香港で今起きている事 大規模デモについて友人がくれたメッセージ 8
(My comment)
I started to translate it and posted it (to my blog). I will continue every day.
Thanks... I wish more people know about what is happening in Hong Kong. The police are mostly targeting young people now, they just arrested a university student on the street when he was buying a flashlight, claiming that he is “in possession of weapon”, which is completely bullshit.
If someone can be arrested simply because of buying flashlight, it means anyone can be arrested because of any reason they accuse you of. They can bust into your house and claim that they find heroin in your kitchen, arrest you for months, won’t even apologise when the lab report came out showing that it was actually corn starch. (This is real, it just happened, the innocent guy was held in prison for 6 weeks.)
Some might criticise the physical damage of the Legislative Council building, but that place no longer belongs to Hong Kong people, it has long become a convenient procedure for Carrie Lam and her gang to continuously betray the people by passing all the bills that take away our human rights and freedom, to further damage our livelihood. The destruction itself is only a symbol of showing them the people remember exactly how she and the pro-government party has been stealing our money, how corrupted they are, the profits and power they gained through passing various unreasonably extremely pricey projects.
香港特別行政区立法会のビルが物理的に損傷した事について批判している人もいるようですが、あの場所はもはや香港人のものではありません。そこは随分前からキャリー・ラム(林鄭 月娥/行政長官)と彼女の暴力団員が人々から人権と自由を奪い、さらなる打撃を私達の生活に与えるための全ての法案を通し、裏切り続けるための便利な機関と成り果てています。その破壊自体は、彼女と政府系政党がどれだけ私達の財産を盗み、どんなに彼らが腐敗しており、意味の無い、ただひたすら高いお金がかかるだけのプロジェクトを通し、利益と権力を享受してきたかを人々に思い出させる事を、彼らに示す為の象徴に過ぎません。