

優れた映画やドラマを表彰する米国の第82回ゴールデン・グローブ賞の授賞式が5日(日本時間6日)、米カリフォルニア州ビバリーヒルズで開かれ、ドラマ「SHOGUN 将軍」で主演とプロデューサーを務めた真田広之さんがテレビドラマ部門の主演男優賞に選ばれた。日本人俳優が同賞に選ばれたのは初めて。


The 82nd Golden Globe Awards, which recognize outstanding movies and dramas, was held on the 5th (6th Japan time) in Beverly Hills, California, where Hiroyuki Sanada, who starred and produced the drama ``Shogun'', received the award. was selected as the Best Actor in a TV Drama category. This is the first time that a Japanese actor has been selected for the same award.

SHOGUN also won the Best Picture Award in the TV drama category. Anna Sawai became the first Japanese actress in 44 years to win the Best Actress award in the same category, and Tadanobu Asano won the Best Supporting Actor Award in the TV category, making the film a total of four awards.



