検証する技術。| The art of validating the evidence.
偉人は言った「人生はゆで卵のようなもので、テクニックがなければ絶対に失敗する」と。(笑) 良い方法は一つもありませんが、どうにかして方法を見つけ出さなければなりません。あなたのテクニックは何ですか?
A great man once said that Life is like boiling an egg, without a technique you will definitely fail.” There is no one good way, but somehow we must figure out how to do it. What’s your technique?
先月、1D1U CampのSHSで、「就寝までのルーティン」と「肌のお手入れルーティン」について質問をされました。数か月間、私なりに検証し、成果が出てきたので、ハウツーとして語れるようになっていました。
Last month, at the SHS of 1D1U Camp, I was asked about my "bedtime routine" and "skincare routine". After a few months of my testing and results, I was ready to talk about it as a How-To.
そしてこんな風に言いました。「いつも、何をしたらうまくいったのか? 検証するようにしているので、自分の取扱説明書が出来上がり、人にも再現性のあるように話せます」と。私にとって普通のことを皆さんに話しましたが、コメント欄がざわつきました。(笑)
And then I said something like this. "I always try to find out what I did that worked, so I have my instruction manual and I can talk to people about it in a way that people can copy. I've told an advice what's normal for me, but it caused a buzz in the comments section.
「検証ではなくて、反省と自分責めになり、なんでできないんだろう? と考えていました」。
“It wasn't about validating the evidence, it was about reflecting and blaming myself and wondering why I couldn't do it.”
“I think I usually reflect. But it was an eye-opener for me that it's important to focus on the positive to recreate it. As you say, if you focus on the negative, reflection is only preventative, not productive.”
The next day, those who examined the positive side of a day found a change in the way they felt.
“Repeating the testing process also means that the number of little checks increases again. It seems like that’s what gives me the confidence for the future.”
“When I validate what worked, my self-esteem goes up, I acknowledge myself. And I found everything I've done so far is connected and as you say, I understand this is what my instruction manual is all about.”
検証は反省と違って、ニュートラルです。うまく行った場合もあれば、あまりうまく行かなかった場合があるだけ。うまく行ったときは、どんな条件が揃っていたのか? そうでなかったときは、どんな条件が揃っていたのか? 確かめるだけです。つまり、失敗のない世界になるのです。そうすれば、挑戦するハードルも下がりますし、モチベーションはいつも一定です。
Unlike reflection, validation is neutral. Sometimes it goes well, sometimes not so well. When things went well, what conditions were there? And when it didn't, what were the conditions there? It's just checking. In other words, it's a world without failures. That way, the challenging bar is lowered and it’s easy to stay motivated.
People who enjoy validation can experience success in their daily lives and gain knowledge of many things, and they will enjoy life!
Until my second Tokyo Dome shot, vaccination, I have been trying to improve my immune system through diet and muscle training for a month. Thanks to that, the experiment has worked, without any serious side effects!
>A great man once said that Life is like boiling an egg, without a technique you will definitely fail.”