
私のアメリカ生活 キャンプ編①



First day : The flight was changed 🛫💺

I went to Haneda airport at 6:00 a.m. I said goodbye to my friends on my phone and I said goodbye to my family at the airport. But, I was waiting for airplane almost 5 hours. Why?? Because, my flight was changed and I could go with direct flight to NYC. It took 11 hours to go to NYC from Tokyo. Before that, the flight was planning to go to London then NYC. (It takes more than 25 hours😳) So, we were the first students to arrived to the CAMP place. The mentors (people who already finished the exchange year) greeted us at the airport and we danced traditional American dances such as "Cotton Eye Joe" and " Church Clap". At first time, I was really surprised because we can't imagine to do dancing at the airport in Japan and if you do those things in Japan, you become weirdo, but I liked their mind and confidence and actually it was really fun!! Each room was a double room and I stayed with girl from Germany. I couldn't talk to foreign students at that day besides my roommate because they came to the place at night, but I made a lot of Japanese friends the way come to NYC, so that was really good.

me 🇯🇵and my roommate🇩🇪

Second day : The class started 🧑‍🏫

They divided students into four high school, Blue💙, Green💚, Grey 🩶 and Yellow 💛. And each high school has four classes. At morning, we had a parade for each country and we were running around the university. The class started at second day and I made a lot of foreign friends such as Germany, Denmark and Korean. Also, in the university, they have a Starbucks, so I was talking with my friends on a cozy sofa and drink my first Starbucks in the U.S. We did have a class, but actually it was lecture for studying abroad like how to build good relationship with host family or those stuff. 

My friends😆
First Starbucks☕️

Third day : Volley ball tournament🏐🔥

Third day, we did have a volley ball tournament.  Any students who want to play volley ball could join to the tournament and the others were cheering for the team. We made a poster and everybody wore a high school T-shirt. All high school have a spirit and I felt powerful energy from each school. My high school got 2nd place.

Volley ball🏐

Fourth day : Carnival 🍿🎪

This day, we had a morning assembly and get information about CAMP stuff. Suddenly, the teachers and mentors started dancing! When I saw that, I feel strong connection between mentors and teachers and I knew how much they trust each other. Then, we went to the classroom and took a few lectures. After that, we had a "carnival" and played a lot of games. We also eat three flavor of popcorns and it was really delicious. 

Fifth day : NYC🗽🌃

This day was most important and every students were excited. Because, we could explore the New York City!! We woke up around 5:00 a.m. and we got on the bus around 6:00 a.m. The morning was early, but students could sleep in the bus, so it was really helpful. By the way, I was listening to music with my friend in the bus. At first, we went to the harbor and saw the Statue of Liberty🗽Then we went to 9/11 memorial pool → Brooklyn bridge → lunch (Italian restaurant) → 5th Avenue (Rockefeller center) → Times Square. That was my second time to go to New York, but still it was huge and gorgeous. 

Statue of Liberty 
9/11 memorial pool
Survival Tree
Brooklyn bridge
Times Square

This is the first episode about my camp.
If you want to see more, please follow me🌷
