映画「ドミニオン」2005米(en:Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist)Netflix配信中https://www.netflix.com/jp/title/70034487?preventIntent=true観ていましたら、、「メリン神父」「アフリカ」「エクソシスト」むむ!?これは??と、、笑 下に理由が、、実は、幻のホラーマニア向けだった👀‼️
(en:Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist)
ホラーマニアさんの映画評( ・∇・)\(^-^)/色んな見方がありますね!
映画「エクソシスト ビギニング」2004米
なお、本作品の批評的な不興を受け、製作会社はお蔵入りにしていたシュレイダーによるバージョンを翌2005年『ドミニオン』(en:Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist)として公開している。
(Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist)
ドミニオン エクソシストの前日譚
ドミニオン エクソシストの前日譚』は、Paul Schraderが監督、William Wisher Jr.とCaleb Carrが脚本を手がけた2005年のアメリカの超自然現象ホラー映画です。
ドミニオン エクソシスト前日譚』ポスター.JPG
エクソシスト』の正式な前日譚であり、『エクソシスト』に改編される前の作品である。モーガン・クリーク・プロダクションの幹部が、すでに完成していた本作が失敗することを恐れたため、『Exorcist: The Beginning』に改編される前の正式な前日譚で、『Exorcist』の後、2005年5月20日にワーナーブラザーズ映画からアメリカでの限定公開が行われた。
Exorcist: The Beginning』が経済的にも批評家からも失望された後、2005年5月20日にワーナー・ブラザース映画から限定公開された。
Exorcist: The Beginning』よりは良い評価を得たものの、批評家からは不評だった。
プロット ⚠️ネタバレあり
プロデューサーのジェームズ・G・ロビンソンは1997年に『エクソシスト』の前日譚の開発を始め、脚本の初稿は『ターミネーター2/審判の日』の共同脚本家ウィリアム・ウィッシャーJrが執筆した[2] 1999年10月にモーガン・クリーク・プロダクションズは『13日の金曜日Part6 ジェイソン・リビング』の監督トム・マクラフリンを監督として採用した。
2003年7月の公開が決まった後、フランケンハイマーは健康状態の悪化によりプロジェクトから降りることを余儀なくされ、ポール・シュレイダーが後任となった[6]... ガブリエル・マンは2002年4月に出演し、撮影は春にイギリスとスペインで行われる予定だった... 翌月、映画の正式名称が『Exorcist』となった[7]。
シュレイダー監督の映画の撮影は2002年11月11日にモロッコで始まり、ヴィットリオ・ストラーロが撮影を担当しました[9][10] スタッフはモロッコで6週間、さらにローマで2ヶ月の撮影を行いました。2003年2月に撮影が終了するまでに、6人の作家が脚本に参加し、予算はほぼ2倍になっていた[11]。
2003年11月に特殊メイクアップ効果アーティスト、ゲーリー J. トニクリフは彼がこの映画に関与するのを認めた[25]。[25] ハーリン監督の下での撮影は2003年の冬にローマで始まり、12週間で終了した[26][27]。
2004年4月にワーナー・ブラザース・ホームエンターテイメントがシュレイダー監督の映画を直接ビデオで発売する検討を始めた。 28]
9000万ドルを超える予算で、エクソシスト。シュレイダーはウィリアム・ピーター・ブラッティと一緒に公開初日の週末に映画を見たことを認め、The Independentに「これは本当にひどいよ。もしこのまま悪いままなら、私のを復活させるチャンスがあるに違いない」と語っている[31]。
DOG FASHION DISCOは作曲を担当しただけでなく、バラバラのソースにもかかわらず統一感を与えるためにスコア全体を「調整」している[35]。
2005年3月、ニューヨークでのプライベート上映の後、映画のタイトルは『Paul Schrader's Exorcist』となった。
The Original Prequel』というタイトルになった。その時の他のワーキングタイトルには『エクソシストIV』や『ダーク・エンジェル』などがあった[36][37]。
多くの批評家はハーリン監督版より少し良いだけだと述べ、ロッテントマトでは30%の評価[42]、メタクリティックでは100点満点中55点[43]、一方、エクソシスト:The BeginningはRotten Tomatoesで10%、Metacriticで100点満点中30点の評価である[45]。
シカゴ・サンタイムズ』誌のロジャー・エバートは4つ星のうち3つを与え、「色あせたホラー映画のこの時代に危険で大胆なことをした:それは悪を真剣に受け止めている」と書きました[46]。 バラエティ』誌のレスリー・フェルペリンは、この映画は「知的で静かに破壊的」で「シュレイダーは100%ポール・シュレイダー映画を提供した、(作家としての)タクシードライバーから(ディレクターとしての)オートフォーカスまでの彼のキャリアに水を差した精神と道徳的苦痛で浸食されたと書いた」のです[47]。
The Onion's A.V. Clubのスコット・トビアスは「スカルスゲは、この映画の中で一番好きだ」と書いています。クラブ」のスコット・トビアスは「スカルスゲルドは静かに魅せる演技をしている」と書き、「シュレイダーの映画は特に怖くはないが、『エクソシスト』とその続編よりは本質的だ。なぜなら、悪魔憑きを頭を回転させる直喩から外し、悪をもっとリアルでありふれたものとして考えているからだ」[49]と書いています。
