Memorable moment :first joking!!

Recently I annoyed the ability of listening had declined. And this awareness (realization) leads frustration of my lazy personality.
But, today's class encouraged me to discuss something in English without hesitation. Thanks for the today's host who speaks really comfortable speed to listen, I could join every discussion. 
The topic of today's class was "healthcare". Because this topic was close to my interest, I could relax to speak and the host require me to explain something professional related to immunology.

I kept in mind to speak slowly to deliver what I said properly. 
In the beginning, the student explained the pros and cons of alternative medicine. She insisted that the variety of alternative medicine was abundant. though in some cases, the efficacy was exaggerated. 
I agreed with the cons she mentioned, and explained the alternative medicine was like religion in some parts. This efficacy don't supported by accurate evidences. But this medication is accumulation of the wisdoms of ancestors. 
It is sufficient for us to judge whether this medication is reliable or not.

And in my part I demonstrate the difficulty to make a habit of exercise.
As you know, exercise is actually beneficial such as  inhibition of obesity and depression ,forming memory ,and being slim.
I used to be a marathon runner, almost  every day I ran. In that period, the exercise became my routine. However, after I joined lab and engage almost my daytime in research, I don't have any time to run. I understand this is not definitive my heavy (tight) schedule but  my weak belief. In fact, I don't feel need of daily exercise. Of course I understand exercise is beneficial but I owe some burdens. Today's teacher indicate the necessity of discipline. The teacher introduced herself as a primary lazy person. She said even if we making a discipline, there are some obstacles that stands to became a habit.

She asked me have you determine the discipline I answered I feel that discipline leads exercise to duty. This mindset bring me poor person. I have  sometimes experienced this situation. So I conduct exercise as a leisure when I wanna escape busy life. But in these days I'm so busy that I don't have afford to do exercise. Though I worry about current situation where I don't have a habit of exercise, I extend the actual period to restart exercise.
I'm facing some obstacles for a while and I'm supposed to concentrate on solving this obstacles.
