香港で今起きている事 大規模デモについて友人がくれたメッセージ 13
(Massage on Aug. 10)
The police fired more than 800 cans of tear gas on 5Aug, in a single day, in various districts. From 9Jun to yesterday, they arrested over 420 people, many of them were innocent, like a student who just happened to walk past the area on the way to school for some books, or bystanders who tried to see what was happening in their neighbourhood.
News media just released the latest number, 580 people are being arrested so far, ranged from 13-76 years old, hk people has already set up 2-3 organisations raising legal fund to provide them with legal aid, including the bailing fee and fee for hospitalisation etc. The police made up all kinds of excuses to arrest more and more innocent people who only fight to defend themselves, while so far Carrie Lam and her gang in the government are mostly hiding and nobody was accounted for the responsibility of this mess, and no member of gangsters who attacked citizens with rods and bats and knifes are being charged of any crimes, and nobody in the police who uses excessing violence and made unreasonable arrests are being punished.
(My comment)
Sorry to say, but mu blog doesn’t have many “readers”…
It’s ok, we are only letting the words out to as many people as possible, you are also someone who needs to know this! People should know the truth, no some fake news manufactures by pro-chinese media.