Because I can not speak English, grammar may be strange. Sorry.
My name is Miyauchi Riko.
I took the entrance examination at Tokyo Medical University.
This incident is a shame of Japan.
They shouldn't have their educational opportunities taken away just because they were born as women.
Japan has to change.
The examination is fair. That's obvious.
I get angry with this unfair evaluation.
Both women and men should be evaluated fairly.
Throw out old old ideas.
Japan has to change......
'Betrayed': victims of Tokyo medical school scandal speak out
Tokyo medical school admits changing results to exclude women
That's so unfair. (╬◣д◢)
wow (。•ˇˍˇ•。)
Oh when I see you holding back your tears my heart breaks...
It is hard for me to be "culturally sensitive" about this particular difference. It just makes me pissed off on principle, and on behalf of all the women who were betrayed by this "silent agreement."
訳)これに関しては「文化的にどうだから」っていうのはありえない ただこの学長に腹が立つし この「暗黙の了解」で裏切られた学生の味方よ
Now I understand why women in Japan are so proud to work un medicine, it's very difficult for men and evento more for women.
Thanks for sharing something so important and interesting with us!
訳)何で日本の女性があんなに医学に進むのを誇りに思うのかわかったわ 男性にもとっても難しいのに女性にはもっと難しいなんて
Wow, imagine how many applicants should have gotten in that didn't. I don't know the laws in Japan, but I would sue that school for discrimination. The people who were in on that scandal should lose their jobs, at the very least.
訳)どれだけの学生がいままで入学できなかったのか 日本の法律のシステムは知らないけどぼくなら名誉毀損で訴えるね このスキャンダルを生み出した人たちはみんな辞めさせなきゃ
I hope those girls and their parents sue the university (if that’s possible there) just awful
That’s terrible to think that women who were more than talented enough have been treated that way. Hopefully it wasn’t widespread but even if it wasn’t, that’s no consolation to those effected. There are a lot of things Japan do better than other countries. This is one of the rare ones they really haven’t.
I am shocked that a Highly technological society TODAY still practices Primitive cultural Rules.
I think part of it is " The OLD guard " trying to hold on to The Male domination Of the wealthy Elite.
The " Lowering of Women's test/application scores IS an illegal act or it should be !
My boss here ( Canada ) is a Woman and it is the most well run efficient business I have ever worked with.
I understand the Large amount of students applying for Medical University and only a few make it But there should be more financial assistance
programs as well as studies into making it a LESS stressful process.
Burnt out students do not become well balanced adults .
訳)いまのこの社会でこんな事があるなんて本当にショック お金持ちのエリートだけ男性社会に認めるって古い考え方だと思う 女性の点数を減らすのは絶対に違法よ (略) たくさんの学生が医学部をめざしていても合格するのは一部だっていうのはわかってる けどでも経済的な支援だって必要だと思う それにもちろんもっとストレスが少ない方法もね 疲れきった学生がバランスの取れた大人になるとはおもえない
This is incredibly unfair and no wonder women don't want to get married/have kids...
It will be their downfall if they can't treat their own females like ppl.
訳)ものすごく不公平だしこんなだから女性は結婚も子育てもしたくないわけよね 女性をちゃんと人としてあつかえないなら日本は落ちていくしかないよね
By denying tomorrow's patients the benefit of the full range of talented applicants, the university has done the whole nation a disservice. Whoever brought this scandal to light is a hero.
訳)才能ある学生をこんなふうにはじくことで、国としての利益をこの大学が減らしているとしか思えない これを公表した人がだれであれヒーローだね
I appreciate the context and background that you covered in this video. Just hearing the news is disappointing as it is, but actually hearing that getting into medical school is a lifelong process, it makes it even more upsetting. Japanese women deserve much better opportunities than what they are being given. Japan! Utilize your intelligent and hard working women- they have A LOT to offer!
訳)この動画でこのニュースの背景がわかってよかった 医学部に入るのには人生をかけた過程があるから もっとがっかりするけどね 日本の女性はもっといろんなチャンスを与えられるべき 知性と働き者の女性をきちんとつかって!
Keep following up on the story.....it has not end yet....you could make a series on this issue and start asking people on the streets like you usually do. also interview female Japanese doctors for their views and thoughts. I want to see more videos on this.
訳)この事件はフォローしていく でもまだ終わらない この問題を取り上げて道を歩いてる人にインタビューしてみるべきだよ それに女性のお医者さんにも これについてもっと詳しく知りたいと思うよ
That's so messed up. I hope something is done about this. I'm sure there isn't much that can be done for the people in years passed, but I wonder if more recent incidents can be rectified. That is so infuriating. I got choked up just thinking about it. I don't know a single person who's worked to get into a Japanese medical school, but you know so many dreams were crushed. And it's so misogynistic. Women can juggle children and a career, and not all women even want children.
訳)ごちゃごちゃだね なにか対策がなされるといいけど 過去の受験者にはもうどうする事もできないだろうけど最近のものに関してはなんとかしてほしいと思うね 考えただけでくるしくなる 日本の医学部に入ろうとしてる人はしらないけどたくさんの夢がくだかれたんでしょうね 女性は仕事と育児の両立ができるしむしろ子供が欲しくない女性も多いのに
That's horrible- I hope things keep getting stirred up and brought into attention... I thought American schools were terrible- but Japanese schools sound like a litteral hell...
訳)これはひどい みんながこれをみて関心を引きますように アメリカの学校って最悪だとおもってたけど日本はその上をいってるみたい
Not sure how litigious Japanese society is, but seems like these women who were rejected unfairly have grounds for a big class-action lawsuit. Not only to recover any money they spent studying, but potential earnings they were denied later in life if they had become doctors.
that's a shame. our little girl will definitely be delivered by a female doc.. or i'll do it myself! i'll wing it
Thank you for shedding light on this topic. I agree with what Yoshiko Maeda said: “Instead of worrying about women quitting jobs, they should do more to create an environment where women can keep working.” It seems Japan is solving their problems in an inefficient way, which doesn't surprise me since overworking contributes to making faulty judgments, conclusions and solutions.
This is very shameful and makes me sad and ashamed myself. I love Japan, but this is a part of Japan I cannot support.
I think its terrible ! Women are not only there to give birth. Im canadian. I know where we figth for egality. It’s “normal” for a women to take a long maternity leave (around a year) but something return to work became tricky. at my first pregnancy, when It’s was turn to come back, they abolished my position, they offer me a other position not the best... the atmosphere was crap. I found a new work. Im a second maternity leave, got a second daughter :), and I will return at my new work in September. Im a little scared but the offer me at my return a better position. Sound really good for this time.
Please let me know if it was not good. I will fix it.