
私のアメリカ生活🇺🇸💕  5ヶ月目


街探検/Manitou Springs🌇

11月半ばごろにホストファミリーと一緒に“Manitou Springs”というコロラド州にある街に行ってきました。とても可愛い家たちが立ち並ぶ場所で、主にお土産ショップが中にはありました。街並みも綺麗にライトアップされていてすごく素敵な雰囲気になっていました。子供用のテーマパークもあり、そちらは25セント、50セントほどで乗ることができ、子供にとっても楽しい場所となっていました。日本に戻る前にもう一度訪れてお土産をみて回ろうと思いました。

I went to “Manitou Springs” in November to look around the town. I didn’t know there’s a lovely town near to my house and I remember I was surprised when first time I saw the town. It’s located close to mountains and I felt a lot of nature around there. Also, since we went at night, there were a lot of lights hanging on the trees and it was lighted up. Most of the houses are souvenir shops and I found a lot of cute and original stuffs. There also had some rides for kids and you could ride around 25 or 50 cents. It was classic and lovely town in Colorado and I want to go there again to get some souvenirs for my family before I go back to Japan. 



I spent my first Thanksgiving in my life in the US. It was one of my dreams and purposes to come US since I watched a lot of Thanksgiving episodes from different kinds of tv shows. The day is a celebration of the blessings of the year, including the harvest. Nowadays, mostly spending time with your family and say thank you to them. Since we had Thanksgiving, I also had Thanks giving break for a week and before the break started all of my classes took a pole of favorite Thanksgiving dishes to students. On the Thanksgiving’s day, my host dad’s coworkers came over to our house and we ate a lot of traditional dishes such as mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. I didn’t eat turkey, but instead of that I ate strawberries with pretzels that look like a turkey. We also played some games and watched football. It was so much fun and best Thanksgiving in my life. (That was my first time though lol)


光のパレード/Parade of lights🎄


I joined in parade of lights in Colorado in early December. Basically, it was parade with full of lights for Christmas and there’s marching bands from public high schools played with colorful lights on instruments and walked around the town. I joined in the parade as a color guard from marching bands and we walked a mile. Before the parade started I put my Christmas makeup on my face and put colorful lights and decoration on a flag and all of the marching bands members put Santa hats for the parade. At the parade we walked around the downtown and there’s a lot of people at both sides of the road. I also saw a lot of kids at the road and every time they said “Merry Christmas” or “Wow the flag is so cool”, I felt so satisfied. We played “Santa clause is coming to town” and other Christmas songs while we walking and I also performed with a flag. It was also colder than I expected, but it’s so much fun to join to the last parade with the marching band. 

I will share more my exchange year experience in this account, so if you want to see more, please follow or heart to this❤️
