
夢を刷新する。| Renew your dream.


 When something moves you, take notice, it’s a signpost from your future self, pointing you in the right direction, directing you to a new future.

Client: なんでしょうかね。今日もやれた、という実感が欲しいのか? 周りと比べて焦っているのか?

Client: I don't know. Do I want to feel like I’ve achieved something every day? Am I getting impatient with myself?

Me: ところで、過去に描いた夢で、今叶っていることは何ですか?

Me: By the way, what are some of the dreams you had in the past that are coming true now?

Client: ひとりの時間を充実させるとか、人と関わり高めあっていくとか、以前にイメージしたことは、既に叶っていますね。

Client: The things I imagined before, such as having time for myself and being involved with other people, have already come true.


Me: It's coming true. So it's time to renew your dream. What emotions would you like to experience in the future?

Client: 人の助けになれたら嬉しいですけど、それは相手の努力だし…とか思ってしまいます。

Client: I'm happy to help people, but it's their effort... or so I think.

Me: さらに大きなビジョンを描くと、どう感じていくでしょうか? まだ味わったことのない感情かもしれませんよ。

Me: How does it feel to have an even bigger vision? It's a feeling you may not have experienced before.

Client: つい周りと比べるんでしょうね。周り人たちは、仲間をどんどん広げていけて、遅れを感じたり、もっとすごい仕事をしている人の動画を観て、引け目を感じたりしています。

Client: I guess I compare myself to others. People around me are progressing, so I feel behind, or I see videos of people doing more amazing work, and I feel put off.

Me: でもなぜ、そういうすごい人の動画を観るのでしょうか? 私でしたら、「すごい!私もあんなふうになりたい!」って感動して、その人の本や動画を研究して、自分のセッションに生かすようにしましたよ。

Me: But why do you watch the videos of these amazing people? For me, I'd say 'Wow! I want to be like that!” and I would be so impressed. So I would study their books and videos and try to apply them to my sessions.

Client: そうやって、学んでいるのですね!

Client: That's how you learn!

Me:「すごい!私もあんなふうになりたい!」と今感じたことが、未来になりたい感情ではないですか? だからそこを次の目標にすればいいじゃないですか。周りの仲間とか、小さいところ見すぎです。成功している人は、どちらかというと一匹狼ですよ。きっと、周りにいる人と価値観が違うのではないですか?

Me: "Wow! I want to be like that!" That's the feeling you want to have in the future. So why don't you make that your next goal? You're looking too much at the people around you and the small things. Successful people are more like loners. Maybe you don't have the same values as the people around you.


Client: I think you are probably right. In my mind, I feel that coaching is more dynamic. I would like to be able to do that kind of session too.

 すごい人を見て、「すごい、私もそうなりたい」と感動するのか? 私にはできないと感じるのか? あなたの感動が、未来を創る種になるのです。

 When you see an amazing person, are you impressed and say, "Wow, I want to be like that." Or do you feel that you can't do it? What moves you is the seed of your future.




→ エッセンスをまとめていただきましたね。ありがとうございました!
