[メタン の化学構造を、3次元表示する], Python(パイソン) 使って作ってみた ,ソースプログラムリスト あり

Python(パイソン) プログラム作ってみた インデックス へ


2024.9.3 presented in [note] ( //note.com/runningWater/ )

1 はじめに





このプログラムは、Python(パイソン) 言語を使って、記述されている。

2 どのようなものを作ったのか

[メタン分子] の化学構造を、3次元で表示するものを、作ってみた。

[メタン分子] は、1個の炭素原子([C])と、4個の水素原子([H])とで、できており、正四面体形の中心に炭素が、4個の頂点に水素が、というような構造に、なっているのだそうだ。


Fig 1
Fig 2

3 制作の過程


[断面画像を重ね合わせて、物体を3次元表示], Python(パイソン) 使って作ってみた ,ソースプログラムリスト あり


[ ParametersContainer ]
[ ViewSpace ]
[ WorldSpace ]

[ WorldSpace ] から、新たに制作した下記モジュールを、呼び出すような形にした。

[ DrawingOneSphere ]


[ MatrixFor3DRotation ]

[ ParametersContainer ] が使用する、XMLデータ [XML_For_Parameters.xml] は、

 [断面画像を重ね合わせて、物体を3次元表示], Python(パイソン) 使って作ってみた ,ソースプログラムリスト あり]



        abs_path_of_base_directory = "E:ForPython/ForTest/Test_5/"



4 [ ParametersContainer ] , ファイル名 [ ParametersContainer.py ]



# ParametersContainer

import  XMLHandling

MODULE_NAME = "ParametersContainer"

ABS_PATH_OF_XML_FILE = "E:ForPython/ForTest/Test_5/XMLData/XML_For_Parameters.xml"


5 [ ViewSpace ] , ファイル名 [ ViewSpace.py ]


import numpy as NUMPY
import ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling
import ParametersContainer
import MatrixFor3DRotaion
import HiddenLineRemoval

class ViewSpace :

    CV_CLASS_NAME = "ViewSpace"

    # cordinate system in World Space
    #   x + ---> to forward side
    #   y + ---> to right side
    #   Z + ---> to upper side

    #--View ----------------------------------------------------------
    # dordinate system in View Space
    #   X + ---> to right side
    #   Y + ---> to upper side
    # origin located at left under corner of window

        # definition of constructer
    def __init__( self
                , arg_requester_module
                , arg_requester_function
                                ) :

        methode_name = "constructer"

        print ( "==================================" )
        print ( "Enter into , Class = " + ViewSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME
                      + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        print ( "    arg_requester_module = " + arg_requester_module
                   + " , arg_requester_function = " + arg_requester_function )
        print ( "==================================" )

        self.iv_ins_MatrixFor3DRotaion = " "
        self.iv_rotation_angle_degree_XAxis_to_YAxis = 0
        self.iv_rotation_angle_degree_XAxis_to_ZAxis = 0

        self.iv_ins_HiddenLineRemoval = " "

        self.iv_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_for_presnting_View_Space = \
               ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling  \
                   .ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling ( \
                             , methode_name )
        self.iv_abs_path_of_ImageDataFile     \
            = ParametersContainer.global_par_abs_path_of_base_directory    \
              + ParametersContainer.global_par_path_of_input_directory    \
              + ParametersContainer.global_par_path_of_BaseImageDataForDisplay_directory  \
              + ParametersContainer.global_par_file_name_part_1_of_BaseImageDataForDisplay  \
              + ParametersContainer.global_par_file_name_ending_part_of_BaseImageDataForDisplay
        self.iv_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_for_presnting_View_Space \
               .load_image_data (
                       , methode_name
                       , self.iv_abs_path_of_ImageDataFile
        self.iv_width_of_ViewSpace = \
             self.iv_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_for_presnting_View_Space \
                .get_width_of_ImageData ( )
        self.iv_height_of_ViewSpace = \
             self.iv_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_for_presnting_View_Space \
                .get_height_of_ImageData ( )
        self.iv_half_width_of_ViewSpace = ( int ) ( self.iv_width_of_ViewSpace / 2.0 )
        self.iv_half_height_of_ViewSpace = ( int ) ( self.iv_height_of_ViewSpace / 2.0 )

        self.iv_x_value_of_perspective_drawing_vanishing_point  \
            = float ( ParametersContainer  \
                   .global_par_x_value_of_perspective_drawing_vanishing_point )


        print ( "==================================" )
        print ( "Exit from , Class = " + ViewSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME
                      + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        print ( "    arg_requester_module = " + arg_requester_module
                   + " , arg_requester_function = " + arg_requester_function )
        print ( "==================================" )


    def  get_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_for_presnting_View_Space ( \
                      self ) :

        return self.iv_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_for_presnting_View_Space

    def  set_rotation_angle_degree ( \
                     , arg_rotation_angle_degree_XAxis_to_YAxis
                     , arg_rotation_angle_degree_XAxis_to_ZAxis
                                ) :

        methode_name = "set_rotation_angle_degree_XAxis_to_YAxis"

        self.iv_rotation_angle_degree_XAxis_to_YAxis = \
                float ( arg_rotation_angle_degree_XAxis_to_YAxis )
        self.iv_rotation_angle_degree_XAxis_to_ZAxis = \
                float ( arg_rotation_angle_degree_XAxis_to_ZAxis )

                # ------ make rotation instance ---------------
        self.iv_ins_MatrixFor3DRotaion = \
            MatrixFor3DRotaion          \
               .MatrixFor3DRotaion (
                   ViewSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME  # arg_requester_module
                 , methode_name     # arg_requester_function
                          # first rotation
                 , "Z"       # arg_first_rotation_around_axis
                 , self.iv_rotation_angle_degree_XAxis_to_YAxis

