地球外生命体「プレヤーレン」からのコンタクトでもたらされた、 2020年代以降に起こるとされる的中率の高い預言!2029年から2032年の間の888日続き、文明は崩壊する!? 高島康司新刊ご紹介
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彼等星人さんにとっては特段驚くべきほどではないのですが、、1980年代初頭からビリーさんに注目して追い掛けているコメッツには、、ビックリするような内容をさらっと、、( ・∇・)( ≧∀≦)ノ
高島先生ご本人も気付かない内に「呼び掛け」されていたのかなあ?( ・∇・)
なぜならそれは彼等自身が体験して来た苦い道だから。プレヤーレンは、UFOとその乗員とコンタクトをした人物。現在、彼はビリー・エドゥアルト・アルベルト・マイヤーと呼ばれる [1]。
ありがとうございます!( ・∇・)(*´・ω・`)b
ビリーは愛称で「ビリー・エドゥアルト・マイヤー("Billy" Eduard Albert Meier/ ビリー・エドゥアルト・アルベルト・マイヤー」1937年2月3日 - )https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ビリー・マイヤー
高島 康司 著
1,700円+税 出版年月日:2022/12/10 9784864514248 4-6 296ページ
地球外生命体「プレヤーレン」からのコンタクトでもたらされた、 2020年代以降に起こるとされる的中率の高い預言!
ロシアのヨーロッパ侵攻/キリスト教の終焉/アメリカの暴走、分裂と破壊/ 人間戦闘機械である軍事用クローン/大戦争/世界的な自然大災害/ 伝染病やさまざまな病気、大規模な飢饉/世界経済の完全崩壊
予言とは、好奇心によってアタリ・ハズレを楽しむ都市伝説的なエンタメではない。一つの文化の深層意識に刻印された未来ビジョンである。それが意識の表層に現われ、現実の認識を支配するようになると、予言を自己実現する方向に動いてしまうのだ。」 (本文より)
「私がエノクの第三千年紀(二一世紀)の預言の一部をあなた方に知らせたとしても、それは必ず成就しなければならないということではありません。 なぜならば、それぞれのケースで成就するためには、すでに存在している原因が存在し続け、また預言の成就が実現するように、将来においても創造され続けることが前提となるからです。
このように、地球人が道理をわきまえるようになれば、道理にかなった考え方、道理にかなった気持ちの持ち方、道理にかなった行動をすることで、すべてが良い方向に前向きに変化し、預言を実現する必要がなくなる可能性があるのです。 しかし、もしこのような変化が起こらなければ、来たるべき新しい世紀において、地球とその全人口にとって、非常に邪悪でネガティブな時代が待ち受けていることになります。」
「『エノクの預言』を回避するには、真の愛、真の自由、真の知恵、真の平和、そして人道性や、真の人間存在であることのすべての価値を受け入れるかどうかに掛かっている!」 (本文より)
高島 康司 たかしま やすし
コンサルタント、世界情勢アナリスト。北海道札幌市生まれ。子ども時代を日米両国で過ごす。早稲田大学卒業。在学中、アメリカ・シカゴ近郊のノックス大学に公費留学。帰国後、教育産業のコンサルティング、異文化コミュニケーションの企業研修などのかたわら、語学書、ビジネス書などを多数著す。世界情勢や経済に関する情勢分析には定評があり、『未来を見る!『ヤスの備忘録』連動メルマガ』で日本では報道されない情報を発信。毎年多くのセミナーや講演に出演し、経営・情報・教育コンサルタントとしても活躍している。主な著作は、『2020年アメリカは分裂する! 』『望みなき時代の幸福論』(以上ヴォイス)、『日本人が「英語ペラペラ」を本当に実現できる本』(講談社)、『なぜ予測をはるかに超えて進むのか』(ヒカルランド)、『論理的会話トレーニング』(アスカビジネス)、他多数。
第一章 人類の深層意識が未来を作る
第二章 エノクの預言を読む
第三章 ロシア軍のヨーロッパ侵攻
第四章 アメリカの分裂
第五章 アメリカの暴走
第六章 預言の実現時期とキリスト教会の崩壊
第七章 イスラム原理主義勢力とロシア
第八章 ヨーロッパの右傾化と内戦
第九章 中国は危険な国になるのか?
第十章 ロシア軍の中東侵攻?
第十一章 ウクライナ戦争の実態
第十二章 プレヤーレンが語るウクライナ戦争
最終章 マイヤーのもとにやって来たウクライナ政府高官
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Record of contact made in February 1987 (35 years ago from now in 2022!) It is believed to be
The Prophecy of Enoch."
In later years, Pleyaren told Billy, "Actually, what Quetzal said is a prophecy for the Earth🌏 after 2020!
Well, I know there are people who don't believe it (understandably so...). UFOs still don't exist! Hanging by a thread? Drones? ), but for those aliens who have mastered the advanced civilization, the so-called "warp navigation" and "time travel" are still a reality.
"warp navigation," "time,"
dimension, portal" knowledge and technology have been conquered long ago.
For them, it is not so surprising, but for the comets who have been paying attention to Billy since the early 1980s, the contents of the "Enochian Prophecy" are very surprising.
The content of this "Enoch's Prophecy" is spine-tingling 😞💦(,,д...)
I have always wondered if Dr. Takashima was a UFO? I was....
I wonder if Dr. Takashima himself was "called" without realizing it. ( ∇...)