雑誌SlateのDavid Edelsteinは、この映画は「良い、思慮深いホラー映画であり、(非常に)良いものになりかけている」と述べた[50] IGNのBrent Simonは、この映画に10点満点中4点を与え、次のように述べた。「ドミニオンが放つ全体的な感覚は、根無し草のような気だるさである。しかし、最後の対決までは、まるで別の映画から来たかのように感じられる。足りないのは血や血糊ではなく、その文脈です。『ドミニオン』はあまりにも丁寧で都会的なので、怖がらせることができないのです」[51]。
2006年10月10日には、『エクソシスト』、『エクソシスト』とともに発売された。2006年10月10日には、『エクソシスト』、『エクソシスト:未公開バージョン』、『エクソシストII:異端者』、『エクソシストIII』、『エクソシスト』とともにボックスセットとして発売された。The Exorcist: The Beginning」と題されたボックスセットで発売された。The Complete Anthology(コンプリート・アンソロジー)。
本作は、Blu-ray版『The Exorcist』の一部として発売された。2014年9月23日に『The Complete Anthology』として発売された。2020年10月13日にソニー・ピクチャーズ・ホームエンターテイメントから単体のBlu-rayで発売された[53]。
KJB (2001年1月4日)."FilmForce Exclusive:Exorcist Prequel Begins Casting".IGN.2022年8月12日に取得した。
Lyons, Charles (October 30, 1999)."McLoughlin Tapped for Exorcist".Variety.2022年8月12日取得。
Hamman, Cody (July 18, 2008)."Director Tom McLoughlin Almost Went from Jason Lives to The Dream Master".JoBlo.2022年8月12日取得。
"Liam Neeson Gears Up for Exorcist Prequel"(リーアム・ニーソン、エクソシスト前日譚に向け準備中)。The Guardian.2001年10月31日。2022年8月12日閲覧。
Holson, Laura (February 22, 2004)."FILM; Enough Trouble to Make Your Head Spin".ニューヨーク・タイムズ。2022年8月12日閲覧。
"マンとニーソン、エクソシスト前日譚に出演".Irish Examiner.2002年4月18日。2022年8月12日閲覧。
"Morgan Creek Productions and Warner Bros. Pictures' Exorcist:The Beginning, starring Stellan Skarsgard, Commons Principal Photography in Morocco".ワーナー・ブラザーズ 2002年11月11日。2022年8月12日取得。
「ポール・シュレイダーのオートフォーカス(2002年秋)".Filmmaker Magazine.2022年8月12日閲覧。
ホルソン、ローラ (2004年2月22日)."FILM; Enough Trouble to Make Your Head Spin".ニューヨーク・タイムズ.2022年8月12日閲覧。
ストリンガー、ジェイソン(2005年3月24日)。"Exclusive Interview with Paul Schrader".Captain Howdy.2022年8月12日閲覧。
Kehr, Dave (May 2, 2005)."Double Your Pleasure?初期エクソシスト、テイク2".New York Times.2022年8月12日閲覧。
ストリンガー、ジェイソン(2005年3月24日)。"Exclusive Interview with Paul Schrader".Captain Howdy.2022年8月12日閲覧。
ホルソン、ローラ(2004年2月22日)。"FILM; Enough Trouble to Make Your Head Spin".ニューヨーク・タイムズ2022年8月12日閲覧。
"Exorcist Prequel Bedeviled from the Beginning".Today.2004年8月19日。2022年8月12日閲覧。
Neumaier, Joe (August 17, 2004)."Tough Beginning for Exorcist".Baltimore Sun.2022年8月12日取得。
Milmo, Cahal (August 27, 2003)."Exorcist Director is Fired for Not Being Gory Enough for Cinema audiences".The Independent.2022年8月12日取得。
ケアー、デイブ(2005年5月2日)。"Double Your Pleasure?初期エクソシスト、テイク2".New York Times.2022年8月12日閲覧。
ホルソン、ローラ(2004年2月22日)。"FILM; Enough Trouble to Make Your Head Spin".New York Times.2022年8月12日閲覧。
リー、クリス (2004年8月18日)."A Devil of a Time".LA Times.2022年8月12日閲覧。
Kermode, Mark (January 25, 2004)."Better the devil you know".The Guardian.2022年8月12日閲覧。
