
#46 英文ひたすら書いてみる。IELTSライティングTask2。テーマ→持ち家と賃貸のメリットデメリット。



IELTS( International English Language Testing System、読み方:アイエルツ)

【引用元:IDP IELTS 公式サイト】

Some people prefer to live in a house,

while others feel that there are more advantages to living in an apartment.

Are there more advantages than disadvantages of living in a house compared with living in an apartment?


Are there more advantages than disadvantages~

advantage or disadvantageタイプのエッセイを書きます。


第一段落:再提起  お題の再提起+結論

(再提起)Some folk assert that living in a house is more beneficial than renting an apartment, yet others suppose the opposite. (結論)Although living in a house possesses its negative side, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

第二段落:ディスアドバンテージ  欠点を書いて説明

(欠点)Admittedly, owning a house has one significant downside: it is expensive. (理由)This means that people need to prepare a large sum of money to live in a house. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that a house can withstand disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and fires, making purchasing a house quite risky. (例)For instance, statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan report that the percentage of people in their twenties, thirties, and forties who own a house has declined due to the risks associated with homeownership. In contrast, renting an apartment does not carry the same financial risks, and residents can live without worrying too much about payments.

第三段落:アドバンテージ  利点を書いて説明

However, despite this drawback, there are several merits to owning a house. (利点①)Firstly, when people purchase a house, it is likely to retain its value. (理由)In other words, even though the building may deteriorate, the land still holds property value, making it possible to gain more assets or pass them on to their children. On the other hand, renting an apartment means individuals are merely consuming capital, and the property will not be retained. (利点②)Secondly, people who live in houses do not have to worry about noise. (理由)Apartments are usually noisy, as neighbors are close, and there is only a wall separating different households. Consequently, daily life noises can easily be heard, disturbing people’s daily lives. However, if they live in a house, the distance between neighbors is greater, so they do not feel stressed by noise.

第四段落:結論  お題の再提起+結論

(再提起)In conclusion, whether living in a house brings more benefits is still debatable.(結論) Even though it has drawbacks, being homeownership is advantageous, as individuals who purchase a house can acquire assets and do not have to consider household noise.

