
【日本語訳】終わりなき危機について/コーヒーの小規模農家とは?…Semilla Mailing List(2023/10/24)
ROUTEMAPが来年から本格的に生豆販売事業の代理店を務めるカナダの生豆インポーター『Semilla Coffee』から、ニュースレターが届きました。
Semilla Coffeeでは無料定期購読のメーリングリストをメンバーに提供しており、彼らが支援する生産者グループの情報や情勢、Semillaからのメッセージ、そして活動についてなどの情報共有を行っています。
(メーリングリストの購読はこちらのリンクから、”Subscribe to the Semilla Mailing List”にてメールアドレスをご登録ください)
“Abolition is a movement to end systemic violence, including the interpersonal vulnerabilities and displacements that keep the system going.
In other words, the goal is to change how we interact with each other and the planet by putting people before profits, welfare before warfare,
and life over death …”
- Ruth Wilson Gilmore
ー ラス・ウィルソン・ギルモア
1)Notes on Neverending Crises/終わりなき危機について(by Brendan)
Semilla Coffeeは、富を蓄えるという目的で貿易を行うビジネスとして設立された訳ではありません。
- Brendan Adams

2)What is a Smallholder?/小規模農家とは?
驚くべきことに、小規模農家が農場を放棄する可能性が最も高いわけではないことがわかりました。グアテマラやホンジュラスなどでは大規模な耕作放棄が見られますが、Randolfo Pachecoのように、私たちと協働している多くの生産者が、"どんな困難に直面しても立ち向かうつもりだ"と表明しています。
2018年 〜 2019年、コロンビアのコーヒー生産者連盟は10万エーカーのコーヒー農園の損失を挙げており、これは同国全体の4%以上に相当します。1990年代以降には20%も減少しています。
Semilla Coffeeでは、当初から小規模農家のみを支援することを決めており、ネットワークが限られていることや、ポストハーベスト処理や品質評価に関する情報へのアクセスが少ないことから、損失や財政面の課題に対して最も脆弱な特定の農家に焦点を絞りました。
ある意味、”小規模農家のコーヒーを表舞台に出さない”のと同じモデルが浸透し続けていますが、上記のモデルの場合大規模農園が小規模農家のコーヒー豆をティム・ホートンズ(カナダのカフェチェーン)に出荷するのではなく、パイナップル酵母によるFermentation Processに偽装し流通させているのです。
Semilla Coffeeのネットワークに属する多くの小規模農家にとって、コーヒーチェリーを高品質なパーチメントコーヒーに変えるだけでも大変なことなのです。
Semilla Coffeeは単にコーヒーを「取引」したり「輸入」したりするだけではありません。
Credit : Semilla Coffee
Translated : Keisuke Matsumura
*This article is reprinted with permission of Semilla.
Notes on Neverending Crises
As the world continues to show us, there is a constant battle to wage against our contemporary social structures that thrive on violence, dislocation, and dispossession. The last few weeks have been marred by events in Gaza, yes, but also by corrupt attempts to hijack democracy in Guatemala, the resurgence of the Tigray conflict in Ethiopia, and an ongoing civil war in Sudan that has claimed nearly 10,000 lives.
I have struggled all week to find the right words to meet the moment and I still don’t have them. I have a lot of hurt, though, as I watch communities of colour in the Global South face dehumaniation and attack with rabid justification. It makes clear how tenuous the line of safety is for the people we care about in similar communities.
We've been taught to turn a blind eye to that which doesn't directly effect us. That denial of our inter-being, that focus on the individual unit over the community, keeps our eyes off the smoke until it becomes a raging fire, to hot to ignore. At that point, we aren't prepared to fight this fire and can only try to get out unscathed which only further reinforces our hopelessness and powerlessness pushing us furteer into silence and distance. and I, too, am part of this cycle.
Rather than succumbing to this cycle, I hope we can take these most recent crisis as a reminder that change is a process of slow, day by day commitment to freedom. It means examning where we benefit from and replicate patterns of oppression in our own life and making a promise to do what we can to limit the suffering we cause. It is not on each of us to "save the world," this is more of that individualized thinking that leaves us feeling optionless in the face of so much struggle.
Semilla Coffee was never conceived as a business to do trade in the name of accumulating wealth. We hope to be a force for change in an industry defined by these same problematic dynamics that have become so second nature, we don’t even question them. We achieve this by constantly reflecting on ourselves, our own actions, the experiences of those we serve, and seeking to do better, day by day. We hope there is a new future that is better for all, and that we can play a part in it.
This is not a screed to chastise or draw lines or cast blame, nor is it one to sell coffee. This is to say first, thank you, for all of you who care, support, show up, and fight for the most precarious amongst us. And second to remind you that - if you feel the same way I do - your care, your selflessness, and your efforts to live in the name of a more just future will always help and is always needed.
