BasicImage = " , height_of_BasicImage )
print ( "==================================" )
return return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling
7 [ DetectCurveInImageData モジュール]
ファイル名 [ DetectCurveInImageData.py ]
# DetectCurveInImageData
# detect Curve in ImageData
# , and make text file of cordinates of the Curve
import ImageDataTwoDimensionHandlingV3
import TextFileHandling
MODULE_NAME = "DetectCurveInImageData"
def detect_Curve_in_ImageData ( \
, arg_abs_path_of_TextData
) :
function_name = "detect_Curve_in_ImageData"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "arg_abs_path_of_ImageData = " \
+ arg_abs_path_of_ImageData )
print ( "arg_abs_path_of_TextData_ = " \
+ arg_abs_path_of_TextData )
print ( "==================================" )
ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling = \
ImageDataTwoDimensionHandlingV3 \
.ImageDataTwoDimensionHandlingV3 ( \
MODULE_NAME # arg_requester_module
, function_name # arg_requester_function
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "arg_abs_path_of_ImageData = " \
+ arg_abs_path_of_ImageData )
print ( "==================================" )
ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.load_image_data ( \
MODULE_NAME # arg_requester_module
, function_name # arg_requester_function
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData
width_of_ImageData = \
ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.get_width_of_ImageData ( )
height_of_ImageData = \
ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.get_height_of_ImageData ( )
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "arg_abs_path_of_ImageData = " \
+ arg_abs_path_of_ImageData )
print ( "width_of_ImageData = " , width_of_ImageData )
print ( "height_of_ImageData = " , height_of_ImageData )
print ( "==================================" )
# --------------------------------
ins_TextFileHandling_1 = \
TextFileHandling \
.TextFileHandling ( \
MODULE_NAME # arg_requester_module
, function_name # arg_requester_function
, arg_abs_path_of_TextData
# arg_character_used_for_delimiter
, ","
ins_TextFileHandling_1 \
.do_open_process_output_mode ( \
MODULE_NAME # arg_requester_module
, function_name # arg_requester_function
# ---------------------------------
result_of_detect = [ " " , 0 , 0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ]
for get_location_y \
in range ( height_of_ImageData ) :
result_of_detect = detect_for_one_y ( \
, ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling
, width_of_ImageData
, height_of_ImageData
ins_TextFileHandling_1 \
.do_write_one_line_process ( \
MODULE_NAME # arg_requester_module
, function_name # arg_requester_function
, result_of_detect # arg_list_values_for_output_one_line
# -------------------------------------
ins_TextFileHandling_1 \
.do_close_process ( \
MODULE_NAME # arg_requester_module
, function_name # arg_requester_function
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from into , Module = " + MODULE_NAME
+ " , function = " + function_name )
print ( "==================================" )
def detect_for_one_y ( arg_get_location_y \
, arg_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling
, arg_width_of_ImageData
, arg_height_of_ImageData
) :
function_name = "detect_for_one_y"
return_list = [ "N" , -999 , arg_get_location_y , 0.0 , 0.0 ]
get_location_x = 0
process_continue = "Y"
while ( process_continue == "Y" ) :
if ( get_location_x >= arg_width_of_ImageData ) :
# pixel of Curve was not found
process_continue = "N"
return return_list
color_value = \
arg_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.get_data_of_one_pixel ( \
MODULE_NAME # arg_requester_module
, function_name # arg_requester_function
# in the commonly used mathematical XY cordinates
, get_location_x # arg_x_on_ImageData_space
, arg_get_location_y
if ( ( color_value [ 2 ] > 200 ) \
and \
( color_value [ 0 ] < 200 ) \
and \
( color_value [ 1 ] < 200 ) \
) :
# color Red , found pixel of Curve
return_list [ 0 ] = "Y"
return_list [ 1 ] = get_location_x
return_list [ 3 ] = \
float ( return_list [ 1 ] ) / \
float ( arg_width_of_ImageData)
return_list [ 4 ] = \
float ( return_list [ 2 ] ) / \
float ( arg_height_of_ImageData)
return return_list
get_location_x += 1
8 [ OneObject モジュール]
ファイル名 [ OneObject.py ]
import math
import Prepare
import TextFileHandling
import ImageDataTwoDimensionHandlingV3
import ErrorProcess
class OneObject :
CV_CLASS_NAME = "OneObject"
# definition of constructer ( set encording to UTF-8 )
def __init__( self
, arg_requester_module
, arg_requester_function
, arg_id_of_Object
, arg_name_of_Object
, arg_Center_of_Object_location_x
, arg_Center_of_Object_location_y
, arg_from_z
, arg_to_z
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic
, arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage
, arg_Part_1_of_abs_path_of_ImageData_output
