香港で今起きている事 大規模デモについて友人がくれたメッセージ 10
In May, Bar Association wrote against the bill for the 3rd time, later the academics and religious group signed a petition against the bill too. On 6Jun, 3000 lawyers dressing in black under 33°C, marched in silent to the government headquarter against the bill, and 1 million citizens followed to march on 9Jun.
The government continued to ignored the voice of its people, right after the march, Carrie Lam the chief executive who betrays all of us, declared the bill shall carry on with 2nd reading on 12Jun.
Therefore, on 12Jun, some people went to sit outside the legislative council to protest, in despair, some blocked the road hoping to delay the councillors coming to the meeting... the police shot 150 cans of tear gas towards their very own citizens that day. Hong Kong people - mostly youngsters on that day - used their bodies and sweat and blood to delayed the 2nd reading of an evil bill that will destroy our legal system, our free economy, our human rights, and the future of our kids.
そのため、6月12日には人々が立法会の外で抗議の座り込みをしました。絶望の中、議会に参加しようとしていた議員達を遅れさせようと、道路を封鎖しました。警察はその日、同胞である市民に150缶の催涙ガスを噴射したのです。香港人達 ー 多くは若者達がその日 ー 私達の法制度や、自由経済、人権、子供達の未来を破壊する悪の条例の為の第二審議会を遅延させるべく、自分自身の体を張り、血と汗を流したのです。
But this bill is still here, it haunted us, it continue to threaten our city, and Carrie Lam decided not to “withdraw” it.
It was a Wednesday.
A man lost hope and jumped off a building because Carrie Lam insisted on the non-withdrawal.