石原慎太郎さん死去、89歳 タカ派政治家、都知事13年|共同通信
石原慎太郎氏が死去、89歳 都知事、運輸相を歴任ー芥川賞受賞、保守論客:時事ドットコム
ロシア軍、ウクライナで攻撃開始 全面侵攻か 軍事拠点にミサイル|毎日新聞
【詳しく】ロシアがウクライナで軍事侵攻 いま何が?(2/24)|NHKニュース
これから全世界を影響するかもしれない2つの事(2022年2月22日投降)Masa Okude
1 日本の国鳥「キジ」
2 学名が日本「トキ」
3 空の王者「タカ」
4 春を告げる「ウグイス」
5 鳥好きから愛される「メジロ」
6 国旗の配色「タンチョウ鶴」
7 隣の「スズメ」
タカ派(タカは、英語:War Hawk, hawk, bellicist)とは、政治的傾向の分類で、戦争など武力を辞さない姿勢を持つ人または集団を指す語。 強硬派(きょうこうは)ともいう。 対義語はハト派である。
The term "hawk" is a classification of political tendencies that refers to a person or group of people who are willing to use force, including war. The term is also used for hardliners. The opposite term is pigeonholing.
⑥大政翼賛会 Imperial Rule Assistance Association
大政翼賛会(大政翼贊會、たいせいよくさんかい)は、1940年(昭和15年)10月12日から1945年(昭和20年)6月13日まで存在した日本の政治結社。 公事結社として扱われる。 「大政」は、天下国家の政治、「天皇のなさる政治」という意味の美称、「翼賛」は、力を添えて(天子を)たすけること。
Imperial Rule Assistance Association (大政翼贊會, Taisei Yōkusan-kai) was a political association in Japan that existed from October 12, 1940 to June 13, 1945. It is treated as a public affairs association. The name "Taisei" is a term of endearment meaning "the politics of the emperor," and "Yōkusan" means to help the emperor with one's strength.
【預言の吟味の学び】「預言の矛盾」byカービー・クレメンツ牧師(Dr. Kirby Clements)
P.169-170『ユダヤ戦記3』フラウィウス・ヨセフス著、秦 剛平(はた ごうへい) 訳、山本書店 発行、1982年7月25日 初版発行、定価3200円(2018年7月現在絶版)より
2022 Prophecy about Japan by Mark Banyard
19:00-20:00, July 1st, 2022, MT in Canada
As we've been praying tonight, I feel like the Lord is saying this. Feel like the Lord is saying that this year is going to be extraordinary for Japan, that there's going to be a turning of hearts. There's going to be a change of thinking which to me is massive.
It's going to be a change of thinking and there's going to be, ah, there is going to be something, there's going to be a shifting in government, there's going to be, there is going to be both... Words came up before the people... When Jun prayed right in the beginning of the significant prayer, Jun prayed about the people in the culture and why God has kept Japan and how He's going to use the people and the culture.
And I believe that's exactly what the Lord is going to do this year. He's going to, He's going to use the, use the people of Japan in the culture of Japan. But it's going to be a shifting. There's going to be a shifting and thinking and that it's going to result in a shifting of heart.
I feel like it then even in the nations. Japan is going to be perceived differently. There's going to be something, something about Japan that is going to take its place in a way that hasn't before. It's not just going to be part of the G7 or part of that, you know, that the financial, you know, system of the world, overseeing body of the world.
It... There's something about Japan this year, that's going to, it's going to change. Something is going to change, it's going to change in the thinking of the nation and it's going to move them to a place of position that they're going to be perceived differently. And I feel like the Lord is saying I'm going to give them a new voice.
I'm going to give them a new voice. I'm going to put words in their mouth but their hearts will be so aligned with me that when they speak they will think they're speaking but it's actually me speaking through them. And so Lord we thank You that we wait for Your promise to be fulfilled, just like Doris prayed.