, arg_Part_2_of_abs_path_of_ImageData_output
, arg_abs_path_of_TextData_contain_CrossSectionalImage
, arg_abs_path_of_TextData_contain_VariationOfRadius
methode_name = "constructer"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( " arg_requester_module = " + arg_requester_module
+ " , arg_requester_function = " + arg_requester_function )
print ( " arg_id_of_Object = " , arg_id_of_Object )
print ( " arg_name_of_Object = " , arg_name_of_Object )
print ( "==================================" )
self.iv_from_to_incliment = 0.5
self.iv_id_of_Object = arg_id_of_Object
self.iv_name_of_Object = arg_name_of_Object
self.iv_Center_of_Object_location_x = arg_Center_of_Object_location_x
self.iv_Center_of_Object_location_y = arg_Center_of_Object_location_y
self.iv_from_z = arg_from_z
self.iv_to_z = arg_to_z
self.iv_length_z = self.iv_to_z - self.iv_from_z
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "self.iv_from_z = " , self.iv_from_z )
print ( "self.iv_to_z = " , self.iv_to_z )
print ( "self.iv_length_z = " , self.iv_length_z )
print ( "==================================" )
self.iv_abs_path_of_TextData_contain_VariationOfRadius = \
print ( "self.iv_abs_path_of_TextData_contain_VariationOfRadius = "
, self.iv_abs_path_of_TextData_contain_VariationOfRadius )
self.iv_ins_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius \
= self.prepare_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius ( )
self.iv_readed_counter_for_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius = 0
self.iv_total_number_of_information_VariationOfRadius = 0
self.iv_readed_data_in_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius = ""
# ----------------------------------
self.iv_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic = \
print ( "self.iv_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic = " \
+ self.iv_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic )
self.iv_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_BasicImage \
= self.prepare_ImageData_BasicImage ( \
# arg_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic
# --------------------------
self.iv_abs_path_of_TextData_contain_CrossSectionalImage = \
print ( "self.iv_abs_path_of_TextData_contain_CrossSectionalImage = "
, self.iv_abs_path_of_TextData_contain_CrossSectionalImage )
self.iv_ins_TextFileHandling_CrossSectionalImage \
= self.prepare_TextFileHandling_CrossSectionalImage ( )
self.iv_abs_path_of_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage = \
print ( "self.iv_abs_path_of_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage = "
, self.iv_abs_path_of_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage )
self.iv_ins_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage \
= self.prepare_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage ( )
self.iv_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_1 = \
print ( "self.iv_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_1 = "
, self.iv_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_1 )
self.iv_Part_2_of_abs_path_of_ImageData_output = \
print ( "self.iv_Part_2_of_abs_path_of_ImageData_output = "
, self.iv_Part_2_of_abs_path_of_ImageData_output )
self.iv_rate_on_XYPlane = 0.0
self.iv_width_of_BasicImage = 0
self.iv_height_of_BasicImage = 0
self.iv_location_of_Center_of_BasicImage_x = 0
self.iv_location_of_Center_of_BasicImage_y = 0
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( " arg_requester_module = " + arg_requester_module
+ " , arg_requester_function = " + arg_requester_function )
print ( "==================================" )
def vary_ImageData_for_all_z ( self
, arg_requester_module
, arg_requester_function ) :
methode_name = "make_ImageData_for_all_z"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( " arg_requester_module = " + arg_requester_module
+ " , arg_requester_function = " + arg_requester_function )
print ( "==================================" )
self.prepare_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius ( )
self.prepare_ImageData_BasicImage ( )
current_z = self.iv_from_z
while ( current_z <= self.iv_to_z ) :
z_rate = float ( current_z ) / float ( self.iv_length_z )
self.prepare_for_directed_z ( current_z , z_rate )
self.make_and_write_ImageData_for_directed_z ( \
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "current_z = " , current_z )
print ( "self.iv_to_z = " , self.iv_to_z )
print ( "z_rate = " , z_rate )
print ( "==================================" )
current_z += 1
def prepare_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius ( self ) :
methode_name = "prepare_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "==================================" )
self.iv_ins_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius = \
TextFileHandling \
.TextFileHandling ( \
OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME # arg_requester_module
, methode_name #arg_requester_function
, self.iv_abs_path_of_TextData_contain_VariationOfRadius
, "," # arg_character_used_for_delimiter
# ---- get total number of information in TextFile -----
# ---- open Text File -------
self.iv_ins_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius \
.do_open_process_input_mode (
OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME # arg_requester_module
, methode_name #arg_requester_function
# ---- read all datas in Text File -------
self.iv_total_number_of_information_VariationOfRadius = 0
process_continue = "Y"
while ( process_continue == "Y" ) :
result_of_reading = \
self.iv_ins_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius \
.do_read_one_line_process (
OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME # arg_requester_module
, methode_name #arg_requester_function
if ( result_of_reading [ 0 ] == "E" ) :
#reached to file end
process_continue = "N"
self.iv_total_number_of_information_VariationOfRadius += 1
print ( "-----------------------------------------" )
print ( "Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "self.iv_total_number_of_information_VariationOfRadius = " \
, self.iv_total_number_of_information_VariationOfRadius )
print ( "-----------------------------------------" )
# ---- close Text File -------
self.iv_ins_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius \
.do_close_process ( \
OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME # arg_requester_module
, methode_name #arg_requester_function
# ---- re open Text File -------
self.iv_ins_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius \
.do_open_process_input_mode ( \
OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME # arg_requester_module
, methode_name #arg_requester_function
self.iv_readed_counter_for_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius = 0
# --- read first data
self.iv_readed_data_in_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius \
= self.iv_ins_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius \
.do_read_one_line_process (\
OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME # arg_requester_module
, methode_name #arg_requester_function
self.iv_readed_counter_for_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius += 1
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "self.iv_total_number_of_information_VariationOfRadius = " \
, self.iv_total_number_of_information_VariationOfRadius )
print ( "self.iv_readed_counter_for_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius = " \
, self.iv_readed_counter_for_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius )
print ( "==================================" )
def prepare_ImageData_BasicImage ( self ) :
methode_name = "prepare_ImageData_BasicImage"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "==================================" )
return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling = \
ImageDataTwoDimensionHandlingV3 \
.ImageDataTwoDimensionHandlingV3 ( \
, methode_name
return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.load_image_data ( \
, methode_name
, self.iv_abs_path_of_ImageData_Basic
self.iv_width_of_BasicImage = \
return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.get_width_of_ImageData ( )
self.iv_height_of_BasicImage = \
return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.get_height_of_ImageData ( )
self.iv_location_of_Center_of_BasicImage_x = \
self.iv_width_of_BasicImage / 2
self.iv_location_of_Center_of_BasicImage_y = \
self.iv_height_of_BasicImage / 2
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "width = " \
, return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.get_width_of_ImageData ( )
print ( "height = " \
, return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.get_height_of_ImageData ( )
print ( "==================================" )
return return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling
def prepare_TextFileHandling_CrossSectionalImage ( self ) :
methode_name = "prepare_TextFileHandling_CrossSectionalImage"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "==================================" )
self.iv_ins_TextFileHandling_CrossSectionalImage = \
TextFileHandling \
.TextFileHandling ( \
OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME # arg_requester_module
, methode_name #arg_requester_function
, self.iv_abs_path_of_TextData_contain_CrossSectionalImage
, "|" # arg_character_used_for_delimiter
# ---- open Text File -------
self.iv_ins_TextFileHandling_CrossSectionalImage \
.do_open_process_input_mode (
OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME # arg_requester_module
, methode_name #arg_requester_function
# ---- read to part of data -------
process_continue = "Y"
read_counter = 0
