#Bankisha will be broadcast tonight at 6pm...
▽New light for “cancer treatment”? Professor Yamanaka explains
Masu interviews the forefront of “iPS research”
▽The reason why incidents of indiscriminate killings occur frequently in China
▽Are there any changes to MVP Otani's "behind the scenes" program production?
Will “dual wielding” be revived? Points pointed out by experts
#Shinya Yamanaka #Ryogo Matsumaru
#Yoshitada Otsuka #Sato Kondo
人工多能性幹細胞(じんこうたのうせいかんさいぼう、英: induced pluripotent stem cells[注 2])は、体細胞へ4種類の遺伝子を導入することにより、ES細胞(胚性幹細胞)のように非常に多くの細胞に分化できる分化万能性 (pluripotency)[注 3]と、分裂増殖を経てもそれを維持できる自己複製能を持たせた細胞のこと。2006年(平成18年)、山中伸弥率いる京都大学の研究グループによってマウスの線維芽細胞(皮膚細胞)から初めて作られた。
Synthetic pluripotent stem cells (English: Synthetic pluripotent stem cells [Note 2]) are ES cells (embryonic stem cells) by introducing four types of genes into somatic cells. pluripotency that can differentiate into a very large number of cells [Note] It was first created from mouse fibroblasts (skin cells) in 2006 by Shinya Yamanaka's research group at Kyoto University.
iPS cells in regenerative medicine