この本は、大学卒業後メジャーデビューを目指して、バンド活動を12年から大手学習塾を4年勤め上げ、自営業として喫茶店をオープンされた著者 赤澤智 が自らの体験をもとに綴ったお話。
The book I ordered yesterday arrived my home. And soon, I finished reading the book. Recently, I have not read some books. So, I could make feeling calm down. Today, I will introduce the book.
This book is the story about the author's existence. The name is Satoru Akazawa who did many kinds of careers, Band-man for 12 years, Private school for 4 years, after that, Cafe as self employed.
My learning point is,
・Finding 3 types doing yourself for 10,000 hours make your identity.
・Deciding to do nothing for belief.
・Setting span and purpose in learning something
Specially thirds point make me take in something in my daily life. Because, I have kinds of clue. For example , English conversion apply to my situation.
I usually try to find the cause that make me stop growing up about English. I have slack habit of being conscious and I did't set purpose. That’s why I do English conversation under low motivation.
I noticed the fact that I avoid unconsciously.
3 years. I mean, I'm going to continue English conversation 2 and half years.