But Lord this year we pray with confidence that You are going to fulfill promises in the nation of Japan. And we are going to witness literally a transition that is miraculous that will cause the nations to sit up to listen. And that there will be a change throughout the earth because of what happened in the nation that Japan and we thank You in advance for that, in Jesus name.
When you see a great bird, crane, take flight you will know that what you've prayed is about to come.
Here is some important post-meeting input from A of "the great bird" of Japan.
“I somehow did not feel the great bird is crane although I recognize it as a national bird. But since you only mentioned ”great bird” in Japan, I will expect on the Lord for what bird will take flight. I felt that some governor will say something and that person is someone who is called or described as a great bird. Hawk maybe. And that will be the trigger to what the Lord is doing.”
マーク・バンヤード プロフィール
Mark Banyard Profile
Mark is the founder and director of Kingdom Advance Ministries. Since 1995, Mark has been equipping and activating believers to advance the Kingdom of God on earth. He and his wife, Jane, travel extensively, ministering to the Church through the Word and in the power of the Spirit. Prior to this, they served many years in local pastoral ministry.
Born in Toronto, Mark grew up in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. After high school, he spent four years in England (the home of his father), preparing to work in the hotel/restaurant business. He then returned to Canada to work in this field until he became a true follower of Jesus in 1979. Feeling called by God to prepare for ministry, Mark returned to school, completing a BA in sociology and an MDiv in counselling in five years. Mark has written two books: Entering the Sabbath Rest and Beyond the Cross.
The Sabbath Rest
Beyond the Cross
- We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven. We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
What is your response?
If you are not a Christian, and would like to become a Christian. Simply say - "LORD Jesus, thank you for forgiving me of my SINs, today I am deciding to follow you. Accept me into your family, in Jesus name I pray. Amen "
「天のお父さんからのラブレター」Father’s Love Letter - JAPANESE(7:06)
アーサー・ホーランド牧師による小坂忠牧師追悼メッセージ Arthur Holland's Farewell Message to Chu Kosaka(26:48)
【預言の学び】預言とは&個人預言を受ける際の注意点(改訂版)イエス様もなさった個人預言 の聖書の実例の解説、現在の個人預言の映像リンク集付き
The Reason We started Rising Destiny (Shining Destiny): The History of Japanese Mission from the 20th Century to the 21st C
note, SNS, WEB上にいる中国の異端のカルト宗教・全能神に関しての注意喚起
・三位一体(トリニティ、the Trinity):正統なキリスト教の教理
・全能神教会(全能神)The Church of Almighty God:中国のカルト・異端。キリストが女キリストとして中国人女性として再臨したと説く。全能神の教祖・趙維山(ジャオ・ウェイシャン 1951年~)は自らを「大祭司」と唱え、大学受験に失敗し精神的に病んでしまった女性・楊向彬を「女キリスト」に祭り上げた。彼女は趙維山の愛人となり、後に妻となる。暴力、洗脳、ハニートラップ、スパイ活動など違法かつ強制的な布教活動を行なう。入会を断る、脱会を希望すると、「護法隊」と呼ばれる実働部隊が出動し、耳を削ぎ落とすなどの残忍行為を行なう。実際に死に至ったケースもあるという。2014年、中国山東省のマクドナルドで全能神信者が布教活動をし、勧誘拒否した女性を店内でモップの柄で撲殺する事件も起こっている。(2014年山東招遠カルト殺人事件)趙維山夫妻は、中国政府から弾圧を受け2000年頃に米国に逃亡している。
フェイスブックグループ「キリストの羊」、フェイスブックページ及びブログ/HP「聖書の部屋」は一見するとそれと分からないが、「全能神」のサイトなので要注意。全能神信者がよくSNSでシェアしている。全能神信者は、人種(例.中国人が日本人に成り済ます)や性別を偽ってSNSアカウントを大量に作って勧誘活動を行なっている。noteの「高橋 智也」氏(momo125)、「ひで ひろ」氏(biblestudies)は全能神なので注意。