                          # second rotation
                 , "Y"       # arg_need_Y_N_second_rotation

                 , "Y"        # arg_second_rotation_around_axis
                 , self.iv_rotation_angle_degree_XAxis_to_ZAxis

        self.clear_ViewSpace (  )
        self.iv_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_for_presnting_View_Space \
            .insert_text_into_ImageData (
                     ViewSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME  # arg_requester_module
                   , methode_name  # arg_requester_function
                              # in the commonly used mathematical XY cordinates
                   , 50   # arg_x_on_ImageData_space
                   , 50   # arg_y_on_ImageData_space

                   , "angles have been set"   # arg_text_inserted

                   , 60 # arg_font_color_Blue
                   , 60 # arg_font_color_Green
                   , 180 # arg_font_color_Red

        return \

    def  initializing_process ( \
                                ) :

        methode_name = "initializing_process"

            # reload image_data
        self.iv_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_for_presnting_View_Space \
               .load_image_data (
                       , methode_name
                       , self.iv_abs_path_of_ImageDataFile

            #--- prepare area for HiddenLineRemoval ---

        print ( "==================================" )
        print ( "Class = " + ViewSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME
                      + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        print ( "x_value_of_perspective = " + \
             str ( ParametersContainer  \
                     .global_par_x_value_of_perspective_drawing_vanishing_point \
                   ) )
        print ( "==================================" )

        self.iv_ins_HiddenLineRemoval = \
              HiddenLineRemoval  \
                .HiddenLineRemoval ( \
                  , methode_name

                  , ParametersContainer  \
                  , self.iv_width_of_ViewSpace
                  , self.iv_height_of_ViewSpace

    def  clear_ViewSpace ( self ) :

        methode_name = "clear_ViewSpace"

        self.iv_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_for_presnting_View_Space \
               .load_image_data (
                       , methode_name
                       , self.iv_abs_path_of_ImageDataFile

    def  draw_one_point_in_ViewSpace ( \
                    ,  arg_list_x_y_z_in_WorldSpace
                    ,  arg_list_color_value_for_drawing
                                ) :

        methode_name = "draw_one_point_in_ViewSpace"

        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Enter into , Class = " + ViewSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME
        #               + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "arg_list_x_y_z_in_WorldSpace = " )
        # print ( arg_list_x_y_z_in_WorldSpace  )
        # print ( "arg_list_color_value_for_drawing = " )
        # print ( arg_list_color_value_for_drawing )
        # print ( "==================================" )

        #-------------- not draw color? -------------------------
        if ( ( arg_list_color_value_for_drawing [ 0 ] \
                  < int ( ParametersContainer.global_par_drawing_color_sleshold ) )\
                 and                                                                                      \
              ( arg_list_color_value_for_drawing [ 1 ] \
                  < int ( ParametersContainer.global_par_drawing_color_sleshold ) )\
                 and                                                                                      \
              ( arg_list_color_value_for_drawing [ 2 ] \
                  < int ( ParametersContainer.global_par_drawing_color_sleshold ) )\
            ) :
                #not draw this point
            return "N"

        drawing_location_in_ViewSpace = \
            self.calculate_drawing_location_in_ViewSpace (  \

        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Class = " + ViewSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME
        #               + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "arg_list_x_y_z_in_WorldSpace = " )
        # print ( arg_list_x_y_z_in_WorldSpace  )
        # print ( "drawing_location_in_ViewSpace = " )
        # print ( drawing_location_in_ViewSpace )
        # print ( "==================================" )

        it_must_be_drawed_Y_N_about_hidden_line = \
            self.iv_ins_HiddenLineRemoval    \
                .detect_and_set_x_value_of_directed_location ( \
                    ,  methode_name
                    ,  drawing_location_in_ViewSpace [ 0 ]   # arg_X_in ViewSpace
                    ,  drawing_location_in_ViewSpace [ 1 ]   # arg_Y_in ViewSpace
                    ,  arg_list_x_y_z_in_WorldSpace [ 0 ]   #arg_x_in_WorldSpace

        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Class = " + ViewSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME
        #               + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "it_must_be_drawed_Y_N_about_hidden_line = "  \
        #          , it_must_be_drawed_Y_N_about_hidden_line )
        # print ( "==================================" )

        if ( it_must_be_drawed_Y_N_about_hidden_line == "Y" ) :
               # ------ draw one point --------------
            self.draw_one_point_at_directed_location_in_ViewSpace (  \
                    [ drawing_location_in_ViewSpace [ 0 ]   \
                    , drawing_location_in_ViewSpace [ 1 ]   \
                 ,  arg_list_color_value_for_drawing
            return "Y"

        return "N"

    def  draw_axis_line ( \
                    ,  arg_axis_x_y_z
                                ) :

        methode_name = "draw_axis_line"

        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Enter into , Class = " + HiddenLineRemoval.CV_CLASS_NAME
        #               + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "    arg_requester_module = " + arg_requester_module
         #           + " , arg_requester_function = " + arg_requester_function )
        # print ( "    arg_X_in ViewSpace = "  \
        #          + str ( arg_X_in ViewSpace )
        # print ( "    arg_Y_in ViewSpace = " +  str ( arg_Y_in ViewSpace ) )
        # print ( "    arg_x_in_WorldSpace = " +  str ( arg_x_in_WorldSpace ) )
        # print ( "==================================" )

        list_start_point_x_y_z = [ 0  ,  0  , 0 ]
        list_end_point_x_y_z = [ 0  ,  0  , 0 ]
        if ( arg_axis_x_y_z == "X" ) :
           list_end_point_x_y_z [ 0 ] = 120
        if ( arg_axis_x_y_z == "Y" ) :
           list_end_point_x_y_z [ 1 ] = 120
        if ( arg_axis_x_y_z == "Z" ) :
           list_end_point_x_y_z [ 2 ] = 120

