

The subject film "Cabaret" was released on 13th February 1972, exactly 53 years ago.

Image via Pinterest

I don't explain its synopsis here, but the following BBC article is worth reading:

The creepy transition of the clientele in the film appears to suggest what Bertrand Russell wrote:

The first step in a fascist movement is the combination under an energetic leader of a number of men who possess more than the average share of leisure, brutality, and stupidity. The next step is to fascinate fools and muzzle the intelligent, by emotional excitement on the one hand and terrorism on the other.

Bertrand Russell, in "FREEDOM Its Meaning", published in 1942
via https://liberalengland.blogspot.com/2024/10/bertrand-russell-first-they-fascinate.html

Before you know it, you are surrounded by people in uniform.

So many abominable and detestable things have taken place in just a few weeks since Martin Luther King Jr. Day,

needless to say, owing to the convicted Felon47 and its filthy entourage, akratic sycophants, human-looking messengers (at best) if not low 哀泣 trash as well as bunch of One Delta Ten Tango supporters who are classified as 「」(pronounced as MAGA).

I often hear that we should not expect but we should hope… it appears, however, that we have passed the Point of no return. Ironically, the United Nations has proven utterly ineffective.

Four years later, or twenty years later from now, if the planet miraculously remains intact and habitable, people would say "we did not think it would go down that path at that time (=2024)". Those fools were simply fascinated, proving the history repeats itself again. The other f-Elon will have escaped to Mars, though.

Header Image Credit: Pinterest