while ( process_continue == "Y" ) :
result_of_reading = \
self.iv_ins_TextFileHandling_CrossSectionalImage \
.do_read_one_line_process (
OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME # arg_requester_module
, methode_name #arg_requester_function
read_counter += 1
if ( read_counter == 8 ) :
#reached to part of data
process_continue = "N"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "self.iv_total_number_of_information_VariationOfRadius = " \
, self.iv_total_number_of_information_VariationOfRadius )
print ( "self.iv_readed_counter_for_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius = " \
, self.iv_readed_counter_for_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius )
print ( "==================================" )
def prepare_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage ( self ) :
methode_name = "prepare_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "==================================" )
return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling = \
ImageDataTwoDimensionHandlingV3 \
.ImageDataTwoDimensionHandlingV3 ( \
, methode_name
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "self.iv_abs_path_of_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage = " \
+ self.iv_abs_path_of_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage )
return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.load_image_data ( \
, methode_name
, self.iv_abs_path_of_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage
self.iv_width_of_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage = \
return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.get_width_of_ImageData ( )
self.iv_height_of_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage = \
return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.get_height_of_ImageData ( )
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "width = " \
, return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.get_width_of_ImageData ( )
print ( "height = " \
, return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling \
.get_height_of_ImageData ( )
print ( "==================================" )
return return_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling
def prepare_for_directed_z ( self , arg_z , arg_z_rate ) :
methode_name = "prepare_for_directed_z"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "arg_z_rate = " , arg_z_rate )
print ( "==================================" )
result_list = \
self.get_information_of_VariationOfRadius ( arg_z_rate , arg_z_rate )
self.iv_exist_information_of_VariationOfRadius = result_list [ 1 ]
self.iv_rate_on_XYPlane = float ( result_list [ 2 ] )
self.prepare_TextFileHandling_CrossSectionalImage ( )
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "result_list = " , result_list )
print ( "self.iv_exist_information_of_VariationOfRadius = " \
, self.iv_exist_information_of_VariationOfRadius )
print ( "self.iv_rate_on_XYPlane = " \
, self.iv_rate_on_XYPlane )
print ( "==================================" )
def get_information_of_VariationOfRadius ( self \
, arg_z , arg_z_rate ) :
methode_name = "get_information_of_VariationOfRadius"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "==================================" )
return_list = [ "N" , "N" , 0.0 ]
current_rate_for_z = \
float ( self.iv_readed_counter_for_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius ) \
/ float ( self.iv_total_number_of_information_VariationOfRadius )
if ( current_rate_for_z > arg_z_rate ) : \
#process error
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "!!!!! process error , [ current_rate_for_z > arg_z_rate ]" )
print ( "current_rate_for_z = " , current_rate_for_z )
print ( "arg_z_rate = " , arg_z_rate )
print ( "self.iv_readed_counter_for_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius = " \
, self.iv_readed_counter_for_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius )
print ( "self.iv_total_number_of_information_VariationOfRadius = " \
, self.iv_total_number_of_information_VariationOfRadius )
print ( "==================================" )
return return_list
process_continue = "Y"
while ( process_continue == "Y" ) :
current_rate_for_z = \
float ( self.iv_readed_counter_for_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius ) \
/ float ( self.iv_total_number_of_information_VariationOfRadius )
#print ( "==================================" )
#print ( "Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
# + " , methode = " + methode_name )
#print ( "self.iv_readed_counter_for_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius = " \
# , self.iv_readed_counter_for_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius )
#print ( "self.iv_total_number_of_information_VariationOfRadius = " \
# , self.iv_total_number_of_information_VariationOfRadius )
#print ( "current_rate_for_z = " \