        drawing_location_start_point_in_ViewSpace = \
            self.calculate_drawing_location_in_ViewSpace (  \
        drawing_location_end_point_in_ViewSpace = \
            self.calculate_drawing_location_in_ViewSpace (  \

        self.iv_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_for_presnting_View_Space \
             .insert_line_figure_into_ImageData (
                     ViewSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME  # arg_requester_module
                   , methode_name  # arg_requester_function
                              # in the commonly used mathematical XY cordinates
                   , drawing_location_start_point_in_ViewSpace [ 0 ] \
                          # arg_From_x_on_ImageData_space
                   , drawing_location_start_point_in_ViewSpace [ 1 ]  \
                          # arg_From_y_on_ImageData_space
                   , drawing_location_end_point_in_ViewSpace [ 0 ]  \
                                 # arg_To_x_on_ImageData_space
                   , drawing_location_end_point_in_ViewSpace [ 1 ]  \
                                 # arg_To_y_on_ImageData_space

                   , 3    # arg_thickness_of_line_figure

                   , 20  # arg_color_Blue
                   , 10  # arg_color_Green
                   , 220 # arg_color_Red

        self.iv_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_for_presnting_View_Space \
               .insert_text_into_ImageData (
                     ViewSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME  # arg_requester_module
                   , methode_name  # arg_requester_function
                              # in the commonly used mathematical XY cordinates
                   , drawing_location_end_point_in_ViewSpace [ 0 ]  \
                                 # arg_To_x_on_ImageData_space
                   , drawing_location_end_point_in_ViewSpace [ 1 ]  \

                   , arg_axis_x_y_z

                   , 20  # arg_color_Blue
                   , 10  # arg_color_Green
                   , 220 # arg_color_Red


    def  calculate_drawing_location_in_ViewSpace (  \
                      ,  arg_list_x_y_z_in_WorldSpace
                                               ) :

                 # do rotation
        list__x_y_z_after_rotation = \
            self.iv_ins_MatrixFor3DRotaion    \
               .calculate_cordinate_after_rotation (    \
               # x in WorldSpace
        w1 = list__x_y_z_after_rotation [ 0 ] \
                -  self.iv_x_value_of_perspective_drawing_vanishing_point
        w2 = 0 - self.iv_x_value_of_perspective_drawing_vanishing_point

        rate_of_magnification = w1 / w2

        w1_X = list__x_y_z_after_rotation [ 1 ]    # y cordinate value
        w1_Y = list__x_y_z_after_rotation [ 2 ]    # z cordinate value

        w2_X = w1_X * rate_of_magnification
        w2_Y = w1_Y * rate_of_magnification

        drawing_location_X_in_ViewSpace = \
             int ( self.iv_half_width_of_ViewSpace + w2_X )
        drawing_location_Y_in_ViewSpace = \
             int ( self.iv_half_height_of_ViewSpace + w2_Y )

        return_list = [ drawing_location_X_in_ViewSpace   \
                     ,  drawing_location_Y_in_ViewSpace ]

        return return_list

    def  draw_one_point_at_directed_location_in_ViewSpace (  \
                            ,  arg_list_X_Y_in_ViewSpace
                            ,  arg_list_color_value_for_drawing
                                ) :

        methode_name = "draw_one_point_at_directed_location_in_ViewSpace"

        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Class = " + ViewSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME
        #               + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "arg_list_X_Y_in_ViewSpace = " )
        # print ( arg_list_X_Y_in_ViewSpace )
        # print ( "arg_list_color_value_for_drawing = " )
        # print ( arg_list_color_value_for_drawing )
        # print ( "==================================" )

        self.iv_ins_ImageDataTwoDimensionHandling_for_presnting_View_Space \
             .put_data_of_one_pixel ( \
                      ViewSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME  # arg_requester_module
                    , methode_name     # arg_requester_function

                           # in the commonly used mathematical XY cordinates
                    , arg_list_X_Y_in_ViewSpace [ 0 ] # arg_x_on_ImageData_space
                    , arg_list_X_Y_in_ViewSpace [ 1 ] # arg_Y_on_ImageData_space

                    , arg_list_color_value_for_drawing [ 0 ]  # arg_color_data_Blue
                    , arg_list_color_value_for_drawing [ 1 ]  # arg_color_data_Green
                    , arg_list_color_value_for_drawing [ 2 ]  # arg_color_data_Red

6 [ WorldSpace ] , ファイル名 [ WorldSpace.py ]


import  DrawingOneSphere

class WorldSpace :

    CV_CLASS_NAME = "WorldSpace"

    # cordinate system in World Space
    #   x + ---> to forward side
    #   y + ---> to right side
    #   Z + ---> to upper side

        # definition of constructer
    def __init__( self
                , arg_requester_module
                , arg_requester_function
                                ) :

        methode_name = "constructer"

        print ( "==================================" )
        print ( "Enter into , Class = " + WorldSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME
                      + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        print ( "    arg_requester_module = " + arg_requester_module
                   + " , arg_requester_function = " + arg_requester_function )
        print ( "==================================" )

        print ( "==================================" )
        print ( "Exit from , Class = " + WorldSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME
                      + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        print ( "    arg_requester_module = " + arg_requester_module
                   + " , arg_requester_function = " + arg_requester_function )
        print ( "==================================" )

    def  initializing_process ( self ) :

        methode_name = "initializing_process"

        print ( "==================================" )
        print ( "Enter into , Class = " + WorldSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME \
                       + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        print ( "==================================" )

