
懐かしき南国の地。ニュージーランド人は陽気で、人助けが大好きな国民性。Nostalgic tropical country. New Zealanders are cheerful and love to help others./DNAマトリクス診断受けてみた。#私のストレス解消法

✨懐かしき南国の地。ニュージーランド人の陽気で、人助けが大好きな国民性。Nostalgic tropical country. New Zealanders are cheerful and love to help others.


What kind of place is Christchurch?

クライストチャーチの観光情報 | [公式] ニュージーランド航空 (airnewzealand.jp)
ニュージーランドの美しい街並み!クライストチャーチの魅力5選 - Tripa(トリパ)|旅のプロがお届けする旅行に役立つ情報 (nta.co.jp)




It's been quite a while since I last stayed...

New Zealanders drink at pubs during the day, and if someone is in trouble, they won't hesitate to call out to them and help them, even if they're a foreigner. The store clerk kindly taught me English (lol) One day, a long-distance bus driver forgot to pick up one passenger, and he said, ``I'm sorry, but I can't pick up one passenger.'' I forgot.'' He asked the other passengers, ``Is it okay to go back to the boarding area?'' No one objected, and the passengers gave him a warm round of applause.

Even in English-speaking countries, they can read the atmosphere on the same level as Japanese people, and even if you say "It's okay" and make a disgusted face, they will listen to you sympathetically until the end.

母の日にホストマザーにプレゼントをあげたとき、ホストマザーは私をハグして「あなたは、シャイすぎるわ。もっと自分のことを話して」と言ってくれたのを今でも覚えています。 信じられないほど感動しました。

I still remember when I gave my host mother a present on Mother's Day, she hugged me and said, ``Tell me more about yourself,'' and ``You don't have to be so shy.'' I remember. I was incredibly moved.

The teachers at the language school are very kind.


``Some of my students are returning to Japan this week, so I'm thinking of skipping all regular classes this week and doing a special project to make memories.What do you think?'' he suddenly suggested.

I also had a philosophy teacher that I personally loved.


Her words resonated with me: ``Before you have a child, you can live the way you want.''But once you have a child, you have to live thinking about tomorrow.''


『DNA占い』LINE診断 | ㈳DNAマトリクスリサーチ (dna-matrix-research.com)
