

The train was late again, which wasn’t surprising considering the fog that had settled over the valley earlier that morning.

A single shoe lay abandoned near the platform edge, its laces tangled like vines.

Cats roamed freely in the alleyways behind the market, where old newspapers clung to damp cobblestones.

Someone had left a half-eaten apple on the third step of the staircase, and it was already starting to turn brown.

Across the street, a man in a blue hat was arguing with a street performer about the proper way to juggle knives.

Nobody noticed when the clock in the town square struck twelve; its chime had been off by three minutes for years.

Clouds shifted in the sky, revealing a glimpse of something bright, though nobody could agree if it was the sun or just a reflection from the glass tower downtown.

A bicycle leaned precariously against a lamp post, its front wheel bent at an awkward angle. In the distance, a faint buzzing sound hinted at an electrical issue, or perhaps a swarm of bees—nobody was entirely sure.

The bakery had sold out of everything except for a single loaf of rye bread, which sat alone on the counter like a forgotten relic.

Emaj7 G#dim Badd11 F#m6