        # define C and H4
        self.iv_number_of_Atoms = 5   # ( C + 4 H )

        list_basic_drawing_color_of_C = [ 200 , 200 , 60 ]
        list_basic_drawing_color_of_H = [ 20 , 200 , 200 ]

        radius_of_C = 50
        radius_of_H = 40

        value_for_deciding_location_H = 100

              # add center location of C atom
        list_center_location_xyz = [ ]
        list_center_location_xyz   \
            .append ( [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] )
        list_center_location_xyz   \
            .append ( [ \
                  , value_for_deciding_location_H
                  , value_for_deciding_location_H ] )
              # add center location of 4 H atoms
        list_center_location_xyz   \
            .append ( [ \
                  , ( 0 - value_for_deciding_location_H )
                  , ( 0 - value_for_deciding_location_H ) ] )
        list_center_location_xyz   \
            .append ( [ \
                    ( 0 - value_for_deciding_location_H )
                  ,  value_for_deciding_location_H
                  , ( 0 - value_for_deciding_location_H ) ] )
        list_center_location_xyz   \
            .append ( [ \
                    ( 0 - value_for_deciding_location_H )
                  ,  ( 0 - value_for_deciding_location_H )
                  ,  value_for_deciding_location_H  ] )

        print ( "list_center_location_xyz = " )
        print ( list_center_location_xyz )

            # ----------------------------------
        self.iv_list_of_DrawingOneSphere = [ ]

              #---------- C atom ---------------------
        ins_DrawingOneSphere_C                  \
            = DrawingOneSphere                 \
                     .DrawingOneSphere (        \
                           , radius_of_C
                           , list_center_location_xyz [ 0 ]
                           , list_basic_drawing_color_of_C  )
        self.iv_list_of_DrawingOneSphere    \
              .append ( ins_DrawingOneSphere_C )
              #---------- 4 H atom ---------------------
        for i in range ( 1 , self.iv_number_of_Atoms ) :

            self.iv_list_of_DrawingOneSphere    \
                 .append (                  \
                     DrawingOneSphere                   \
                        .DrawingOneSphere (
                              ( i + 1 )           \
                            ,  radius_of_H
                            , list_center_location_xyz [ i ]
                            , list_basic_drawing_color_of_H  \
                                         )   \

        self.iv_size_of_list_DrawingOneSphere = \
            len ( self.iv_list_of_DrawingOneSphere )

        self.iv_current_number_of_DrawingOneSphere = 1
        self.iv_ins_DrawingOneSphere_current_drawing = \
                   self.get_DrawingOneSphere ( self.iv_current_number_of_DrawingOneSphere )

        self.conversion_rate_from_WorldSpace_to_ViewSpace = 0.7

        self.iv_next_continue = " "

        print ( "==================================" )
        print ( "Exit from , Class = " + WorldSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME  \
                       + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        print ( "==================================" )

    def  get_DrawingOneSphere ( self , arg_number_of_DrawingOneSphere ) :

        methode_name = "get_DrawingOneSphere"

        return  self.iv_list_of_DrawingOneSphere [   \
                       arg_number_of_DrawingOneSphere - 1 ]

    def  make_one_point_on_WorldSpace ( self ) :

        methode_name = "make_one_point_on_WorldSpace"

        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Enter into Class = " + WorldSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME  \
        #                + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "id of instance DrawingOneSphere = " \
        #             , self.iv_ins_DrawingOneSphere_current_drawing  \
        #                        .get_id ( ) )
        # print ( "==================================" )

        return_list = self.iv_ins_DrawingOneSphere_current_drawing \
                             .get_information_of_current_drawing_location ( )

        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Class = " + WorldSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME  \
        #                + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "return_list = " \
        #           , return_list )
        # print ( "==================================" )

        if ( return_list [ 0 ] != "Y" ) :
                  # process end of current DrawingOneSphere
            if ( self.iv_current_number_of_DrawingOneSphere \
                      == self.iv_size_of_list_DrawingOneSphere ) :
                            #all process end
                return return_list

            self.iv_current_number_of_DrawingOneSphere += 1

            self.iv_ins_DrawingOneSphere_current_drawing = \
                   self.get_DrawingOneSphere ( self.iv_current_number_of_DrawingOneSphere )

            print ( "==================================" )
            print ( "Class = " + WorldSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME  \
                            + " , methode = " + methode_name )
            print ( "return_list = " \
                      , return_list )

            print ( "id of instance DrawingOneSphere = " \
                    , self.iv_ins_DrawingOneSphere_current_drawing  \
                               .get_id ( ) )
            print ( "==================================" )

            return_list = self.iv_ins_DrawingOneSphere_current_drawing \
                             .get_information_of_current_drawing_location ( )

            print ( "==================================" )
            print ( "Class = " + WorldSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME  \
                       + " , methode = " + methode_name )
            print ( "self.iv_current_number_of_DrawingOneSphere = " \
                  , self.iv_current_number_of_DrawingOneSphere )

            print ( "center_location_xyz of this instance = " )
            print (    \
                self.iv_ins_DrawingOneSphere_current_drawing   \
                        .get_list_center_location_xyz ( )  \
            print ( "==================================" )

                         # decide x , y , z  for return
        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Class = " + WorldSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME  \
        #                + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "self.conversion_rate_from_WorldSpace_to_ViewSpace = " \
        #            , self.conversion_rate_from_WorldSpace_to_ViewSpace )
        # print ( "return_list = " )
        # print ( return_list )
        # print ( "==================================" )
                  # x value
        return_list [ 1 ]    \
                *= self.conversion_rate_from_WorldSpace_to_ViewSpace
                  # y value
        return_list [ 2 ]    \
                *= self.conversion_rate_from_WorldSpace_to_ViewSpace
                  # z value
        return_list [ 3 ]    \
                *= self.conversion_rate_from_WorldSpace_to_ViewSpace

