
本気度テスト。| Test for seriousness.

 何かを買うとき、あなたは今までの自分のために買いますか? それとも、これからなりたい自分のために買いますか?
 When you buy something, are you buying it for who you used to be or for the person you want to become?

 Finally, now the world's most popular keyboard has come to my home. Because I have recently begun playing the piano for the first time in 30 years.
 As the interior of my flat is white, I thought that I wanted to buy a white one, but my English teacher told me that a black keyboard would be more serious! And I was puzzled. My English teacher said, "Let the universe help you!".

 The next day, Hikaru Utada's Instagram came up on my timeline, I saw three black keyboards in her room. "Wow! The professionals have a black one!" As soon as I saw that, I felt like the energy in the room suddenly changed somehow. Then I realized that I was simply trying to decide, based on the interior of the room.
 And I'm in the mood to get more serious about my output! I have been presenting some work every day, but I was concerned that it was in cohesive and disorganized. I'm still alive, but I thought I should have a "retrospective" exhibition. Might be good for a new incarnation!

 まず、5つあるYouTubeチャンネルの整理から。1D1U Communityのチャンネルには、374本の動画が限定公開で保存されていました。これが、私にリピーターが多い理由です。つまり公開することで、さらに多くの必要な人に届く可能性があると思ったのです。より多くの人に見てもらうために、プライベートなYouTubeチャンネルと、ライフコーチとしてのYouTubeチャンネルの2つに絞ることにしたのです。
 First of all, I organized my five YouTube channels: the 1D1U Community channel had 374 videos stored on it. In my business, this is why I have many repeaters. In other words, I felt that by opening it up to the public, it had the potential to reach even more people who needed it. To make it more visible, I decided to focus on two channels, my private YouTube channel and my YouTube channel as a Life Coach.
 The next thing I came up with was to make the 90 episodes of the listening skills of the newsletter into a teaching resource. This was also limited to the readers of my newsletter, so it was about to go into storage unless I put it out. Finally, I opened Word and started putting it together. Once this is completed, I will be able to move on to the Silky Feedback book.

 So that's how I spent the week, sorting out the past and going back to my roots. Then I got a sign that the flow had changed.
 昨年の6月から読むサプリの英語版を更新しているMediumというプラットフォームから、”Your audience is growing.”という件名のメールが届きました。それで、日本人以外の誰かが読んでくれていることを知りました。小さな夢が叶っていました。
 I received an email from a platform called Medium, where the English version of ”Yomusapuri” has been posted since last June, with the subject line "Your audience is growing." That's how I knew that people other than Japanese people were reading it. My little dream had come true.
 キーボードに本気を試されていたなんて! 道具は人を変えますね。
 I can't believe the keyboard was testing my seriousness! Tools change people.