Mr. Prayaren and his colleagues are strongly promoting "spiritual evolution and spirituality improvement" for the people of the earth.
This is not the time to be fighting among races, genders, or nations. We must take our spiritual evolution to the next level as the Earth🌏s human race as soon as possible! Or else...
Because that is the bitter path they themselves have experienced. Prayaren is the one who contacted the UFO and its crew. He is now called Billy Eduard Albert Meyer [1].
Thank you! ( ∇...)()(∇...)()(∇...)(**)(∇...)b
Mr. Billy Meier.
Billy is affectionately known as "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier ("Billy Eduard Albert Meier" - February 3, 1937 ) https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ビリー・マイヤー
is a Swiss national, resident of Switzerland, born in 1937 and now 85 years old.
He has been in contact with the Pleiades for many years and has organized, translated, and published all of Billy Meier's extensive contact records, videos, and documents in a worldwide organization called FIGU.
FIGU Japan
2022/12/10 new publication
Natural Spirit Co.
The Prophecy of Enoch.
Sights of the Foretold Future."
Prophecy of Enoch
Written by Yasushi Takashima
1,700 yen + tax Publication date: 2022/12/10 9784864514248 4-6 296 pages
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A highly accurate prophecy, brought to us by contact from the extraterrestrial "Pleirens," that is supposed to take place in the 2020's and beyond!
Lasting 888 days between 2029 and 2032, civilization will collapse!
Russian invasion of Europe / End of Christianity / Runaway, division and destruction of America / Military clones, human fighting machines / Great wars / Global natural catastrophes / Epidemics and various diseases, massive famines / Complete collapse of the world economy
The Enochian Prophecy is a prophecy of the 21st century, delivered by Billy Meier in his 215th contact with Quetzal of Pleiades on February 28, 1987.
Later, in the 2012 contact, it was revealed that "Enoch's Prophecy" is a vision of the future of the world in the 2020s and beyond.
It details a Russian invasion of Europe, civil war and division in the United States, and what appears to be World War III.
Incidentally, according to Pleirene, the unchangeable future is divided into "prophecies" and those that can be changed into "prophecies." The 'prophecy of Enoch' is a vision of a changeable future."
The content of that "eerily realistic" is explained with reference to an actual exchange between Billy Meier and Pleyeren.
The forewarning conveyed by "The Prophecy of Enoch" is exceptionally accurate, even among many prophecies."
A prophecy is not an urban legendary entertainment in which one enjoys atari-ha-ha by means of curiosity. It is a vision of the future imprinted on the deep consciousness of a culture. When it surfaces on the surface of consciousness and comes to dominate our perception of reality, we move toward the self-fulfillment of the prophecy." (from the text)
The entire planet will become a place of unparalleled suffering such as has never existed on Earth before. This cruel event will last 888 days and civilization will collapse." (from Pleiren's words)
Even though I have made known to you some of Enoch's prophecies of the third millennium (the 21st century), it does not mean that they must be fulfilled, because they will be fulfilled in each case. For, in each case, its fulfillment presupposes the continued existence of a cause that already exists and will continue to be created in the future so that the fulfillment of the prophecy will be realized.
Thus, if the people of earth become reasonable, if they think in a reasonable way, feel in a reasonable way, and act in a reasonable way, everything will change positively for the better, and there may be no need for the fulfillment of prophecy. But if these changes do not occur, then in the new century to come, a very evil and negative era lies ahead for the earth and its entire population."
"Avoiding 'Enoch's Prophecy' depends on our embracing true love, true freedom, true wisdom, true peace, and humanity and all the values of being a true human being!" (from the text)
Yasushi Takashima
Consultant and world affairs analyst. Born in Sapporo, Hokkaido. Spent his childhood in both Japan and the United States. Graduated from Waseda University. While a student at Waseda University, he studied at Knox College in the suburbs of Chicago, U.S.A., on a public scholarship. After returning to Japan, while consulting for the education industry and providing corporate training in cross-cultural communication, he has written numerous language and business books. He is well known for his analysis of world affairs and the economy, and has published a number of books, including "Seeing the Future! Yasu's Memorandum of Understanding" and "Yasu's Mail Magazine," he provides information that is not reported in Japan. He appears in many seminars and lectures every year and is also active as a management, information, and educational consultant. His main publications include "America Will Divide in 2020! and "Happiness Theory in an Age of No Hope" (above, Voice), "A Book That Really Helps Japanese People Achieve "English Perlage"" (Kodansha), "Why Do We Advance Far Beyond Predictions" (Hikarland), "Logical Conversation Training" (Aska Business), and many others.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Deep Consciousness of Mankind Creates the Future
Chapter 2: Reading the Enochian Prophecy
Chapter 3: Russian Invasion of Europe
Chapter 4: The Division of America
Chapter 5: The U.S. Runaway
Chapter 6: The Time of the Fulfillment of the Prophecy and the Collapse of the Christian Church
Chapter 7 Islamic Fundamentalist Forces and Russia
Chapter 8: Europe's Rightward Turn and Civil War
Chapter 9: Will China Become a Dangerous Country?
Chapter 10 Russian Military Invasion of the Middle East?
Chapter 11 The Reality of the War in Ukraine
Chapter 12 The Ukrainian War as told by Pleyaren
Chapter 11: The Ukrainian Officials Who Came to Meyer
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