        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Class = " + WorldSpace.CV_CLASS_NAME  \
        #                + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "return_list = " )
        # print ( return_list )
        # print ( "==================================" )

        return  return_list

7 [ DrawingOneSphere ] , ファイル名 [ DrawingOneSphere.py ]


import  math

import  MatrixFor3DRotaion

class DrawingOneSphere :

    CV_CLASS_NAME = "DrawingOneSphere"

    # cordinate system in World Space
    #   x + ---> to forward side
    #   y + ---> to right side
    #   Z + ---> to upper side

        # definition of constructer
    def __init__( self
                    , arg_id
                    , arg_radius
                    , arg_list_center_location_xyz
                    , arg_list_basic_drawing_color
                                ) :

        methode_name = "constructer"

        print ( "==================================" )
        print ( "Enter into , Class = " + DrawingOneSphere.CV_CLASS_NAME
                      + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        print ( "arg_id = " , arg_id )
        print ( "arg_radius = " , arg_radius )
        print ( "arg_list_center_location_xyz = "  , arg_list_center_location_xyz )
        print ( "arg_list_basic_drawing_color = " , arg_list_basic_drawing_color )
        print ( "==================================" )

        self.iv_id = arg_id
             # ------------------------------
        self.iv_radius = arg_radius

        self.iv_list_center_location_xyz = [                \
                  arg_list_center_location_xyz [ 0 ]        \
                , arg_list_center_location_xyz [ 1 ]        \
                , arg_list_center_location_xyz [ 2 ]        \
        self.iv_list_basic_drawing_color = [                \
                   arg_list_basic_drawing_color [ 0 ]        \
                ,  arg_list_basic_drawing_color [ 1 ]          \
                ,  arg_list_basic_drawing_color [ 2 ]          \

            # -------------------------------------
            # -------------------------------------
        self.iv_number_of_drawing_lines_per_0_to_2PI = 150
            # -------------------------------------
            # -------------------------------------

        self.iv_angle_radian_YZ_from = 0.0
        self.iv_angle_radian_YZ_to = 2.0 * math.pi
        self.iv_angle_radian_YZ_incliment = \
            ( self.iv_angle_radian_YZ_to                   \
                - self.iv_angle_radian_YZ_from )       \
            / float (  self.iv_number_of_drawing_lines_per_0_to_2PI )
        self.iv_current_angle_radian_YZ = self.iv_angle_radian_YZ_from
        self.iv_next_angle_radian_YZ = self.iv_current_angle_radian_YZ
            # -------------------------------------
        self.iv_angle_radian_XY_from = 0.0
        self.iv_angle_radian_XY_to = 2.0 * math.pi
        self.iv_angle_radian_XY_incliment = \
            ( self.iv_angle_radian_XY_to                   \
                - self.iv_angle_radian_XY_from )       \
            / float (  self.iv_number_of_drawing_lines_per_0_to_2PI )
        self.iv_current_angle_radian_XY = self.iv_angle_radian_XY_from
        self.iv_next_angle_radian_XY = self.iv_current_angle_radian_XY

            # -------------------------------
        self.iv_need_make_Matrix_for_rotation = "Y"

        self.iv_BrightnessAdjustmentValue_Min = 0.3
        self.iv_BrightnessAdjustmentValue_Max = 0.99
        self.iv_BrightnessAdjustmentValue_Max_minus_Min = \
               self.iv_BrightnessAdjustmentValue_Max - \

        print ( "==================================" )
        print ( "Exit from , Class = " + DrawingOneSphere.CV_CLASS_NAME
                      + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        print ( "==================================" )

    def  get_list_center_location_xyz ( self ) :

        return  self.iv_list_center_location_xyz

    def  get_id ( self ) :

        return  self.iv_id

    def  get_information_of_current_drawing_location ( self ) :

        methode_name = "get_information_of_current_drawing_location"

        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Enter into Class = " + DrawingOneSphere.CV_CLASS_NAME
        #               + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "==================================" )

        return_list =  [  \
                         "Y"    #process continue  \
                       , 0  #x \
                       , 0  #y \
                       , 0  #z \
                           #--- color --
                       , 0   # Blue   \
                       , 0    # Green   \
                       , 0    # Red     \

        if ( self.iv_need_make_Matrix_for_rotation == "Y" ) :
            self.prepare_for_rotation_XY ( self.iv_current_angle_radian_XY )

             # -------------------------
        result = self.decide_next_angle ( )

        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Class = " + DrawingOneSphere.CV_CLASS_NAME
        #               + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "result = " , result )
        # print ( "==================================" )

        if ( result == "N" ) :
                # reached to process end
            return_list [ 0 ] = "N"
            return  return_list

                   # decide xyz, using current information
        calculated_list_xyz = self.calculate_xyz ( )
        return_list [ 1 ]  = calculated_list_xyz [ 0 ]
        return_list [ 2 ]  = calculated_list_xyz [ 1 ]
        return_list [ 3 ]  = calculated_list_xyz [ 2 ]
                   # decide color
        decided_color = self.decide_color ( calculated_list_xyz [ 4 ] )
        return_list [ 4 ]  = decided_color [ 0 ]
        return_list [ 5 ]  = decided_color [ 1 ]
        return_list [ 6 ]  = decided_color [ 2 ]

                   # prepare next call , next information --> current information
        self.iv_current_angle_radian_YZ = self.iv_next_angle_radian_YZ
        self.iv_current_angle_radian_XY = self.iv_next_angle_radian_XY


