


Yokohama City Fire Department, Headquarters Division 3, Command and Control Officer. Previously, he worked at a bank, but for some reason he took the firefighter recruitment exam and passed. After working in the field for two years, he requested a transfer to the headquarters section. Among the fire control centers, there was a house fire in the past, and we called 911. I feel that I was helped by the voice of the air traffic controller who responded to the call, and I want to become an air traffic controller who can make the caller feel at ease.

エマージェンシーコールは英語で「emergency call」といいます。略して「EM」と呼ばれることもあります。

緊急電話に関する英語表現には、次のようなものもあります。emergency phone、an emergency phone call、emergency telephone、urgent call、 urgent phone call。

