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実践!スラッシュ・リーディング 環境破壊(2)
実践!スラッシュ・リーディング 環境破壊(2)
The environment on the earth has sometimes changed. For example,/ during the ice Age,/the earth became much colder. It is possible/ that such changes led to the disappearance of some kinds of animals.
Originally,/humans were not powerful or clever /enough to affect their
environment much. But they learned various skills;/to use fire /so they were able to burn down areas of dry grass and trees,/and to cultivate the soil /so they were able to turn wild bush /into fields.
「地球の環境は、時に変化してきた。例えば、氷河期には、地球は、ずっ とより寒くなった。それは、有りうる、そのような変化が、絶滅につながっ たという事は、ある種の動物の。