        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Class = " + DrawingOneSphere.CV_CLASS_NAME
        #               + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "calculated_list_xyz = " , calculated_list_xyz )
        # print ( "decided_color = " , decided_color )
        # print ( "==================================" )

        return  return_list

    def  decide_next_angle ( self ) :

        methode_name = "decide_next_angle"

        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Enter into Class = " + DrawingOneSphere.CV_CLASS_NAME
        #               + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "==================================" )

        return_value = "Y"

        self.iv_next_continue = "Y"

        self.iv_next_angle_radian_YZ = self.iv_current_angle_radian_YZ
        self.iv_next_angle_radian_XY = self.iv_current_angle_radian_XY

        w_angle_radian = \
            self.iv_current_angle_radian_YZ  \
                 + self.iv_angle_radian_YZ_incliment

        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Class = " + DrawingOneSphere.CV_CLASS_NAME
        #               + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "self.iv_current_angle_radian_YZ = " , self.iv_current_angle_radian_YZ )
        # print ( "self.iv_angle_radian_YZ_incliment = "  , self.iv_angle_radian_YZ_incliment )

        # print ( "w_angle_radian = " , w_angle_radian )
        # print ( "self.iv_angle_radian_YZ_to = " , self.iv_angle_radian_YZ_to )
        # print ( "==================================" )

        if ( w_angle_radian <= self.iv_angle_radian_YZ_to ) :
            self.iv_next_angle_radian_YZ = w_angle_radian
            self.iv_need_make_Matrix_for_rotation_XY = "N"
            return  return_value

          #--------- reset angle_YZ to from value , and angle_XY plus ------------------
        self.iv_need_make_Matrix_for_rotation_XY = "Y"

        self.iv_next_angle_radian_YZ = self.iv_angle_radian_YZ_from

        w_angle_radian = self.iv_current_angle_radian_XY \
                 + self.iv_angle_radian_XY_incliment
        if ( w_angle_radian <= self.iv_angle_radian_XY_to ) :
                  # ---- angle_XY plus ------------------
            self.iv_next_angle_radian_XY = w_angle_radian

            # print ( "==================================" )
            # print ( "Class = " + DrawingOneSphere.CV_CLASS_NAME  \
            #            + " , methode = " + methode_name )
            # print ( "self.iv_current_angle_radian_XY = " \
            #        , self.iv_current_angle_radian_XY )

            # print ( "self.iv_angle_radian_XY_incliment = " \
            #        , self.iv_angle_radian_XY_incliment )

            # print ( "w_angle_radian = " \
            #        , w_angle_radian )

            # print ( "self.iv_angle_radian_XY_to = " \
            #        , self.iv_angle_radian_XY_to )

            # print ( "self.iv_next_angle_radian_XY = " \
            #       , self.iv_next_angle_radian_XY )
            # print ( "==================================" )

            return  return_value

          #------ process end ---------------------
        self.iv_need_make_Matrix_for_rotation_XY = "N"

        self.iv_next_continue = "N"
        return_value = "N"
        return  return_value

    def  calculate_xyz ( self ) :

        methode_name = "calculate_xyz"

        return_list = [ 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0  , 0.0  , 0.0 , 0.0 ]

        list_xyz_before_rotation = [ 0 , 0 , 0 ]

                  # x
        list_xyz_before_rotation [ 0 ] = 0.0
                  # y
        list_xyz_before_rotation [ 1 ] = \
              self.iv_radius *   \
                 ( math.cos ( self.iv_current_angle_radian_YZ ) )
                  # z
        list_xyz_before_rotation [ 2 ] = \
              self.iv_radius *   \
                 ( math.sin ( self.iv_current_angle_radian_YZ ) )

        # print ( "list_xyz_before_rotation = " )
        # print ( list_xyz_before_rotation )

        list_xyz_after_rotation = \
            self.iv_ins_MatrixFor3DRotaion_XY   \
              .calculate_cordinate_after_rotation (    \

        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Class = " + DrawingOneSphere.CV_CLASS_NAME  \
        #                + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "list_xyz_before_rotation = " )
        # print ( list_xyz_before_rotation )
        # print ( "list_xyz_after_rotation = " )
        # print ( list_xyz_after_rotation )
        # print ( "==================================" )

             # --------------------------------------
                   # x cordinate
        return_list [ 0 ] = self.iv_list_center_location_xyz [ 0 ] \
                              + list_xyz_after_rotation [ 0 ]
        return_list [ 3 ] = list_xyz_after_rotation [ 0 ]
                   # y cordinate
        return_list [ 1 ] = self.iv_list_center_location_xyz [ 1 ] \
                              + list_xyz_after_rotation [ 1 ]
        return_list [ 4 ] = list_xyz_after_rotation [ 1 ]
                   # z cordinate
        return_list [ 2 ] = self.iv_list_center_location_xyz [ 2 ] \
                              + list_xyz_after_rotation [ 2 ]
        return_list [ 5 ] = list_xyz_after_rotation [ 2 ]

        return return_list

    def  prepare_for_rotation_XY ( self     \
                           , arg_angle_radian ) :

        methode_name = "prepare_for_rotation_XY"

        value_degree = arg_angle_radian * ( 180.0 / math.pi )

        self.iv_ins_MatrixFor3DRotaion_XY = \
             MatrixFor3DRotaion   \
                 .MatrixFor3DRotaion (   \
                       , methode_name
                       , "Z"    # rotatote X -- Y , around Z-Axis
                       , value_degree

