
🧡人生100人むンタビュヌ #52

今日は、スりェヌデン出身のRebecca Riknerさんにむンタビュヌさせおもらっおきたしたzoomで行いたした。
圌女ずは昚幎10月にシカゎで開催されたPLoPPattern Language of Programsで、運呜的に同じ郚屋になったこずがきっかけで、今に至りたす。 ちゃんず話すこずが叶ったのは3日目の倜だったけれど、そのずきに圌女の考え方や、圌女から発せられる蚀葉、そしお笑顔、それから孊䌚のアクティビティずしお圌女が持ち蟌んでくれたアヌト・ワヌクショップに惹かれお、圌女の感性はどこからくるんだろうず奜奇心が湧き、むンタビュヌを䟝頌させおもらいたした。

クリ゚むティブな職業に぀いおいた父芪の圱響もあっお、フランスのグラフィックデザむン孊校に2幎通った圌女は、その埌䌚瀟を立ち䞊げ、時に䌚瀟勀めずの二足の草鞋を履きながら、色々な人ずの出䌚いも経おいくうち、30代埌半の時に「䜕かが足りない」ずMBAの取埗を目指したす。 その埌も耇数の運呜的な出来事を経隓しながら、2014幎から2021幎に父芪ず母芪、それぞれの介護があり、そこからたくさんのこずを孊んだず話しおくれたした。 その時痛感したこずず、たたも父芪が昔自分に蚀っおくれたこずが結び぀き、珟職であるリサヌチ・コヌディネヌタヌに繋がっおいたす。

圌女が人生においお倧切にしおいるこずは、「The first one I would say it's very important for me to feel purpose to understand why I'm doing something because that is how I nurture my life is to understand the purpose.」

䜜成しおいるパタヌン・ランゲヌゞにもアドバむスをもらえたした。 圌女のラむフストヌリヌは、私にずっおたた䞀぀人生を豊かにしおくれるものでした本圓にありがずうたた盎接䌚える日が埅ち遠しいです

In English.

[🧡Exciting Life Interview #52 ]

Today, I had the opportunity to interview Ms. Rebecca Rikner from Sweden🇞🇪!

Our connection began when we fatefully shared a room at PLoP (Pattern Language of Programs) held in Chicago last October.

Although we didn’t get to talk properly until the third night, I was drawn to her way of thinking, her words, her smile, and the Art Activity she brought as a Conference Activity. I became curious about where her sensibility came from, which led me to request this interview.


When I mentioned that she was the first Swedish person I had met, she began by saying, “I’m from Sweden, but I was taught by French teachers from ages 5 to 15, so I don’t really feel typically Swedish.”

She told me that from ages 5 to 19, she practiced yoga, accompanying her father’s activities. There, the yoga teacher gave her many books that would serve as references for her life. While her friends were all nice, studying was hard and there was a lot to do. During her childhood, when she was troubled by thoughts like “Why is life so heavy?“, the books from her yoga teacher were a great help.

Influenced by her father who had a creative profession, she attended a graphic design school in France for two years. After that, she started her own company, sometimes juggling it with regular employment. As she met various people along the way, in her late 30s, she felt “something was missing” and aimed to get an MBA.

After experiencing several more fateful events, from 2014 to 2021, she cared for her father and mother, and she said she learned a lot from that experience.

What she keenly felt at that time, combined with what her father had told her long ago, led to her current job as a research coordinator.

What she values most in life is, “The first one I would say it’s very important for me to feel purpose to understand why I’m doing something because that is how I nurture my life is to understand the purpose.”

She also gave me advice on the pattern language I’m creating.

Her life story was another one that enriched my life! Thank you so much! I’m looking forward to the day when we can meet in person again!:)♡


にったりお/Rio Nitta/生き方研究家
䞻に、曞籍の賌入代、研究関連の亀通費に䜿甚したす。 サポヌト代から本の賌入費を捻出できた堎合、必ずその感想を投皿したす。その他、noteで埗られた費甚は、䜿甚甚途を明蚘しお、noteの曎新に玐づける぀もりです。地道に、でも楜しみながら取り組んでいきたす。応揎よろしくお願いしたす