
🌹from rehearsals, first solo show tonight in Christchurch NZ🌹


📸 @DRoncione x.com/i/web/status/1…

Oct 2024

Wed 23

Wolfbrook Arena


New Zealand


Fri 25

Spark Arena


New Zealand


Sat 26

Spark Arena


New Zealand



(I think this is an interview during the coronavirus pandemic.)

"I don't feel comfortable sharing anything about my personal life. In general, I have a problem with quantity issues. Certain moments of the day can be very And then there's the fake profiles, the haters who say things that aren't even true without taking any responsibility, the need to express opinions and pretend to be journalists, etc. There are other issues that baffle me. It seems silly to comment on something all the time. But maybe I'm an over-reflective person."

わが国が最初の流行封じ込め策を開始して以来、ダジャナ・ロンシオネと彼女のパートナーであるレディオヘッドのフロントマン、トム・ヨークは、しばらく住んでいるオックスフォードでも同じことをするのが最善であると考えた。 「私たちは何が起こっているかに適応しようと努めましたが、安全に家を出ることができる気がしなかったので、政府が正式発表する前に自分たちで隔離しました」とダジャナさんは電話で、落ち着いたリラックスした声で文章を発音しながら説明した。あたかも台本に照らし合わせて自分を測っているかのように、立ち止まってため息をつきます。 

Since our country began its first outbreak containment measures, Dajana Roncione and her partner, Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke, thought it best to do the same in Oxford, where they have been living for some time. Ta. "We tried to adapt to what was going on, but we didn't feel like it was safe to leave the house, so we quarantined ourselves before the government made an official announcement," Dajana said. spoke over the phone, pronouncing the sentences in a calm, relaxed voice. I stop and sigh, as if I'm measuring myself against a script.


We hope this is the right opportunity to build a stronger identity and reestablish our goals and values. I think this is the only moment when we can make fundamental changes at all levels, but that will only happen if we continue to stand together and show that we have a conscience,” Dajana said. added, signing an appeal launched by various stakeholders and scientists. Newspapers such as Le Monde and La Repubblica emphasized the importance of committing ourselves to small but major revolutions rather than returning to the status quo.

(🌹🌹🌹This dignified and sublime appearance🌹🌹🌹)
