Remote work, once considered a rare option, has become a common practice in many industries worldwide. This shift was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced companies to adopt flexible work policies. Many employees now appreciate the advantages of remote work, such as eliminating commute times, having a better work-life balance, and being able to work from the comfort of their own homes. These benefits have made remote work particularly popular among people who prefer a flexible lifestyle.
However, remote work is not without its challenges. One major issue is the lack of social interaction. In a traditional office setting, employees can easily communicate with each other, build relationships, and collaborate on projects face-to-face. Remote work, on the other hand, often relies on video calls, emails, and messaging apps, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings. Additionally, some employees struggle with maintaining boundaries between work and personal life when their office is at home.
Despite these challenges, many companies have found that remote work can be just as productive as in-office work, or even more so. In fact, some companies have decided to adopt a fully remote or hybrid work model, where employees can choose whether to work from home or come into the office. This approach allows companies to save on office space and other expenses, while providing employees with the flexibility they desire.
問1. According to the passage, what is one advantage of remote work?
(A) Increased social interaction.
(B) Eliminating commute times.
(C) Increased office space.
(D) Decreased productivity.
問2. What is one challenge of remote work mentioned in the passage?
(A) Excessive face-to-face interaction.
(B) Lack of social interaction.
(C) Difficulty in managing commute times.
(D) Limited flexibility for employees.
問3. What does the passage suggest about companies’ views on remote work?
(A) They find it less productive than in-office work.
(B) They are saving money by adopting remote work policies.
(C) They are avoiding remote work altogether.
(D) They only offer remote work during emergencies.
問4. Which of the following best describes the main idea of the passage?
(A) Remote work provides both benefits and challenges for employees and companies.
(B) Remote work has no disadvantages and is ideal for all industries.
(C) Traditional office settings are more beneficial than remote work.
(D) Remote work decreases productivity and should be avoided.
問5. According to the passage, what is one reason remote work became more common?
(A) The need to reduce office expenses.
(B) The flexibility it offers employees.
(C) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
(D) The increase in office commute times.
解説: 「eliminating commute times」と記されており、通勤時間がなくなることがリモートワークの利点として挙げられています。
解説: 「One major issue is the lack of social interaction」と述べられており、リモートワークにおいて対面での交流が不足する点が課題として記されています。
解説: 本文では「companies to save on office space and other expenses」とあり、リモートワークの採用によって経費削減が可能であることが示されています。
解説: リモートワークには利点と課題の両方があると述べられており、この選択肢が最も適しています。
解説: 「COVID-19 pandemic...forced companies to adopt flexible work policies」とあり、パンデミックがリモートワークの普及を加速させた要因と述べられています。