                       , "N"   # arg_need_Y_N_second_rotation
                       , " "   # arg_second_rotation_around_axis
                       , 0.0   # arg_second_rotation_angle_degree

    def  decide_color ( self , arg_value  ) :

        methode_name = "decide_color"

        most_left = 0.0 - self.iv_radius
        most_right = self.iv_radius
        fron_most_left_to_most_right = float ( most_right - most_left )

        w_value_from_left = float ( arg_value - most_left )

        w_rate_about_value = w_value_from_left / fron_most_left_to_most_right
        rate_about_value = w_rate_about_value
        if ( w_rate_about_value < 0.01 ) :
            rate_about_value = 0.01
        if ( w_rate_about_value > 0.99 ) :
            rate_about_value = 0.99

        value_BrightnessAdjustment = \
            self.iv_BrightnessAdjustmentValue_Min + \
               ( self.iv_BrightnessAdjustmentValue_Max_minus_Min \
                   * rate_about_value )

        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Class = " + DrawingOneSphere.CV_CLASS_NAME  \
        #                + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "value_BrightnessAdjustment = "             \
        #          , value_BrightnessAdjustment  )
        # print ( "==================================" )

        return_list = [ 0 , 0 , 0 ]
        return_list [ 0 ] = int (  \
             self.iv_list_basic_drawing_color [ 0 ] \
                   * value_BrightnessAdjustment    \
        return_list [ 1 ] = int (  \
             self.iv_list_basic_drawing_color [ 1 ] \
                   * value_BrightnessAdjustment    \
        return_list [ 2 ] = int (  \
             self.iv_list_basic_drawing_color [ 2 ] \
                   * value_BrightnessAdjustment    \

        return  return_list

8 [ MatrixFor3DRotation ] , ファイル名 [ MatrixFor3DRotation.py ]


import numpy as NUMPY
import math

class MatrixFor3DRotaion :

    CV_CLASS_NAME = "MatrixFor3DRotaion"

        # definition of constructer
    def __init__( self
                , arg_requester_module
                , arg_requester_function
                      #when doing first rotation, around, what axis?
                , arg_first_rotation_around_axis
                      #when doing first rotation, how dgree, used?
                , arg_first_rotation_angle_degree

                , arg_need_Y_N_second_rotation

                      #when doing second rotation, around, what axis?
                , arg_second_rotation_around_axis
                      #when doing second rotation, how dgree, used?
                , arg_second_rotation_angle_degree
                ) :

        methode_name = "constructer"

        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Enter into , Class = " + MatrixFor3DRotaion.CV_CLASS_NAME
        #               + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "    arg_requester_module = " + arg_requester_module
        #            + " , arg_requester_function = " + arg_requester_function )
        # print ( "==================================" )

        self.iv_first_rotation_around_axis = arg_first_rotation_around_axis
        self.iv_first_rotation_angle_degree = \
        self.iv_first_rotation_angle_radian  \
            = self.iv_first_rotation_angle_degree  \
                * ( math.pi / 180.0 )
        self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_first_rotation \
            = self.make_matrix ( \
                , self.iv_first_rotation_angle_radian
        self.iv_need_Y_N_second_rotation = arg_need_Y_N_second_rotation

        if ( self.iv_need_Y_N_second_rotation != "Y" ) :
            self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_rotation \
               = self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_first_rotation

            self.iv_second_rotation_around_axis = " "
            self.iv_second_rotation_angle_degree = 0
            self.iv_second_rotation_angle_radian = 0

               # ******************************************
            # print ( "self.iv_need_Y_N_second_rotation = " \
            #            , self.iv_need_Y_N_second_rotation )
               # ******************************************

            # print ( "self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_first_rotation = " )
            # print ( self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_first_rotation )
            # print ( "self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_rotation = " )
            # print (  self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_rotation )

            # print ( "==================================" )
            # print ( "Exit from , Class = " +  MatrixFor3DRotaion.CV_CLASS_NAME
            #           + " , methode = " + methode_name )
            # print ( "    arg_requester_module = " + arg_requester_module
            #        + " , arg_requester_function = " + arg_requester_function )
            # print ( "==================================" )


        else :   # need_Y_N_second_rotation
            self.iv_second_rotation_around_axis = \
            self.iv_second_rotation_angle_degree = \
            self.iv_second_rotation_angle_radian  \
                = self.iv_second_rotation_angle_degree  \
                          * ( math.pi / 180.0 )

            self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_second_rotation \
                   = self.make_matrix ( \
                        , self.iv_second_rotation_angle_radian
                     # make matrix of multiplaying first and second rotation
            self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_rotation \
                = NUMPY.matmul (  \
                     , self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_first_rotation

            # print ( "self.iv_need_Y_N_second_rotation = " \
            #                + self.iv_need_Y_N_second_rotation )

            # print ( "self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_second_rotation = " )
            # print ( self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_second_rotation )
            # print ( "self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_first_rotation = " )
            # print ( self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_first_rotation )
            # print ( "self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_rotation = " )
            # print (  self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_rotation )

            # print ( "==================================" )
            # print ( "Exit from , Class = " +  MatrixFor3DRotaion.CV_CLASS_NAME
            #           + " , methode = " + methode_name )
            # print ( "    arg_requester_module = " + arg_requester_module
            #        + " , arg_requester_function = " + arg_requester_function )
            # print ( "==================================" )


               # ---------------------------------------
        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Exit from , Class = " +  MatrixFor3DRotaion.CV_CLASS_NAME
        #               + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "    arg_requester_module = " + arg_requester_module
        #            + " , arg_requester_function = " + arg_requester_function )
        # print ( "==================================" )

    def  calculate_cordinate_after_rotation ( self   \
               , arg_list_cordinate_before_rotation
                                            ) :

        methode_name = "calculate_cordinate_after_rotation"

