
Web magazine 『REALITY Outfit November』 published!

Hello everyone!
I am TOBIKO, a member of the REALITY Community Team.
We are publishing a web magazine with some of your monthly "#REALITY_Outfit" tweets.
The name of the magazine is... well, REALITY Outfit! 😆

Actually, we created an official REALITY Instagram account last year! Did you know about it? We are picking up posts from the Instagram #REALITY_Outfit hashtag too, so be sure to post there if you don't use X/Twitter or Discord!

https://www.instagram.com/reality_app_official_en/ ← Please follow us!

We also started a new X community account, so be sure to follow us!

Thomas and TOBIKO are who usually check out the Instagram account, X hashtags, and Discord channels so we might visit your account and leave a comment or two too…!👀✨
Thank you for always being a part of the REALITY family!

Since 2024 is ending, we updated the REALITY Outfit too, with a new design and adding a brand new community to it: the REALITY Feeds posts!
Check out the updates and let us know how you feel about it😌💖

Without further ado, here is the REALITY Outfit 2024 November cover!

Congratulations, Miraki, for being November's cover!
Miraki's solid background color and pose were a perfect fit for this new design, but we do have others prepared too so keep sending your posts because you might be the next one!

Latest Issue

Check out the latest published issue here! 👀

⇩Web Magazine REALITY Outfit (International)⇩

⇩Web Magazine REALITY Coordinate (Japan)⇩

#REALITY_Outfit , calling for new fashion tips!

We are looking for your favorite coordinates and recommendations!
Please post your favorite coordinates with the hashtag #REALITY_Outfit ✨.


Don't forget to share your outfits with us, you might be one of the selected members of next month's issue too!
We're looking forward to your fashion tips~
