🔑2005年6月6日、米国ニューヨークでの『ハウルの動く城』のプレミア上映会に出席した鈴木敏夫プロデューサー(左)と宮崎駿監督。(写真:Bryan Bedder / Getty Images)🔑
The main character is an 18-year-old girl named Sophie. She is transformed into a 90-year-old old woman by the Witch of the Waste and sets out on a journey. As they walk through the wasteland, they come across a gigantic structure that grows legs and moves in front of them.It turns out to be the castle where Howl, a beautiful wizard who is rumored to eat people's hearts, lives. It is a love romance centered around.
2004年の劇場公開当時、アイドルグループ「SMAP」の一員として絶大な人気を誇っていた木村さん。なぜ彼がハウルの声に選ばれたのでしょうか? その経緯が『ロマンアルバム ハウルの動く城』(徳間書店)に書かれていました
「第一声で『この少年(ハウル)はね、星にぶつかった少年なんだよ!』と意味不明な説明をされまして……まったく理解できないまま「わかりました! よろしくお願いします」と(笑)」
The first thing he said was, ``This boy (Howl) i…
The first thing he said was, ``This boy (Howl) is the boy who was hit by a star! ”He gave me an incomprehensible explanation...I couldn't understand it at all, but I said, ``I understand! Thank you very much.'' (lol) ``
(I saw it last night too.Actually, it's the first time I've seen this movie in my life.
The music is really antique and nice)