Welcome to "Resonant Salon Sánja"
Madame Sánja
Resonant Healer who gently and peacefully regulates the flow of energy for you and your pets
Madame Sánja has practiced at the bar, later earned abroad her LL.M and at home Ph.D., has studied as a jurist of comparative law.
While suffering from 'unexplained' symptoms, she tried a number of alternative medicine and various methods. Finally, she encountered Bio-resonance therapy, which keeps you fit not only physically, but also mentally and spiritually, by exploring every natural frequencies (wave vibrations) in your body and energy field, to find out and treat the causes of your disorders.
Madame Sánja is a Certified Bioresonance Therapist according to Paul Schmidt Academy in Germany. She also learned Reiki, ancient qigong and quantum healings, so on.
Trusted by many clients with a strong interest in holistic healthcare and pet owners who question their reliance on the conventional pet industry. Despite the physical distance, they report feeling a strong energy.
We are willing to offer you;
🔹 [Remote] Bioresonance Treatment
🔹 [Remote] Energy Healing
These pain-free Resonance Healings do no harm.
Good for everybody, particularly fitting for very sensitive persons, young children and small animals.
If necessary, we offer some optional menu matching Homeopathic remedies or Bach Flower Remedies to relieve pain, trauma, and emotional blocks etc.
Even if you don't have any specific symptom, you can use our services for general health maintenance.
We can also focus on mental health. Bioresonance can help with depression, partnerships, ADHD and other problems.
1. Menu
🔹 [Remote] Bioresonance Treatment 🔹
- Done through a recipient's photo, you don't need to prepare anything yourself while it; just carry on as usual.
🔶 [Trial course]
Only vibration-tuning with pre-fixed programme according to your chief complaints. Included seven-chakra-treatment.
40 USD/ approx.1.5 hour.
🔶 [Treatment course]
1. We look into your vibrations (frequencies) relating to your chief complaints (It takes approx.1.5 hours).
2. We prepare for you a most suitable tailor-made programme according to your chief complaints and the result of the examination (It takes approx.1 hour). Your programme includes seven-chakra-treatment.
3. We send your programme remotely. You will receive this treatment for four times in one run of this course (One treatment takes approx. @ 2.5~3 hour).
4. After the fourth treatment, we'll check-up to see how your vibrations (frequencies) changed as per the programme (It takes approx.1 hour).
299 USD/ one examination, 4 day-treatment and check up
- Treatment interval is typically once a week, but can be more frequently, or can be extended up to once every other week, depending on consultation.
▷ [optional menu for 'Treatment course']
⭐️ Bach Flower Remedies: This therapy is particularly beneficial if your discomfort may be due to your own personality, temperament or emotional issues.
1. We'll find out which of all 38 Bach Flower Remedies fit you by our Bioresonance machine.
2. Your tailor-made programme will include several Bach Flower Remedies that are perfect for you.
3. We let you know our findings, but not in detail what each individual remedy means. Please, find the information about your "type remedy" or temporary "mood remedy" that appear in the results by yourself.
40 USD/ one examination, 4 day-treatment and check up
🔹 [Remote] Energy Healing 🔹
Energy healing also takes place in the unseen realm, however, we are committed to a 'scientific' approach based on the findings of modern science and Oriental medicine.
Energy healing will encourage you to lighten physical and mental discomfort, to erase trauma, other unpleasant memories and negative thinking, or to facilitate a certain relationship, to realise your dreams!
We'll recommend you to choose one of your concerns at one session. Sometimes, it will be completely resolved just after one session. Commonly, your concerns will gradually disappear or realise while repeating this healing several times.
36 USD/ 15 minutes
2. Payment methods
・ Only 《PayPal》can be accepted. Sorry for any inconvenience.
・ Payment is requested in advance, at the time your booking is made.
3. A recipient's photo
・ In photo, the intended recipient must be ALONE, facing forward and at least photographed in the upper body.
・ Attach it to your email when booking.
4. How to contact us
・ Mail to: resonancetherapysanja@gmail.com
・ To avoid getting buried under a mountain of junk mail, please make sure to write [Enquiry] or [Booking] in the title of your email.
We look forward to hearing from you !