# , current_rate_for_z )
#print ( "arg_z_rate = " \
# , arg_z_rate )
#print ( "==================================" )
if ( current_rate_for_z >= arg_z_rate ) :
if ( self.iv_readed_data_in_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius [ 0 ] \
== "E" ) :
#process error
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "!!!!! process error , reached end" )
print ( "current_rate_for_z = " , current_rate_for_z )
print ( "arg_z_rate = " , arg_z_rate )
print ( "self.iv_readed_counter_for_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius = " \
, self.iv_readed_counter_for_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius )
print ( "self.iv_total_number_of_information_VariationOfRadius = " \
, self.iv_total_number_of_information_VariationOfRadius )
print ( "==================================" )
return return_list
process_continue = "Y"
return_list [ 0 ] = "Y"
return_list [ 1 ] = \
self.iv_readed_data_in_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius [ 1 ]
return_list [ 2 ] = \
self.iv_readed_data_in_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius [ 4 ]
# OK return
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "OK return" )
print ( "return_list = " , return_list )
print ( "self.iv_readed_data_in_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius = " \
, self.iv_readed_data_in_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius )
print ( "==================================" )
return return_list
# --- read next data
self.iv_readed_data_in_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius \
= self.iv_ins_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius \
.do_read_one_line_process ( \
OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME # arg_requester_module
, methode_name #arg_requester_function
self.iv_readed_counter_for_TextFileHandling_VariationOfRadius += 1
def make_and_write_ImageData_for_directed_z ( self \
, arg_z
) :
methode_name = "make_and_write_ImageData_for_directed_z"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "arg_z = " , arg_z )
# print ( "arg_z_rate = " , arg_z_rate )
print ( "==================================" )
abs_path_of_write = \
self.make_abs_path ( arg_z )
ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_Target = \
ImageDataTwoDimensionHandlingV3 \
.ImageDataTwoDimensionHandlingV3 ( \
, methode_name
ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_Target \
.load_image_data ( \
, methode_name
, abs_path_of_write
# overwrite on above loaded image data
# ------------ draw each locations ------------
#------ read first data
result_of_reading_current = \
self.iv_ins_TextFileHandling_CrossSectionalImage \
.do_read_one_line_process (
OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME # arg_requester_module
, methode_name #arg_requester_function
# -----------------------------------------
process_continue = "Y"
while ( process_continue == "Y" ) :
result_of_reading_next = \
self.iv_ins_TextFileHandling_CrossSectionalImage \
.do_read_one_line_process (
OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME # arg_requester_module
, methode_name #arg_requester_function
# print ( "==================================" )
# print ( "Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME \
# + " , methode = " + methode_name )
# print ( "result_of_reading = " )
# print ( result_of_reading )
# print ( "==================================" )
if ( result_of_reading_next [ 0 ] == "E" ) :
#reached to file end
process_continue = "N"
self.draw_one_line_on_ImageData ( \
, result_of_reading_current
, result_of_reading_next
, ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_Target
, self.iv_rate_on_XYPlane
result_of_reading_current = result_of_reading_next
# ------------ write data ------------
ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_Target \
.write_loaded_image_data_to_directed_path (
, methode_name
, abs_path_of_write )
self.iv_ins_TextFileHandling_CrossSectionalImage \
.do_close_process (
OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME # arg_requester_module
, methode_name #arg_requester_function
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Exit from , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "Has been written , " + abs_path_of_write )
print ( "==================================" )
def draw_one_line_on_ImageData ( self \
, arg_value_z
, arg_result_of_reading_current
, arg_result_of_reading_next
, arg_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_Target
, arg_rate_on_XYPlane
) :
methode_name = "draw_one_line_on_ImageData"
print ( "==================================" )
print ( "Enter into , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
+ " , methode = " + methode_name )
print ( "arg_value_z = " , arg_value_z )
print ( "arg_rate_on_XYPlane = " , arg_rate_on_XYPlane )
