2020(令和2/ヘブル暦5780)6月15日 初稿投稿
聖書 新改訳2017©2017新日本聖書刊行会
エノク חֲנוֹךְChănôwk(ハ(シャ)ノフ), khan-oke'; from H2596; initiated(始めた、着手した); Chanok, an antediluvian patriach:—Enoch. From BLB.
Enoch = "dedicated" : (理想・目的などに)一身をささげた, 打ち込んだ, 献身的な, (…に)奉納されて, 特定の目的のための, 専用の(英→日、研究社 新英和中辞典より)
P.274-263 第一四章 預言者 『辿(タド)りゆく道』リック・ジョイナー著、マルコーシュ・パブリケーション2016年1月24日初版発行(原題 "Fire On The Mountain: The Path" ©︎2013)より
P.274-263 第一四章 預言者 『辿(タド)りゆく道』リック・ジョイナー著、マルコーシュ・パブリケーション2016年1月24日初版発行(原題 "Fire On The Mountain: The Path" ©︎2013)より
The Prophet and True Shepherds
— From『The Path: Fire on the Mountain, Book 1』Chapter 14: THE PROPHET, by Rick Joyner
“He (Enoch) looked like joy personified,” I replied.
“But I thought he was a prophet?” someone remarked. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a prophetic person with much joy.”
“Then you must not have ever seen a mature prophet,” I responded. “Enoch was the first one about whom it was said that he prophesied, and he is the father of the prophets. If you are called to this ministry today and you mature as you should, you will be more like Enoch, and you will be one of the happiest people on earth.
“Enoch is a prophecy, a message from God. It is the most important message of all—we have been called to walk with God. That is the message that will keep us on the path of life. In His presence is the fullness of joy, and the joy that comes from being with Him is a food that gives us greater strength than any other food ever could.”
“Enoch gave you the shepherd’s staff, didn’t he?” Mark asked.
“Yes, he did,” I answered.
“It was cut from the tree. Did he tell you about the tree?” Mark continued.
“Yes, he did, but what do you know about the tree?” I asked Mark.
“I have seen the tree and the shepherd’s staff. It’s the Tree of Life. The authority of the shepherd comes from the Tree of Life. It is the fruit of that tree that you are to lead God’s people to. It is the ‘root of Jesse’ that brought forth Christ who is our life. He is the food that is our joy, and His joy is our strength.
“It is also the rod of Aaron that sprouted. His rod sprouted because the staff of the shepherds is from the Tree of Life and is living. It is this life that helps us recognize the ones who have been sent by God and are the true shepherds,” Mark said, pausing, but obviously able to continue.
“Mark, where did you get all of this understanding?” I asked.
“When I was given my calling as a prophet I was told that one of my assignments was to recognize those who had the shepherd’s staff and to support them. I have only seen them in visions before, but I recognized that staff right away.”
“Tell me all you know about it,” I implored.
“You think your rod is new and freshly cut, but it is much older than you can imagine. It seems like it is new and fresh because of the life that is in it, and life will stay in it as long as you walk with God and do not depart from His path. This was cut from the Tree of Life before the world was formed, and it was sized just for you at that time. This is true of every shepherd’s staff given to the shepherds, even those who lead the smallest company of God’s people.
“Do you know why Enoch was the one who gave this to you?” Mark then asked.
“I know a little, but I think you may know more. Please tell me what you know.”
“Enoch represents the path on which all true shepherds will lead God’s people. True shepherds are known by their walk with God. They may be great counselors, healers, and teachers, but the shepherds will be known most of all by their walk with God and their closeness to Him. There are many things that can cause people to follow you, but the shepherds will be known by how they follow God on the path of life.
“One thing by which we can recognize shepherds that have stayed on the path of life is by their increasing joy. This was the joy you saw in Enoch. Shepherds who have stayed on the path of life do not seem to have cares or burdens because they are yoked with the One whose yoke is easy. These are not stressed, but are constantly energized by the strength that comes from the joy of the Lord. Their rod, or their authority, will be recognized by the life that is in them. Their rod will always be budding, bringing forth new life, because it comes from the Tree of Life Himself.”
As Mark talked, everyone was enthralled, but some more so than others. I knew these were the shepherds. Deep was calling to deep, and their hearts were being awakened. As I watched Mark I could tell that he was also noting those who were being especially touched so that he could speak to them more at a later time. “What a gift he is to us,” I thought, “and so young!”
“I am young, but I have already walked with God for a few years,” Mark said, as if hearing my thoughts. Then he continued:
“Some claim to be able to use a ‘diviner’s rod’ to find water under the ground; they are the counterfeits to what you have in your hand. Your rod can find the living waters that are hidden below the surface. Deep calls to deep, and life calls to life. Those who have the shepherd’s rod become increasingly sensitive to what is life and where the waters of life are flowing,” Mark said, and then hesitated as if he had more, but did not know if he should share it.
“Please continue,” I said to him.
“When your rod buds you must gently break the buds off. Then you must give them to those who are being awakened to their calling as shepherds. These buds will grow with them, and each one will become a staff like yours,” he said, again hesitating.
“Mark, please share all you know,” I said.
