ラグビー道場 ラグビーを通して英語を学ぶ
記事 (Article)
Having a set goal in any aspect of life is important. It creates motivation and resolve. It can translate to everything that we do whether it is at work, school or sports. Sometimes our goals are not in line with what is the common theme. At school, your goal may not be being the top of the class in every subject but to simply achieving a high enough score to get yourself into the university of your liking. In the case of work, your goal may just be an easy stressless work lifestyle and not gaining recognition from your peers or superiors. In sports the goals may be divided between wins and rankings. In the casual Army rugby team the goal of playing rugby was not to beat the other companies’ but to build teamwork and camaraderie. During training the priority was always placed on working effectively as a team and building cohesion. The end result may be that the team wins a game or two but even if they lose, they do not reflect on the loss but on their performance as a team and how they can improve themselves. In professional rugby the goals and priorities of a team may also differ.
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