

#inputを各ステップごとに視覚的体感を想像しながらstep by stepで実行してください

#think and  write in english


ステップ 1: キャラクターの詳細な説明: 主人公の外見、服装、表情、特に<<<姿勢>>>を詳しく説明します。できる限り詳しく説明してください
Good Example: まっすぐに立った主人公は元気なピンク色の髪が肩まで垂れ下がり、その瞳は世界を見つめる独特の光を放っています。彼女の顔は幸せそうな苦しみを浮かべています。
Bad Example: 主人公は女の子です。

ステップ 2: 環境とオブジェクトの詳細: 重要なアイテムに焦点を当てて、環境について説明します。
Good Example: 周囲にはぬいぐるみや捨てられたアルコールの缶が散乱し、部屋のカオスさを引き立てています。彼女の手の届くところにはスマートフォンがあり、イヤホンからは部屋に満ちる微かなメロディが流れています。
Bad Example: 部屋にはものがあります。

ステップ 3: 芸術的なビジョンとスタイル: シーンの芸術的なスタイルを定義します。
Good Example: シーンは落ち着いたカオス感を醸し出すべきで、まるでアーティストの描く熱病夢のように、鮮やかでサイケデリックな色彩で満たされています。
Bad Example: シーンはカラフルです。

ステップ 4: カメラと視点の詳細: 優先視点を指定し、適切なカメラ設定を選択します。具体的な設定値は、現場の状況に応じて適切に選択・調整します。
Good Example: シーンは上から斜めに見下ろす視点からキャプチャするべきで、彼女の世界の概観を提供します。シャッタースピード、絞り値、ISO設定などは、シーンの明るさと質感を最適に捉えるために調整するべきです。
Bad Example: 画像は上から見ます。

ステップ 5: 象徴的および文化的要素の組み込み: シーンやキャラクターの背景に応じて、象徴的または文化的側面を含めます。
Good Example: 視覚的なカオスにもかかわらず、適切な文化的要素が微妙にシーンに組み込まれており、それが彼女の背景や個性をさらに深める役割を果たします。
Bad Example: 部屋には文化的なものがあります。

ステップ 6: 最終的な調整と明確化: これまでのすべてのステップを確認し、さらに調整します。
Good Example: シーンは活気あるカオスと静謐なアンダートーンのバランスを保つべきで、照明は影と深度を強調するために利用されます。彼女のすぐ近くの色彩を強調することで彼女の旅を強調します。
Bad Example: 画像にはもっと色が必要です。

ステップ 7: すべての要素の列挙
とくにstep1 step2の要素はぜったいに抜け落ちが発生しないようにしてください




Step 1: Detailed Description of the Character Our protagonist is a lively middle school girl standing in the bustling streets of Tokyo, exuding an energy that is both childlike and mature. Her hair, a fiery shade of orange that reaches the small of her back, swings freely with every movement she makes. Draped around her is a vibrant pink kimono, contrasting starkly against the modern cityscape and emphasizing her unique charm. A radiant smile lights up her face, her eyes twinkling with a mix of curiosity and wisdom beyond her years. Her stance is upright and confident, shoulders rolled back and head held high, like she's ready to take on the world.

Step 2: Environment and Object Details She stands at a busy intersection where the organized chaos of Tokyo thrives. Neon signs, towering skyscrapers, and a sea of bustling people blend into a vibrant backdrop. Her tiny hand clutches a smartphone, perhaps her only concession to modernity, held high as if she's capturing the spectacle around her. Her other hand subtly holds a delicate paper fan adorned with cherry blossoms, echoing the motif on her kimono and tying her to her cultural roots amidst the urban jungle.

Step 3: Artistic Vision and Style This scene, while steeped in reality, should be captured with an artistic flair reminiscent of traditional Japanese ukiyo-e paintings blending with modern anime aesthetics. The rich hues of the girl's kimono, the neon signs, and the Tokyo cityscape should all be highlighted in a harmonious blend of past and present, traditional and modern, reality and fantasy.

Step 4: Camera and Viewpoint Details The scene should be captured from a low-angle, which would serve to magnify the girl's presence, making her seem larger than life amidst the bustling city. The focus should be on her, making the crowd and the cityscape a colorful blur behind her. The camera settings should be set to a fast shutter speed to capture her dynamism and a low aperture to achieve a shallow depth of field, emphasizing her against the background. An ISO setting that complements the natural light available should be chosen.

Step 5: Incorporation of Symbolic and Cultural Elements The juxtaposition of traditional (the kimono and the fan) and modern (the smartphone and cityscape) is a symbolic reflection of the girl's personality and her roots, bridging the gap between her traditional upbringing and the modern world she's stepping into. It's a nod to the dynamic culture of Tokyo, where the past and the present exist in a seamless blend.

Step 6: Final Adjustments and Clarification The scene's lighting should amplify the contrast between the girl's bright kimono and the shadowy alleyways of Tokyo, drawing attention to her as the focal point of the image. It should also play up the glow from the neon signs, casting a magical, almost surreal glow to the scene. Elements in her immediate vicinity should be brightened, further underscoring her journey into the bustling city.

Step 7: Listing All Elements Specifically, the camera settings could be:

  • Shutter Speed: 1/500 to freeze her movements

  • Aperture: f/1.8 to create a shallow depth of field

  • ISO: 200 to 400, depending on the ambient light to avoid grains and noise

Output in the markdown format:

- A middle school girl with long, vibrant orange hair
- Wearing a pink kimono, contrasting with the modern Tokyo cityscape
- Clutching a smartphone in one hand while subtly holding a delicate paper fan with the other
- A radiant smile on her face, her eyes twinkling with a mix of curiosity and wisdom
- Upright and confident stance amidst a bustling crowd
- Low-angle shot making the girl seem larger than life
- Camera settings: 1/500 shutter speed, f/1.8 aperture, 200-400 ISO
- Contrast between traditional and modern elements in her outfit and surroundings
- Lighting amplifying the contrast between the girl and the shadowy city, casting a magical, surreal glow to the scene



Our protagonist, a young girl with long orange hair, is standing tall with a resolute posture against the Tokyo cityscape.
She is dressed in a pink kimono, with a genuine smile on her face, and her eyes sparkle with curiosity.
The backdrop is a vibrant Tokyo cityscape with neon signs and a mix of modern and traditional architecture.
The girl is clutching a small, well-worn book, symbolizing her cultural roots and love for the city.
The scene is presented in a beautiful anime style, with a vibrant color palette contrasting warm and cool tones.
The shot is taken from a low angle, looking up at the girl against the cityscape with a camera setup that includes a slower shutter speed, an aperture of around f/5.6, and a higher ISO setting.
Traditional and cultural elements like the kimono and the book are highlighted, signifying the girl's connection with her culture.
Final adjustments include managing color balance, contrast, and depth of field to focus on the girl and her attire.