ホルソン、ローラ (2004年2月22日)."FILM; Enough Trouble to Make Your Head Spin".New York Times.2022年8月12日閲覧。
"Exorcist Prequel Bedeviled from the Beginning".Today.2004年8月19日。2022年8月12日閲覧。
"Interview : Gary J.Tunnicliffe".MovieHole.2003年11月4日。2022年8月12日取得。
Lee, Chris (August 18, 2004)."A Devil of a Time".LA Times.2022年8月12日取得。
ホルソン、ローラ (2004年2月22日)."FILM; Enough Trouble to Make Your Head Spin".ニューヨーク・タイムズ。2022年8月12日閲覧。
"Both Exorcist Prequels Headed for DVD?".Coming Soon.2004年4月14日。2022年8月18日取得。
"Exorcist Prequel Bedeviled from the Beginning".Today.2004年8月19日。2022年8月12日閲覧。
"エクソシスト。The Beginning - Bomb Report".爆弾報告書。2022年8月17日にリトリーブされた。
モットラム、ジェームズ(2013年7月7日)。"ポール・シュレイダーExorcising His Demons".The Independent.2022年8月18日閲覧。
B, Brian (September 12, 2004)."WBは「エクソシスト」の両バージョンをリリースする。The Beginning on DVD?".MovieWeb.2022年8月18日に取得した。
マイヤーズ、エリック(2005年10月14日)。"Exclusive interview with Paul Schrader".Captain Howdy.2010-12-06にオリジナルからアーカイブされました。2005-03-24を取得。
モットラム、ジェームズ(2005年10月14日)。「ポール・シュレイダーExorcising his demons".The Independent.ロンドン。2021-10-27にオリジナルからアーカイブされています。2009-12-21を取得。
マイヤーズ、エリック(2005年10月14日)。"Exclusive interview with Paul Schrader".キャプテンハウディ。2005-03-24を取得。
ストリンガー、ジェイソン(2005年3月24日)。"Exclusive Interview With Paul Schrader".キャプテン・ハウディ2022年8月18日取得。
Rahner, Mark (March 11, 2005)."Too Much Fire, Not Enough Story in Ladder 49".Seattle Times.2022 年 8 月 18 日に取得。
Schwartz, Missy (April 25, 2005).「EW Takes a Look At The New Horror Flick Dominion".Entertainment Weekly.2022年8月18日閲覧。
"April 2005 News - Stellan Skarsgard". www.stellanonline.com:80.2007年9月11日にオリジナルからアーカイブされました。2022年1月12日取得。
"Dominion - Box Office Mojo".
ウェストブルック、ブルース(5月21日、2005)。"「ドミニオン」監督、映画公開で正当性を実感 - 悪魔に関する最新前日譚はハーリン版と一致".Houston Chronicle.2012-10-17にオリジナルからアーカイブされています。2009-12-21取得。
エクソシストThe Beginning』レビュー、Metacritic
フェルペリン、レスリー(2005年3月18日)。"エクソシスト。The Prequel Movie Review".バラエティ
Review Archived May 21, 2008, at the Wayback Machine, Scott Tobias, The A.V. Club, May 24th, 2005
レビュー、David Edelstein、Slate
pages/The-Exorcist/35650298912 (2005-05-20)."ドミニオン最初のレビュー".CaptainHowdy.com.2021-05-24 を取得。
ドミニオンエクソシストの前日譚』ブルーレイ発売日 2020年10月13日、取得:2021-05-24
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Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist
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Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist is a 2005 American supernatural horror film directed by Paul Schrader and written by William Wisher Jr. and Caleb Carr. The film serves as an alternative prequel to The Exorcist (1973) and is the fifth installment in The Exorcist series. The film stars Stellan Skarsgård, Clara Bellar, Gabriel Mann and Billy Crawford.
Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist
Dominion A Prequel to the Exorcist poster.JPG
Theatrical release poster
Directed by
Paul Schrader
Written by
William Wisher Jr.
Caleb Carr
Based on
by William Peter Blatty
Produced by
James G. Robinson
Stellan Skarsgård
Gabriel Mann
Clara Bellar
Billy Crawford
Ralph Brown
Vittorio Storaro
Edited by
Tim Silano
Music by
Trevor Rabin
Angelo Badalamenti
Dog Fashion Disco
Morgan Creek Productions
Distributed by
Warner Bros. Pictures
Release dates
March 18, 2005 (BIFFF)
May 20, 2005 (United States)
Running time
116 minutes
United States
$30 million
Box office
The official prequel to The Exorcist before being retooled to turn into Exorcist: The Beginning, as Morgan Creek Productions executives feared the already completed film would be unsuccessful, it received a limited release in the United States on May 20, 2005, by Warner Bros. Pictures, after Exorcist: The Beginning became a financial and critical disappointment. The film was not well-received by critics, although it received better reviews than Exorcist: The Beginning.
In 1944, a Nazi SS lieutenant named Kessel forces the parish priest of a small village in occupied Holland, Father Lankester Merrin, to participate in arbitrary executions in retaliation for the murder of a German trooper, in exchange for sparing the village.
In 1947, Merrin, whose faith was shattered by the incident, is an archaeologist in Derati, a remote area in the Turkana region of British Kenya excavating a Byzantine church built around the 5th century—long before Christianity had reached that region of Africa. He meets up with Father Francis, and Major Granville, the British military officer overseeing the dig. Making their way to Derati with Chuma, Merrin's translator and guide, Merrin introduces Francis to Rachel, a doctor and Emekwi, an enthusiastic convert who provides accommodation for the two men. As they tour the dig site, Merrin and Francis notice the church is in perfect condition, as though it had been deliberately buried immediately after its construction was completed.
On the site, Merrin meets a disabled young outcast named Cheche. Although dissuaded by Chuma, Merrin brings the boy to Rachel for medical treatment. Once the door is uncovered, Merrin, Francis, and Chuma go inside the church. A hidden passageway leads them to a crypt containing a demonic idol—an ancient sanctuary where human sacrifice was performed. Merrin deduces that the church was expressly built to seal this underground temple. On their way back, they are confronted by local elders, who demand Merrin stop digging.
Francis contacts Granville to send a detachment to guard the dig against potential robbers, despite Merrin's objections. Two British soldiers attempting to loot some precious stones from the church are then found dead the next day (one without his head; the other crucified to the altar head downward). Despite the Christian symbolism used in the murders and the testimony of local warrior Jomo that the two men were affected by a strange madness, Granville, blaming the Turkana, goes to town in an uncharacteristic fit of rage demanding the purported culprits be given up, shooting a young woman in cold blood when the locals protest. Determined to stop the 'Christian evil' from spreading, Jomo breaks into the mission school and slaughters the students, including one of Emekwi's sons before he is shot on the spot by British soldiers.
second-in-command. Unlike Granville, he is less kindly disposed towards the Turkana.
Israel Aduramo as Jomo, a local warrior who constantly observes the archaeological site.
Andrew French as Chuma, a local serving as an interpreter and guide for Merrin and the British.
Eddie Osei as Emekwi, a hotel owner and Christian convert who provides Merrin and Francis accommodations during their stay in Derati. He offers his two sons, James and Joseph, to Francis as students for his planned missionary school. Their death at the hands of Jomo leads him to question his faith.
Antonie Kamerling as Lieutenant Kessel, the SS officer who forces Merrin to decimate the villagers under his wing in retaliation for the murder of one of his men.
Mary Beth Hurt (uncredited) as the voice of possessed Cheche.
