🍓今日夕方6時〜 #otoajito は・・・#Penthouse のベーシスト #大原拓真 さん🍎
6人組ツイン“リード”ヴォーカル・バンド、Penthouseが好評を博した昨年の東京公演に続き、今年はビルボードライブ横浜に登場。パワフルな男女ツインボーカルを軸に実力派メンバーが繰り広げる、スタイリッシュなサウンドで熱い視線を浴び、今年はバンド史上初のホールツアー【Penthouse ONE MAN LIVE TOUR 2024 "Tapestry"】を成功に収め話題に。11月6日には待望の2ndフルアルバム『Laundry』のリリースを控えており、今後の活動からも目が離せない。Penthouseファンクラブ会員とClub BBL会員へむけた、「日常をおしゃれに彩る音楽」を探求し続ける彼ら、、、
Following last year's well-received performance in Tokyo, Penthouse, a six-piece twin "lead" vocal band, will appear at Billboard Live Yokohama this year. The talented members are excited by the powerful twin vocals of a male and female, and their stylish sound attracts a lot of attention.This year, the band's first-ever hall tour [Penthouse ONE MAN LIVE TOUR 2024 "Tapestry"] will become a success. The long-awaited 2nd full album “Laundry” will be released on November 6th.
I'm also curious about the rooftop (lol). In a short movie, Hayato Sumino says that there is some music that is modeled after Mozart. I've been looking into it for a few days now, but I don't really understand (lol)
Spotify Japan rapidly rising chart✦
Please listen to it a lot.
thank you! !
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@SpotifyJP #Spotify
Nonsense people(笑)
I tried singing the new song “#Nonsense”
#Penthouse #I tried singing