        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Enter into  , Class = " +  MatrixFor3DRotaion.CV_CLASS_NAME
        #               + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "    arg_list_cordinate_before_rotation = " )
        # print ( arg_list_cordinate_before_rotation )
        # print ( "==================================" )

        cordinate_before_NUMPY =   \
              NUMPY.array (        \
                  [ \
                    [ arg_list_cordinate_before_rotation [ 0 ] ] \
                  , [ arg_list_cordinate_before_rotation [ 1 ] ] \
                  , [ arg_list_cordinate_before_rotation [ 2 ] ] \
                  ] \

        return_matrixUsingNUMPY = NUMPY.matmul (   \

        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Class = " +  MatrixFor3DRotaion.CV_CLASS_NAME
        #               + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "==================================" )

        # print ( "cordinate_before_NUMPY = " )
        # print ( cordinate_before_NUMPY )

        # print ( "self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_rotation = " )
        # print ( self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_rotation )

        # print ( "return_matrixUsingNUMPY = " )
        # print ( return_matrixUsingNUMPY )

        # print ( "************************" )
        # print ( "matmul done" )
        # print ( "************************" )

        return_list = [  \
                         float ( return_matrixUsingNUMPY [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) \
                      ,  float ( return_matrixUsingNUMPY [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) \
                      ,  float ( return_matrixUsingNUMPY [ 2 ] [ 0 ] ) \

     #   return  return_matrixUsingNUMPY
        return return_list

    def  make_matrix ( self   \
                    , arg_rotation_around_axis
                    , arg_rotation_angle_radian
                                            ) :

        methode_name = "make_matrix"

        rotation_matrix_value = [
                                  [ 1 , 0 , 0 ] ,
                                  [ 0 , 1 , 0 ] ,
                                  [ 0 , 0 , 1 ]

        if ( arg_rotation_around_axis == "Z" ) :
                              #rotation around Z axis
                              # direction X axis --> Y axis

                      #--------- row 1 ---------------
            rotation_matrix_value [ 1 - 1 ] [ 1 - 1 ]    \
                      = math.cos ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )
            rotation_matrix_value [ 1 - 1  ] [ 2 - 1 ]  \
                      = ( 0.0 - math.sin ( arg_rotation_angle_radian ) )
            rotation_matrix_value [ 1 - 1 ]  [ 3 - 1 ]  \
                      = 0.0
                      #---------- row 2 --------------
            rotation_matrix_value [ 2 - 1 ]  [ 1 - 1 ]   \
                         = math.sin ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )
            rotation_matrix_value [ 2 - 1 ]  [ 2 - 1 ]    \
                         = math.cos ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )
            rotation_matrix_value [ 2 - 1 ]  [ 3 - 1 ]     \
                         = 0.0
                     #---------- row 3 --------------
            rotation_matrix_value [ 3 - 1 ]  [ 1 - 1 ]    \
                         = 0.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 3 - 1 ]  [ 2 - 1 ]  \
                         = 0.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 3 - 1 ]  [ 3 - 1 ]   \
                         = 1.0

            return_matrixUsingNUMPY   \
                = NUMPY.array ( rotation_matrix_value )
            return  return_matrixUsingNUMPY

        if ( arg_rotation_around_axis == "Y" ) :
                              #rotation around Y axis
                              # direction X axis --> Z axis

                      #--------- row 1 ---------------
            rotation_matrix_value [ 1 - 1 ]   [ 1 - 1 ]    \
                         = math.cos ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )
            rotation_matrix_value [ 1 - 1  ]    [ 2 - 1 ]     \
                         = 0.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 1 - 1 ]  [ 3 - 1 ]      \
                         = math.sin ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )
                      #---------- row 2 --------------
            rotation_matrix_value [ 2 - 1 ]   [ 1 - 1 ]    \
                         = 0.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 2 - 1 ]   [ 2 - 1 ]    \
                         = 1.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 2 - 1 ]   [ 3 - 1 ]      \
                         = 0.0
                     #---------- row 3 --------------
            rotation_matrix_value [ 3 - 1 ]   [ 1 - 1 ]   \
                         = 0.0 - math.sin ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )
            rotation_matrix_value [ 3 - 1 ]   [ 2 - 1 ]    \
                         = 0.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 3 - 1 ]   [ 3 - 1 ]    \
                         = math.cos ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )

            return_matrixUsingNUMPY   \
                = NUMPY.array ( rotation_matrix_value )
            return  return_matrixUsingNUMPY

        if ( arg_rotation_around_axis == "X" ) :
                              #rotation around X axis
                              # direction Y axis --> Z axis

                      #--------- row 1 ---------------
            rotation_matrix_value [ 1 - 1 ]   [ 1 - 1 ]     \
                         = 1.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 1 - 1  ]   [ 2 - 1 ]     \
                         = 0.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 1 - 1 ]   [ 3 - 1 ]     \
                         = 0.0
                      #---------- row 2 --------------
            rotation_matrix_value [ 2 - 1 ]  [ 1 - 1 ]     \
                         = 0.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 2 - 1 ]   [ 2 - 1 ]     \
                         = math.cos ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )
            rotation_matrix_value [ 2 - 1 ]   [ 3 - 1 ]     \
                         = 0.0 - math.sin ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )
                     #---------- row 3 --------------
            rotation_matrix_value [ 3 - 1 ]   [ 1 - 1 ]    \
                         = 0.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 3 - 1 ]   [ 2 - 1 ]     \
                         = math.sin ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )
            rotation_matrix_value [ 3 - 1 ]    [ 3 - 1 ]     \
                         = math.cos ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )

            return_matrixUsingNUMPY   \
                = NUMPY.array ( rotation_matrix_value )
            return  return_matrixUsingNUMPY

        return_matrixUsingNUMPY   \
                = NUMPY.array ( rotation_matrix_value )
        return  return_matrixUsingNUMPY


Python(パイソン) プログラム作ってみた インデックス へ