Producer James G. Robinson first began development on an untitled prequel to The Exorcist in 1997, with the first draft of the screenplay penned byTerminator 2: Judgment Day co-writer William Wisher Jr.[2] In October 1999, Morgan Creek Productions hired Tom McLoughlin, director of Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives, to helm the film. With a script finally in place, production was slated to occur the following spring in Africa.[3] McLoughlin departed due to issues with the script.[4] In October 2001, numerous publications reported that John Frankenheimer was on board as director, with a new screenplay revised by Caleb Carr. Liam Neeson was attached to portray the character of Father Lankester Merrin. William Peter Blatty was not expected to take part in the production.[5] After a July 2003 release date was slotted, Frankenheimer was forced to step down from the project due to his declining health and was replaced by Paul Schrader.[6] Gabriel Mann joined the cast in April 2002, while shooting was expected to take place in the spring in the United Kingdom and Spain.[7] The following month, the film was officially titled Exorcist: The Begininng and Stellan Skarsgård and Billy Crawford were added to the cast, the former of which replacing Neeson.[8] Principal photography on Schrader's film began on November 11, 2002 in Morocco with Vittorio Storaro handling cinematography duties.[9][10] The crew spent six weeks filming in Morocco and then a further two months in Rome. By the time filming had wrapped in February 2003, six writers had contributed to the screenplay and the budget had nearly doubled.[11]
An early cut of Schrader's film that ran at 130 minutes was shown to the studio in early 2003.[12] The cut was widely derided due to a lack of scares and gore.[13] The studio at first opted to re-edit the film to make it scarier, which Schrader opposed. Additional photography was then planned, which according to Schrader only grew "bigger and bigger" as time went on. Schrader attested that he faithfully adapted Carr's screenplay on screen and that the studio went through "buyer's remorse" during production.[14] Later reports indicated that Schrader was first given the option to re-edit the film twice, with neither cut managing to satisfy the studio. Sheldon Kahn was brought in to re-cut the film without Schrader's involvement. Schrader was "livid" and reportedly demanded that Kahn leave.[15] By then, the studio met with other filmmakers to direct new scenes to make the film scarier.[16] Carr was expected for rewrites, but instead the studio opted to fire Schrader and scrap the film entirely in August 2003.[17][18] Morgan Creek sought for a new director starting in October.[19]
Renny Harlin was among the directors who met with Robinson and suggested to rewrite the script, cast new actors, and add in more action. The studio was impressed and hired Harlin.[20] Following revisions were done by Carr, Skip Woods, Alexi Hawley, and Harlin.[21][22][23] Skarsgård was the only cast member retained from the original shoot.[24] In November 2003, special makeup effects artist Gary J. Tunnicliffe confirmed he would be involved with the film.[25] Filming under Harlin's direction began in the winter of 2003 in Rome and concluded after twelve weeks.[26][27] In April 2004, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment began considered releasing Schrader's film direct to video.[28] With a budget upward of $90 million, Exorcist: The Beginning opened on August 20, 2004 and underperformed at the box office and was critically panned.[29][30] Schrader admitted to seeing the film on opening weekend with William Peter Blatty and told The Independent "This is really bad. If it stays this bad, I bet there's a chance I can get mine resurrected".[31]
In September 2004, Morgan Creek began discussions with Schrader on possibly giving the film a limited theatrical run in 2005.[32] The studio hired editor Tim Silano, to assemble Schrader's version, but Silano insisted that Schrader be brought back to oversee the editing of his own material.[33] Morgan Creek allocated $35,000 and a very short amount of time for Schrader to finish his version.[34] The meager outlay provided by the studio to resume the film's final stage of post-production resulted in a number of compromises. Specifically, Schrader was not given enough money to conduct ADR, to bring cinematographer Vittorio Storaro back to perform the film's color timing (forcing him and Silano to approximate it themselves), nor to commission an original score for the entire film. Instead, the score was developed piecemeal, with fourteen minutes (including a central theme) being composed without payment by Angelo Badalamenti. The final twenty minutes of the film were scored by the American metal band Dog Fashion Disco (the unusual choice stemming from Schrader's son's affection for the group), while the balance of the score - about an hour's worth - was recycled from Trevor Rabin’s work for the Harlin version. In addition to contributing compositions, Dog Fashion Disco also "finessed" the score as a whole to give it a unity despite its disparate sources.[35]
In March 2005, after a private screening in New York, the film was titled Paul Schrader's Exorcist: The Original Prequel. Other working titles at that time included Exorcist IV, and Dark Angel.[36][37] By April, the film was officially titled Dominion.[38]
Box office
In the United States, Warner Bros and Morgan Creek opened the film in limited theatrical release with limited advertising,[39] and the film eventually grossed $251,495 in the US theatrically.[40]
