実践!スラッシュ・リーディング I-17
実践!スラッシュ・リーディング I-17
Americans believe in the right of the individual to know what is wrong with him so that he can make decisions for himself.
スラッシュは、句動詞の後、前置詞、to 不定詞、構文の前に入れます。
Americans believe in/ the right of the individual/ to know what is wrong with him/ so that he can make decisions for himself.
Therefore, it follows that the wishes of the family take the pace of those of the patient and the doctor’s will comes before the patient’s right to know, and the patient’s right to know is all but ignored.
Therefore,/ it follows that /the wishes of the family take the pace of those of the patient/ and the doctor’s will comes before the patient’s right to know,/ and the patient’s right to know is all but ignored.