今回取り上げるのは、竹川美奈子さんの『3000万円をつくる投資信託術 サラリーマンのためのインデックス投資入門』という本です。この本は、個人版バランスシートと損益計算書を作ることで自分の資産の全体像を把握する視点を持つことができ、いかに純資産を増やしていくかということが大切だと気づけました。リタイヤまでに3000万円を目標にするというゴール設定が頭の中を整理する助けになり、安心感を得られました。
1か月にどのくらいの生活費が必要か? 把握しておくことの大切さ。
リタイヤまでに純資産を増やす意識を持つこと の重要性。
個人版のバランスシートと損益計算書を作ることで、リスク許容度が見える という新たな発見。
リタイヤまでに3000万円を目標にする提案 はとても具体的。

・ 老後への備えはどんな状況ですか?
・ お金では解決できない、人とのつながりはどんなものがありますか?
・ 今、何をしているときが楽しいですか?
Book Encompasses Money Fears and Illuminates the Future
Book Introduction
Have you ever wondered what your retirement will be like with your current income and expenditures, or whether your savings are really sufficient?
This time, we will focus on a book titled “The Investment Trust Technique to Create 30 Million Yen: An Introduction to Index Investing for Salaried Workers” by Minako Takekawa. This book gave me the perspective to grasp the whole picture of my assets by creating a personalized balance sheet and profit and loss statement, and I realized how important it is to increase my net worth. Setting a goal of 30 million yen by the time I retire helped me keep my mind clear and gave me peace of mind.
Points that made an impression on me
How much living expenses do you need per month? The importance of keeping track.
Importance of being aware of increasing your net worth by the time you retire.
The new discovery that by creating a personal balance sheet and income statement, one can see one's risk tolerance.
The suggestion to set a goal of 30 million yen by retirement is very concrete.
My situation and how I felt
I was concerned about whether my salary would be enough to live on, so I have been recording my monthly expenses as if I were keeping a pocketbook since I was single. However, I was satisfied with just recording and never gave it any further thought. It had been that way for a long time.
However, after reading this book, I am now able to see not only monthly but also yearly income and expenditure, and I feel more relaxed. I have also realized that my perspective has changed dramatically, from “avoiding monthly deficits” to “avoiding annual deficits.
In addition, I had been having trouble figuring out how much money to set aside each month for the future, but the goal of “30 million yen by the time I retire” helped me to think about the amount to invest each month. It was very refreshing to know the approximate maximum loss amount and also to understand my risk tolerance.
Practical Insights
-Know your monthly living expenses and clearly quantify “money needed per month.
-Utilize an automatic savings plan with a goal of 30 million yen by the time you retire.
-Review your portfolio every six months to check your risk and maximum loss.
Questions for your future self
What is the state of your retirement preparedness?
What kind of connections do you have with others that money cannot solve?
What do you enjoy doing now?
#retirement #preparedness #connection