While William Peter Blatty, the author and screenwriter of The Exorcist, described Dominion as "a handsome, classy, elegant piece of work",[41] critical reaction to the film has nonetheless been mixed to negative. Many critics stated that it is only slightly better than Harlin's version, holding a rating of 30% on Rotten Tomatoes[42] and a score of 55 out of 100 on Metacritic,[43] whereas Exorcist: The Beginning holds a rating of 10% on Rotten Tomatoes[44] and a score of 30 out of 100 on Metacritic.[45]
Nonetheless, the good reviews Dominion did get were much more positive than those of Harlin's version. Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave it three stars out of four, and wrote that it "does something risky and daring in this time of jaded horror movies: it takes evil seriously".[46] Leslie Felperin of Variety magazine wrote that this film is "intelligent, quietly subversive" and "Schrader has delivered a 100% Paul Schrader film, drenched in the spiritual and moral angst that's watermarked his career from Taxi Driver (as a writer) to Auto Focus (as a director)".[47]
Owen Gleiberman of Entertainment Weekly said that "Schrader's film is a notch better than Harlin's, but when you boil out the demon feathers, it's the same damn movie".[48] Scott Tobias of The Onion's A.V. Club wrote that "Skarsgård [gives] a quietly mesmerizing performance", and that "Schrader's movie isn't particularly scary, but it's more substantive than The Exorcist and its sequels, because it takes demon possession out of head-spinning literalism and considers evil as something more real and commonplace".[49]
David Edelstein of the magazine Slate said the film is "a good, thoughtful horror picture, and [very] close to being a very good one".[50] Brent Simon of IGN gave the film a score of 4 out of 10, saying: "The overall feeling Dominion gives off is one of rootless languor. You keep waiting for someone or something to show up and seize control of the picture, but it never really happens until the final confrontation, which feels like it might as well come from a different movie. It's not blood or gore that's missing, its context; Dominion is too polite and urbane to frighten".[51]
Director Erik Kristopher Myers, who was the first to ever review the film in 2005, wrote: "The curious thing about the Exorcist franchise is that you have three films following the same narrative thread, but none of the chapters feel as though they belong to a greater whole. Each one plays too differently from the previous installment, destroying any sense of genuine continuity beyond names or locations. Schrader’s film is the first to synthesize the elements of each one, whether intentionally or otherwise, and presents us with an Exorcist that owes as much to Friedkin as it does to Boorman and Blatty. At the same time, it also manages to achieve its own identity while still being directly linked to The Exorcist, Exorcist II: The Heretic and The Exorcist III. No other film in the series has a genuine marriage to each of its partners the way that Schrader’s does".[52]
Home media
The film was released on DVD October 25, 2005 by Warner Home Video and included deleted scenes, photo gallery, and an audio commentary by director Paul Schrader.
On October 10, 2006, the film was released with The Exorcist, The Exorcist: The Version You've Never Seen, Exorcist II: The Heretic, The Exorcist III and Exorcist: The Beginning in a box set titled The Exorcist: The Complete Anthology.
The film was released on Blu-ray as part of the Blu-ray version of The Exorcist: The Complete Anthology on September 23, 2014. It was released in a standalone Blu-ray by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment on October 13, 2020.[53]
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Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist reviews, Rotten Tomatoes
Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist reviews, Metacritic
Exorcist: The Beginning reviews, Rotten Tomatoes
Exorcist: The Beginning reviews, Metacritic
Review, Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times, May 19, 2005
Felperin, Leslie (March 18, 2005). "Exorcist: The Prequel Movie Review". Variety.
Review, Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly, 2005
Review Archived May 21, 2008, at the Wayback Machine, Scott Tobias, The A.V. Club, May 24th, 2005
Review, David Edelstein, Slate
Review, Brent Simon, IGN, October 27, 2005
pages/The-Exorcist/35650298912 (2005-05-20). "Dominion: The First Review". CaptainHowdy.com. Retrieved 2021-05-24.
Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist Blu-ray Release Date October 13, 2020, retrieved 2021-05-24
External links
Wikiquote has quotations related to Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist.
Official website
Official Morgan Creek website
Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist at IMDb
Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist at AllMovie
Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist at Rotten Tomatoes Edit this at Wikidata
Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist at Box Office Mojo
Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist at ComingSoon.net
Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist at Box Office Prophets
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Exorcist: The Beginning
2004 American supernatural horror film directed by Renny Harlin
Lankester Merrin
Fictional character from the 1971 novel The Exorcist
The Exorcist (franchise)
American media franchise
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