荒谷翔太は、 「ベッドタイムサウンド」が特徴な福岡出身4人組ホームメイドバンド、yonawoのヴォーカルとして2019年メジャーデビュー。すべての楽曲のソングライターとして活動してきたほか、King & Princeへの楽曲提供やandropの楽曲に歌唱参加するなど、音楽家として活動の幅を広げている。
It has been decided that former yonawo member Shota Araya will release his second consecutive 3-month single "Ai Kotoba" on May 15, 2024 (Wednesday).
Shota Araya made his major debut in 2019 as the vocalist of yonawo, a four-person homemade band from Fukuoka that is known for its "bedtime sound." In addition to working as a songwriter for all of his songs, he has expanded his activities as a musician by providing songs to King & Prince and singing on androp's songs.