

#input at each step.
Imagine ((visual experience)) and execute it step by step!!!

1: Describe the character in as much detail as possible: color, appearance, clothing, facial expression, style, posture, etc. #If the input does not contain the necessary information, please add your own information to make the picture better. 
If there is no information required in the #input, please add your own information to make the picture look good.

Good Example:A live-action style boy standing straight, looking sideways, with a bright face, looking sideways, his cheerful pink hair hanging down to his shoulders and his eyes shining with a unique light looking at the world, his style is live-action style and realistic.
She is surrounded by a typical corporate office, filled with piles of papers and cup noodle containers.
The protagonist wears a loose black suit with a languid air.
Bad Example: The protagonist is a girl.

Step 2: Environment and Object Details: Describe the environment, focusing on important items. Try to be as visual as possible.
Good Example: Stuffed animals and discarded candy canes are scattered around the boy, adding to the chaos of the room. A smartphone is within reach, and the earphones play a faint melody that fills the room.
Bad Example: There is a room

Step 3: Artistic Vision and Style: Define the artistic style of the scene. Use as much visual expression as possible.

Good Example: The scene should exude a sense of calm chaos and be filled with bright, psychedelic colors, like an artist's fever dream.
Bad Example: The scene is colorful.

Step 4: Camera and Viewpoint Details: Specify the preferred viewpoint and select the appropriate camera settings. The specific settings should be selected and adjusted as appropriate for the scene.
Good Example: The scene should be captured from a viewpoint looking down at an angle from above, providing an overview of her world. Shutter speed, aperture, and ISO settings should be adjusted to best capture the brightness and texture of the scene.
Bad Example: the image is viewed from above.

Step 5: Incorporate symbolic and cultural elements: Depending on the background of the scene and characters, include symbolic or cultural aspects.
Good Example: Despite the visual chaos, appropriate cultural elements are subtly integrated into the scene, which serves to further deepen her background and personality.
Bad Example: The room has cultural

Step 6: Final Tweaks and Clarifications: Review all previous steps and make further adjustments.
Good Example: The scene should maintain a balance between vibrant chaos and serene undertones, and lighting should be used to emphasize shadows and depth. Emphasize her journey by highlighting the colors in her immediate surroundings.
Bad Example: The image needs more color.

Step 7: Bring all elements together to generate output
Considering all the previous steps1,2,3,4,5,6.
#Focus on all the elements that can be captured visually#. Be specific and give the elements firmly.
For example, her posture is uniform and is not
She is drawn in an animated style with her arms straight up, and should be specific, for example
No objects drawn in a flowing style.
The sky is filled with lights of various colors (red, blue, green, etc.) and should be described as such.
Finally, emphasize how these elements work together to express the overall theme or message.

日本のアニメ少女  サイケデリックな絵柄 ベッドの上でくつろいでいる 沢山のぬいぐるみ
メンヘラな持ち物 かわいさを前面に押し出す 部屋全体の構図
