

ポッドキャスト「経営中毒 だれにも言えない社長の孤独」より
エピソード: #2 -85 権限委譲で社長の仕事がなくなった。嬉しいけどちょっと寂しい
配信日: 2024年11月9日午前6時



ポッドキャスト「経営中毒 だれにも言えない社長の孤独」より




  • 自分のための事業を小さく始めてみよう:ブログやECサイトで副業としてチャレンジしてみる。

  • 1日の時間を大切に、効率を意識しよう:仕事を辞めずに、可能な範囲で始められるところからスタート。

  • 目の前の仕事に集中する:今に集中し、自分の気持ちに耳を傾けながら、次の一歩に向けて進んでいこう。



  • 今、何に取り組んでいますか?

  • 力を入れている仕事は何ですか?

  • 次にしたいことは何ですか?

#内発的動機  #0円起業  #副業

Let's savor the present moment while taking care of our own feelings. And let's move forward one step at a time without being hasty.

From the podcast “Management Addiction: The Loneliness of the President Who Can't Tell Anyone
Episode: #2 -85 Delegation of authority has eliminated the president's job. I'm happy, but a little sad.
Delivery date: November 9, 2024, 6:00 a.m.
Realization and realization
In the “0 to 1” and “1 to 10” phases, the necessary roles change, and it is important to delegate to the most appropriate person. Also, although delegation is difficult, letting go can bring new perspectives and make it easier to recognize new possibilities. There are times when our energy is low, but in these times, we should not try to force our interests, but rather engage with the rest of the world and increase our internal motivation, which will lead to better results. The energy that comes from within is what is needed to keep going.
My situation and what I felt
I actually feel that my energy is low right now, and I was wondering how to free myself from the blurring of my mind. I wanted to avoid changing jobs or taking it out on others, but I didn't know how to act. I was frustrated by the reality that I could not actually move even though I understood it in my head.
By listening to this podcast and learning how to “engage with people from other worlds and industries to broaden my perspective” and “increase my input and wait for motivation and interest to come from within,” I feel that my impatience has calmed down a bit and I can see the next step.
Ideas for Action and Practical Insights
Start a small business for yourself: try a blog or e-commerce site as a side business.

Value the time in your day and be aware of efficiency: Start where you can without quitting your job and start as much as possible.

Focus on the work at hand: Focus on the present, listen to your feelings, and move on to the next step.
Questions for your future self
What are you working on right now?
What is the work you are focusing on?
What do you want to do next?

#intrinsic motivation  #0 yen startup #sidelines