“Okay. Those who receive the buds now and grow up to be shepherds at the end of the age will walk in the authority of the Shepherd. Their rod will be His rod in the earth. They will not just lead God’s people and protect them from the enemy with the rod, but they will strike the enemies of the Lord. They will not just part seas, but they will part nations. They will lead God’s people to the Promised Land.”
“Why were you hesitant to share that, Mark?” I asked.
“Can I tell you privately?” he responded.
“If you think you need to, sure,” I answered, and we walked a short distance from the rest.
“Your rod was a bud that was given to you when you were very young in the Lord,” Mark began. “You did not carry it for long before you laid it down. In a sense, you did what Moses did when he threw his rod down at the Burning Bush. He was being commissioned as God’s shepherd for His people, but did not feel adequate. When he threw the rod down it became a serpent and chased him until he picked it back up. That is what happens when you cast off the calling of the Lord.”
“I know when I did that,” I replied. “You are correct. Please continue.”
“Like Moses, your rod became a serpent and chased you until you picked it up again, which was to take up your commission again,” he continued.
“That is accurate,” I responded, “and a good way to put it. When running from my calling all that I did prospered, but I was miserable. I felt that what I had dropped—my calling to ministry—was pursuing me day and night. You are right. Please continue.”
“When you picked up the rod again and returned to your calling, it was like you had never missed a step in some ways, but stepped into a place much higher than you left. It was as if you had walked in your calling the whole time and grown into it,” he said looking at me as I nodded that this was true.
“But you did miss something. You grew, and your rod grew, but for a long time it did not grow in your hand. Because of this you missed a lot. If you had grown together with your rod you would be more mature and more stable in your authority. You would be so one with the staff that it would be as another arm to your body. Now it is almost like something you are trying to get used to. You don’t even know how to hold it right. Because of this you will be in danger of misusing this rod the same way Moses did.”
“What you’re saying is that I will be in danger of leading God’s people to their Promised Land, but not be able to lead them into it?” I asked.
“That is the danger,” Mark continued. “It is the danger for all who do not grow up together with their authority as they should.”
“Mark, thank you for this warning. Is there anything else you have to say to me about this?” I asked.
“The Lord’s grace is made perfect in weakness,” Mark began. “You have a weakness because of the time you walked apart from your calling. This is the time when the enemy found access to you and your family that led to some of the greatest failures of your life, which are the failures with your family. Even though you see the results of your failures now, you have the promise of the Lord for your children and their children. They will serve the Lord and glorify His name. He who is faithful will bring this to pass.
“Your failures will not continue to be a liability if you lean on the Lord more because of your weakness, but you do have weaknesses. You must not cast down this rod again, and you must lean on Him constantly.”
Again Mark hesitated for a minute as if to let that sink in, and then continued, “Even the least of the shepherds that are raised up from this place will be like David. They will be mighty warriors, mighty worshipers, and they will be great prophets like David.
“They must also have the joy of Enoch. Everyone in these times is going to need the joy of Enoch. Your remorse at your failures must be turned to joy because of the Redeemer who will redeem your mistakes.”
But you must wake up. You are being called to the mountain of the Lord.
— From『The Path: Fire on the Mountain, Book 1』Chapter 14: THE PROPHET, by Rick Joyner
- We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
What is your response?
If you are not a Christian, and would like to become a Christian. Simply say - "LORD Jesus, thank you for forgiving me of my SINs, today I am deciding to follow you. Accept me into your family, in Jesus name I pray. Amen "
「天のお父さんからのラブレター」Father’s Love Letter - JAPANESE(7:06)
イエス様もなさった個人預言 の聖書の実例の解説、現在の個人預言の映像リンク集付き
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note, SNS, WEB上にいる中国の異端のカルト宗教・全能神に関しての注意喚起
・三位一体(トリニティ、the Trinity):正統なキリスト教の教理
・全能神教会(全能神)The Church of Almighty God:中国のカルト・異端。キリストが女キリストとして中国人女性として再臨したと説く。全能神の教祖・趙維山(ジャオ・ウェイシャン 1951年~)は自らを「大祭司」と唱え、大学受験に失敗し精神的に病んでしまった女性・楊向彬を「女キリスト」に祭り上げた。彼女は趙維山の愛人となり、後に妻となる。暴力、洗脳、ハニートラップ、スパイ活動など違法かつ強制的な布教活動を行なう。入会を断る、脱会を希望すると、「護法隊」と呼ばれる実働部隊が出動し、耳を削ぎ落とすなどの残忍行為を行なう。実際に死に至ったケースもあるという。2014年、中国山東省のマクドナルドで全能神信者が布教活動をし、勧誘拒否した女性を店内でモップの柄で撲殺する事件も起こっている。(2014年山東招遠カルト殺人事件)趙維山夫妻は、中国政府から弾圧を受け2000年頃に米国に逃亡している。
フェイスブックグループ「キリストの羊」、フェイスブックページ及びブログ/HP「聖書の部屋」は一見するとそれと分からないが、「全能神」のサイトなので要注意。全能神信者がよくSNSでシェアしている。全能神信者は、人種(例.中国人が日本人に成り済ます)や性別を偽ってSNSアカウントを大量に作って勧誘活動を行なっている。noteの「高橋 智也」氏(momo125)、「ひで ひろ」氏(biblestudies)は全能神なので注意。