すべてが実った瞬間|The moment when everything came to fruition
To recognize the moment when your dream comes true you must have first visualized that moment. The next level is to live it before it happens. Fake it until you make it!
To recognize the moment when your dream comes true you must have first visualized that moment. The next level is to live it before it happens. Fake it until you make it!
A client who is a piano teacher told me that “Mr. Sorita's performance has the power to engage people." So I was interested in him and wanted to watch the Chopin Competition every five years in real-time on YouTube.
Because of the pandemic, the whole world was able to watch the competition online as if we were judges. I was watching it on my new projector, Peter, in real-time. I thought Mr. Sumino was a YouTuber, but he is now competing in the Chopin Competition. I thought this is a new era.
Five Japanese made it through to the third round, and two made it through to the final! And they are childhood friends. How dramatic!
反田さんは、まるで指揮者のようにオーケストラをぐいぐい引っ張っている演奏にも見えました。人を巻き込む力というのはこのことか!と。最後のフィニッシュは大きな丸を空中に描いたような、ドラマチックなエンディングでした! 鳥肌です!なんと、オーケストラの音が終わる前のピアノが終わった瞬間に、拍手が巻き起こったのです!ピースサインまで飛び出して、自分で自分の演奏に満足している様子が伝わってきました!
It seemed as if Mr. Sorita was pulling the orchestra along like a conductor. This is what it means to involve people! I thought. In the end, he drew a big circle with his hand in the air and it was a dramatic ending! Amazingly, before the orchestra had finished, there was a big applause at the end of the piano note! Goosebumps! He even gave a peace sign, which showed that he was happy with his performance!
Then in the after performance interview, he said, "I'm going to support Ms. Kobayashi" as if he had prepared a line already! And the result was a brilliant 2nd place!
“I really can't believe it. I still don't feel it. I've been working on my program for six years and everything came to fruition. I think that the moment when a person's dream comes true is different for everyone. It could be a moment, it could be five seconds. In my case, it was the final of the Chopin Competition, which I had been dreaming of since I was 12 years old. I wanted to play with an orchestra in a competition, not in a concert. Over the 40 minutes of playing in the final, I thought this was the best moment of my dream coming true.”
Then I clicked the play button again to watch a 40-minute performance by someone whose dreams are coming true. He was so calm, as if he was performing a scene that he had probably imagined in his mind many times. I'd like to experience the moment when it all comes to fruition. But first I have to write my script!
ショパンコンクール、どれも本当に素晴らしかったですね! 4位に入賞した小林愛実さんのthird roundの「雨だれ」にも感動しました!そしてファイナルでは、 協奏曲第1番 Op.11を演奏されていた方も多く、比較も面白いです。だからこそ最後、反田さんの拍手はフライングであることがわかって、観客を巻き込んだ様子に興奮しました!