モーツァルト:アダージョ ロ短調 K 540

This classical piece by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is known as the "Adagio in B Minor." In this video, we'll give you a detailed overview of the piece, from the melody to the orchestration to the instruments used.

If you're interested in learning more about classical music, or want to learn more about Mozart, then this video is for you! We'll discuss the history of the piece, the composing process, and the notable features of the composition. After watching this video, you'll have a better understanding of the Adagio in B Minor and be able to enjoy it on your own or with a group of friends!

演奏者 Peter Bradley-Fulgoni (piano) http://www.peterbradley-fulgoni.com/
公開者情報 Peter Bradley-Fulgoni
著作権 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0
備考 Recorded 2015 in St. Paul's Hall, Huddersfield University
(Peter Hill, sound engineer)

モーツァルト :アダージョ K.540 ロ短調

The Adagio in B minor, K. 540, is a composition for piano solo by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. He entered it into his Verzeichnis aller meiner Werke (Catalogue of all my Works) on 19 March 1788.

At 57 measures, the length of the piece is largely based on the performer's interpretation, including the decision of whether to do both repeats; it may last between 5+1⁄2 and 16 minutes. The key of B minor is very rare in Mozart's compositions; it is used in only one other instrumental work, the slow movement from the Flute Quartet No. 1 in D major, K. 285.

The Austrian composer and academic Gerhard Präsent has made an arrangement for string quartet in four movements Fantasy Quartet in D in which this piece acts as the third one.

The autograph is at the Stiftelsen Musikkulturens Främjande [sv] Library, Stockholm.

ピアノのためのアダージョロ短調K. 540 、ヴォルフガング・アマデウス・モーツァルト作 1788 年3 月 19 日.

この曲は で書かれた 57 小節で構成されており4/4、それぞれ 2 つのセクションが繰り返され、 6 小節のコーダが明確なBメジャーで締めくくられています。彼の解釈は6分から12分続きます。ロ短調のキーは、モーツァルトはほとんど使用しません。この作品とは別に、モーツァルトは 1 つの器楽作品でのみ導入しました。フルート四重奏曲第1 番ニ長調(KV 285) のゆっくりした楽章です。

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#AdagioinBminor #WolfgangAmadeusMozart #モーツァルト #アダージョロ短調 #K540