- Brendan
What is a Smallholder?
Smallholder - it's a word that's used often in coffee, probably because so much of the world's coffee is produced by them. Depending on the land size used to define a smallholder, they account for between 60-80% of all the world's coffee growers.
In the case of the countries we work this percntage is above 90% and as a collective, these smallholders produce the majority of (or close to) all coffee produced by their respective countries. For example, in Colombia, 95% of growers are smallholders with under 5 hectares of land and are responsible for 69% of the country's production. In Honduras, 96% of growers are smallholers with 10 hectares or less and they produce 70% of the country's coffee.
Sadly, despite being a large economic driver, smallhollder growers are almost always the most precariously placed members of the supply stream. As the report "State of the Smallholder Coffee Farmer" showed using data on Central American smallholder growers, these crucial members of the coffee value chain rely almost exclusively on coffee for their income, and as a result, face high levels of food insecruity and poverty thanks to the persistenly low prices paid for their product. They are also the most severly effected by climate change, as their limited resources makes it very difficult to weather massive crop decline and to treat for the incpient diseases reaching higher up the mountains every year.
Surprisingly, the authors found that smallholders were not the most likely to abandon their farms. While we have seen large levels of migation in places like Guatemala and Honduras, it is true that many growers we work with - like Randolfo Pacheco - have expressed to us that they plan to stick it out, no matter what challenges they face.
Still, the possibility of smallholders losing everything due to a bad year cannot be understated and despite increased coffee productivity, the land lost to coffee growers is substantial. In 2018/2019, the Colombian Coffee Grower Federation cited a loss of 100,000 acres of coffee farms - more than 4% of the total in the country. Since the 1990s there’s been a reduction of 20%.
For Semilla, we made the decision from the beginning to only support smallholders and to focus on those who are the most vulnerable to loss and financial challenges due to having a limited network, and less access to information around post-harvest processing and quality assessment.
We did this because we believe that this oft-overlooked collective of growers have and continue to be the foundational members of the coffee value chain upon which all of the wealth on the consumer side is derived.
They are the keepers of generational knowledge, not only about coffee but about the land, and on a daily basis make the coffee industry possible. Our decision to support them, and to take risk in walking with them to a place where they can thrive, is based on the firm belief that not doing so threatens the future of the coffee industry as a whole.
It can be difficult perhaps to understand the importance of supporting smallholders, or to know if you're even doing so. In today's specialty coffee industry, it's easier to source coffee directly than ever. A producer can DM you on Instagram or email you an offer list and within days or weeks, you have coffee in your roastery. You can have a direct connection that shares in depth information with your consumers about its processing, the place it came from, and the people who grew it. It sounds like the whole ethos of specialty coffee, and its so easy!
While there's nothing inherently wrong with buying coffee in this way, our experience has shown that the producers who are able to work in this way are not facing the same realities as the overwhelming majority of smallholders. The above model relies on resources and education, and many of these larger farms that can operate this way rely on the cherries of smallholders in order to effectuate their processes and share them with the world. In a sense, the same model in whcih the smallholder is kept on the outside continues to pervade, but instead of being shipped to Tim Horton's, it's disguised in a pineapple yeast fermentation.
For quite some time, we've worried about the wave of consolidation across specialty coffee - major multinational players buy up specialty coffee space, and play with the economies of scale to cut costs in ways that threaten the little guy, all while maintaining the same outward facing values that supposedly distinguish specialty from the commodity structure. That has now shifted south, as we see major companies going on land buying sprees, their eyes firmly set on producing and exporting quality coffees at a large margin on the back of the smallholder.
For many smallholders within the Semilla network, it has been a challenge simply to master turning coffee cherries into quality parchment coffee, much less to master export logistics and sales on top of it. And though select members of the coffee growing communities where we work have made this transition, tens of thousands of growers in these same areas continue to live the same realities posed above - under daily existential threat.
Semilla is not simply about "trading" or "importing" coffee. We have belief in a future where smallholders have the tools, knowledge, and value to defend themselves from a system that seeks to exploit them so that they may earn the living they require to confront the incredible challenges posed to them.
In so doing, we hope they inspire a whole new generation - their children, their family, their freinds - that their work is viable, valued, and cherished so that we can continue to enjoy coffee grown, harvested, and managed by the same family's hands that made us fall in love with it to begin with.
Just as Ruth Wilson Gilmore said above, "the goal is to change how we interact with each other and the planet by putting people before profits."
The Muzho Ikizere women's group hold their bag of coffee, roasted by Little Waves, facilitated by our amigo Ben at Sundog Trading. Mutliple lots from 2022 and 2023 are available from this group.
小規模スペシャルティコーヒーショップ【ROUTEMAP COFFEE ROASTERS】