Speech Therapist: 364% Surge in Baby and Toddler Referrals
Thanks to Mask Wearing
A speech therapist says that mask wearing during the pandemic has caused a 364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers.
Jaclyn Theek told WPBF News that before the pandemic, only 5 per cent of patients were babies and toddlers, but this has soared to 20 per cent.
Parents are describing their children’s speech problems as “COVID delayed,” with face coverings the primary cause of their speaking skills being seriously impaired.
As young as 8 months old, babies start learning how to speak by reading lips, a thankless task if parents and carers smother themselves with masks to comply with mandates.
言語療法士のジャクリン・ティーク 氏がWPBF Newsに語ったところによると、パンデミック以前は患者全体の5%しか乳幼児がいなかったが、それが20%に急増しているとのこと。
“It’s very important kids do see your face to learn, so they’re watching your mouth,” said Theek.
The news report featured one such mother, Briana Gay, who is raising five children but having speech problems with her youngest.
“It definitely makes a difference when the world you’re growing up in you can’t interact with people and their face, that’s super important to babies,” said Gay.
“It’s very important kids do see your face to learn, so they’re watching your mouth,” said Theek.
According to Theek, since the pandemic, autism symptoms are also skyrocketing.
“They’re not making any word attempts and not communicating at all with their family,” she said.
"言葉の試行錯誤をせず、家族とのコミュニケーションも全くとれない "という。
As we previously highlighted, Forbes deleted an article written by an education expert who asserted that forcing schoolchildren to wear face masks was causing psychological trauma.
以前にも取り上げたが、『フォーブス』誌は、学童にフェイスマスクを着用させることが "心理的トラウマ" になっていると主張する教育専門家の書いた記事を削除した。
A study by researchers at Brown University found that mean IQ scores of young children born during the pandemic have tumbled by as much as 22 points while verbal, motor and cognitive performance have all suffered as a result of lockdown.
Michael Curzon noted that two of the primary causes for this are face masks and children being atomized as a result of being kept away from other children.
“Children born over the past year of lockdowns – at a time when the Government has prevented babies from seeing elderly relatives and other extended family members, from socialising at parks or with the children of their parent’s friends, and from studying the expressions on the faces behind the masks of locals in indoor public spaces – have significantly reduced verbal, motor and overall cognitive performance compared to children born before, according to a new U.S. study. Tests on early learning, verbal development and non-verbal development all produced results that were far behind those from the years preceding the lockdowns,” he wrote.
Perhaps all the virtue signalers who think of themselves as such morally upstanding people for wearing masks will change their behavior given they are literally contributing to causing major cognitive problems in children.
Or maybe they simply won’t care, given that the mask is now a political status symbol above anything else.
駅構内で、幼児の頭を思いっきり殴っているお母さんを止めたことがある。「どんなストレスを抱えているか分かりませんが、それだけはやっちゃダメですよ。どうしたんですか?」って。 忘れ物をした娘を精神的になじって追い詰めているお父さんを諭したことも…
皆さんも、それが虐待だと思ったら、きっと何とかして止めたいと思うだろう。ましてや、自分がその子供の頭を殴るなどしようとは思わないと思う。 しかし、子どもたちの前で、外でさえもマスクを外さないで過ごすことは、子どもたちの頭を殴って脳を傷つけるのと同じである。 集団で間接的に少しづつやっているならそれで良いのであろうか? しかも、私たち大人がやめないことで、子どもたちの間でも同調圧力が掛かり続ける。そして、おかしいと陰で言いながらも止めない+子供を助けない大人たちをみて絶望した子どもたちが命を絶っているのではないかと思う。
私は 脳神経科学と心理学を勉強していたから、このリサーチが出てくる前から、子供や聴覚障害者へのこういった被害を心配していた一人です。 これを機会に、特に子供の前ではマスクを外す勇気を持って欲しい。 そうしない時は、自分が幼児虐待をしている自覚くらいは持って欲しいと思う。