


調べものをする時は必ず「目的」「方法」「結果」「考察」と順々に行う事が良いんだと改めて気づいた。無意識的に「今何を知りたくて、そのためには調査方法その1 とその2 を試して、その結果から得られる事実から次にその3 を試して、、、」と思考経路がレポートの書く手順と同じになっていた。




My boss assigned jobs about searching network path for me.

 He would like to release as a service, If I finished searching and developing.
I had been searching my way. These survey is interesting  for me, because it is needed to search one each.

Although describing students report,
I noticed that it is important to search orderly (ex. Purpose → Method → Result → Consideration ).  When I considered how to search, my thought corresponded to the way of writing students report unconsciously. It sounds like "Thinking about what I want to know now and I try to do the kinds of searching way. After that I consider what fact can I say through these results.  "

I had been searching unhappened without writing plans until before. It was reflection. Otherwise, I lost purpose of survey and my way.

These things are general. But, for example, tabling that is written methods and results makes my thought clear. It is not necessary to remember these.
My brain can focus on thinking about consideration and next survey methods.

Don’t  remember, rely on record. 
