


「He started drawing two towers here before 9/11 (the September 11 terrorist attacks), and ``I had a strong premonition that something was coming.''RADIOHEADの記事で2つの塔について書いていますね」



洋楽離れ止めたい ロッキング・オン山崎氏挑む新フェス


2025年1月2日 5:00 [会員限定記事]


I want to stop Western music from leaving Rocking On Yamazaki's new solo festival

cover story

January 2, 2025 5:00 [Members-only article]

Music festival operator Rocking on Japan (Shibuya, Tokyo) will hold a new Western music festival, Rocking on Sonic, at Makuhari Messe (Chiba City) on the 4th and 5th. It has been a while since it has been pointed out that the younger generation is moving away from Western music, so why is Rocking On, which has been holding Japanese music festivals for many years, now holding a Western music festival? I asked Yoichiro Yamazaki, editor-in-chief of the music magazine ``Rockin'On'' and the producer of the festival.