print ( "==================================" )
angle_degree = float ( arg_result_of_reading_current [ 2 ] )
color_list = \
self.decide_drawing_color ( \
, arg_value_z
if ( ( color_list [ 0 ] == "O" ) #Over Area
( color_list [ 0 ] == "W" ) #Color = White ( not draw )
) :
# do not draw at this point
return "N"
list_cordinates_of_vertex \
= self.decide_cordinates_of_vertex ( \
, arg_result_of_reading_next
, arg_rate_on_XYPlane
arg_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_Target \
.insert_polygon_filled_into_ImageData ( \
, methode_name # arg_requester_function
# in the commonly used mathematical XY cordinates
, list_cordinates_of_vertex
, color_list [ 1 ] # arg_font_color_Blue
, color_list [ 2 ] # arg_font_color_Green
, color_list [ 3 ] # arg_font_color_Red
def decide_cordinates_of_vertex ( self \
, arg_result_of_reading_current
, arg_result_of_reading_next
, arg_rate_on_XYPlane
) :
methode_name = "decide_cordinates_of_vertex"
current_from_x = float ( arg_result_of_reading_current [ 8 ] ) \
* arg_rate_on_XYPlane
current_from_y = float ( arg_result_of_reading_current [ 9 ] ) \
* arg_rate_on_XYPlane
current_to_x = float ( arg_result_of_reading_current [ 12 ] ) \
* arg_rate_on_XYPlane
current_to_y = float ( arg_result_of_reading_current [ 13 ] ) \
* arg_rate_on_XYPlane
current_from_value_x = int ( self.iv_location_of_Center_of_BasicImage_x \
+ current_from_x )
current_from_value_y = int ( self.iv_location_of_Center_of_BasicImage_y \
+ current_from_y )
current_to_value_x = int ( self.iv_location_of_Center_of_BasicImage_x \
+ current_to_x )
current_to_value_y = int ( self.iv_location_of_Center_of_BasicImage_y \
+ current_to_y )
next_from_x = float ( arg_result_of_reading_next [ 8 ] ) \
* arg_rate_on_XYPlane
next_from_y = float ( arg_result_of_reading_next [ 9 ] ) \
* arg_rate_on_XYPlane
next_to_x = float ( arg_result_of_reading_next [ 12 ] ) \
* arg_rate_on_XYPlane
next_to_y = float ( arg_result_of_reading_next [ 13 ] ) \
* arg_rate_on_XYPlane
next_from_value_x = int ( self.iv_location_of_Center_of_BasicImage_x \
+ next_from_x )
next_from_value_y = int ( self.iv_location_of_Center_of_BasicImage_y \
+ next_from_y )
next_to_value_x = int ( self.iv_location_of_Center_of_BasicImage_x \
+ next_to_x )
next_to_value_y = int ( self.iv_location_of_Center_of_BasicImage_y \
+ next_to_y )
list_return = [ ]
list_return.append ( [ current_from_value_x , current_from_value_y ] )
list_return.append ( [ current_to_value_x , current_to_value_y ] )
list_return.append ( [ next_to_value_x , next_to_value_y ] )
list_return.append ( [ next_from_value_x , next_from_value_y ] )
return list_return
def make_abs_path ( self \
, arg_z ) :
if ( arg_z < 10 ) :
string_of_file_order_number = "0" + str ( arg_z )
else :
string_of_file_order_number = str ( arg_z )
abs_path_of_ImageDataFile = \
self.iv_abs_path_of_ImageData_output_part_1 \
+ string_of_file_order_number \
+ self.iv_Part_2_of_abs_path_of_ImageData_output \
return abs_path_of_ImageDataFile
def decide_drawing_color ( self \
, arg_angle_degree
, arg_value_z
) :
methode_name = "decide_drawing_color"
#print ( "==================================" )
#print ( "Enter into , Class = " + OneObject.CV_CLASS_NAME
# + " , methode = " + methode_name )
#print ( "==================================" )
return_list = [ "Y" , 0 , 0 , 0 ]
if ( arg_angle_degree < 180 ) :
w_angle_location_rate_in_0_180 = float ( arg_angle_degree ) / 180.0
else :
w_1 = arg_angle_degree - 180.0
w_2 = float ( w_1 ) / 180.0
w_angle_location_rate_in_0_180 = 1.0 - w_2
w_x = self.iv_width_of_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage \
* ( w_angle_location_rate_in_0_180 )
w_x_int = int ( w_x )
get_x = w_x_int
if ( w_x_int < 0 ) :
get_x = 0
if ( w_x_int >= self.iv_width_of_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage ) :
get_x = self.iv_width_of_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage - 1
z_rate = float ( arg_value_z ) / float ( self.iv_length_z )
w_y = self.iv_height_of_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage \
* z_rate
w_y_int = int ( w_y )
get_y = w_y_int
if ( w_y_int < 0 ) :
get_y = 0
if ( w_y_int >= self.iv_height_of_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage ) :
get_y = self.iv_height_of_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage - 1
color_data_1 = \
self.iv_ins_ImageData_ForDrawingSurfaceImage \
.get_data_of_one_pixel ( \
, methode_name
, get_x
, get_y
if ( ( color_data_1 [ 0 ] > 250 ) \
and \
( color_data_1 [ 1 ] > 250 ) \
and \
( color_data_1 [ 2 ] > 250 ) \
) :
# White color is set , at this location
# not draw this location
return_list [ 0 ] = "W"
return return_list
return_list [ 1 ] = int ( color_data_1 [ 0 ] )
return_list [ 2 ] = int ( color_data_1 [ 1 ] )
return_list [ 3 ] = int ( color_data_1 [ 2 ] )
# normaly color was gotten
return_list [ 0 ] = "Y"
return return_list