
If you want to train your eye for design, accumulate knowledge and be objective. センスを磨く方法は、知識を集積することと客観的になること。

This is a book by Gaku Mizuno, the creator of Kumamon and many other smash-hit designs, and it uncovers the misconceptions about "Having a good eye for design".
I personally found this book very encouraging as I'm in the process of learning to transition into the field of design without a visual design background.

Accumulate knowledge. 知識を集積すること。

It says that innovation is not a "technological breakthrough" but "new combinations." Taste is also refined through the accumulation of known information and its combinations. The following three things were mentioned regarding information gathering.

・First, know what "normal" is.
・Experience the unusual and get inspiration from it.
・Talk to older people and learn from their taste.

First, know what "normal" is. まず「普通」を知る。

"Knowing the ordinary means that there are many possibilities to create all kinds of things." I think this was one of the most impactful words in the book for me personally. When we hear the word "good taste," we tend to associate it with a totally new approach before we understand what "normal" is. But the truth is everything starts with the basics. He emphasized the importance of taking the high road, researching what's trendy, and finding common ground. Understanding and analyzing these two things before creating your own output is key for you to be able to expand the range of what you can create and make it better. This is a little off the main topic, but I think it is important to understand that "A smash-hit product is a product that's more like "Oh." than "Wow!" When people see something that is so out of the ordinary, it's difficult for them to understand and appreciate it.

Experience the unusual and get inspiration from it.

The book explains that the unusual doesn't have to be special like a trip abroad, but even a small thing as taking an action out of your daily routine can change the scenery. That made me realized how I was living my daily life within the confines of my habit and missing out on opportunities to accumulate new knowledge. Just by making small changes in your daily life, such as changing the course of your walk or picking up a book you wouldn't normally read, may be able to refine your taste. I'd like to make it a habit to do one thing out of the ordinary every day.

Talk to older people and learn from their taste.

Experience is the best teacher. If sense begins with knowledge, then interacting with someone older than you is a great chance to refine your taste. Outside of work, I tend to spend a lot of time with people of the same generation but I think my world would expand more if I invited my senpai or older acquaintances to dinner and talked with them. I'll do that more often from now on.

Be objective. 客観的になること。

One thing that was mentioned as being just as important as accumulating knowledge is to be objective. It's often said that there is no right answer in design. It seems that successful designers value the importance of verbalizing and communicating objective information even more. It's said feeling becomes a highly accurate output only when it's verbalized and conveyed why it's felt that way to the other person. Certainly, it's a different field, but even in contemporary art, I think that even if something is incomprehensible at first glance, just having a solid verbalized explanation of the concept can increase the value of the work.

If you want to train your eye for design, accumulate knowledge and be objective.
I'd like to refine my taste little by little by consciously incorporating "accumulating knowledge" and "being objective" into my habits. I'll make sure to verbalize what I feel when I look at designs every day, and introduce small changes into my daily life.
