気になる言葉 Regenerative
SKS Japan
発酵ツーリズムでお世話になっているお二人が登壇のSKS Japan 2024。フードテックのカンファレンスとして国内最大規模のイベント。
SKS Japan、頭と心が刺激されるイベントです。
I attended SKS Japan 2024, where two people I know from Fermentation Tourism were taking the stage.
SKS Japan is the largest food tech conference in Japan, providing a platform for discussing, debating, and reflecting on technology, systems, societal issues, and the future, all with a focus on food.
The theme of the session was “How Can Japanese Food Tech Contribute to the Global Fermentation Movement,” with Mr. Sato as a speaker and Mr. Hokamura as the moderator.
According to Mr. Sato, amid the global fermentation boom, Japan, which should be a fermentation powerhouse, is struggling to join the trend.
One reason for this is the lack of information being shared in English, leading to low international awareness.
Mr. Sato has begun activities to address this issue, one of which is the Fermentation Tourism project, which I’ve also joined.
The guide for this tour is none other than Mr. Hiraku Ogura, a leading figure in Japanese fermentation, making it an incredibly impressive tour.
Regarding the sharing of information abroad, I’ve noticed that even at Kojicon (an event held annually in February and March for about two weeks, where fermentation experts give online presentations), there are still very few Japanese speakers.
Since Kojicon stands for “Koji Conference,” it would be great to see more Japanese participation.
Additionally, SKS Japan introduced me to a new word: “Regenerative,” which seems to be an evolution of the term “sustainable.” This word was introduced during a presentation titled “Regeneration in Social Implementation.”
Although it’s a new term and “the creation of regenerative cities” doesn’t fully resonate with me yet, I imagine it will eventually gain more recognition (the explanation of “Regenerative” was on the final slide, by the way).
Going forward, I’d like to pay more attention to fermentation from the perspective of regeneration. SKS Japan is truly an event that stimulates both the mind and the heart.