
⚓️in 大船渡⚓️


 #あん肝 だらけの#あんこう鍋 に🍲

#猪鍋 という概念🐗


#Monkfish liver full of #Monkfish liver🍲

#The concept of boar hotpot🐗

#Fukuman Shokudo




Mizusawa singing trip to Iwate and Ofunato for the first time in 5 years

Ever since I first visited Ofunato 13 years ago, I have seen how the city continues to live thanks to the power of its people, and as I continue to lose myself in the midst of these changes, I have come to form many thoughts.



I also remembered that after the last live performance with Ichi-san and Toshiro-kun in Mizusawa five years ago, we continued to perform during the lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, and now that I'm back here singing, I'm so excited that rock hasn't gone down yet.

Thank you for connecting with positive people and respecting the people involved in live music venues.

#大船渡 #kesenrockfreaks

#水沢 #ライブハウスbackstate




