description of the walls of the den of darkness.
This is a description of the walls of the den of darkness.
The den of darkness has extremely strong walls and a large number of traps.
In addition, the defensive strength of the walls is high, and in fact, an attack by anything other than siege weapons is difficult to damage beyond defense.
Attacks with weapons other than siege weapons are difficult to damage beyond the defenses.
Therefore, if the soldiers are stopped by the walls, tremendous damage will be inflicted on the troops.
In order to prevent the loss of troops due to traps, it is advisable to include a certain percentage of siege weapons.
Too many will reduce the number of soldiers fighting against the normal soldiers, so the right amount is required.
A quantity of siege weapons that quickly destroys castle walls will also destroy enemy traps and help to reduce morale.
In most cases, the walls of the den of darkness will stand in place and stop our troops until they are attached.
In doing so, our archers' positions in particular will collapse.
While the archers are attacking, the infantry and cavalry will slip in front of them.
In this case, infantry and cavalry will come out to our front line, even though we are in the archers' line,
We are beaten.
There are two solutions to prevent this problem.
Use only archers and siege weapons.
Prepare a quantity and quality of siege weapons that can destroy the enemy walls at a tremendous speed.
If you use only bows and siege weapons, the enemy defending force will appear in front of the ramparts.
However, the defending force cannot be attacked until the castle walls are destroyed.
This will be a difficult situation.
It is also difficult when the ratio of siege weapons is considerably increased. The percentage of normal soldiers will be reduced,
effectively lose much of their offensive power against normal soldiers.
In short, there are three things that are useful to remember.
For the most part, you don't need siege weapons to send troops into a person's territory.
When sending troops against a den of darkness, a sufficient amount of siege weapons can be effective.
Caves with a lot of cavalry can be difficult to capture.